Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1694: Isn't this Nima just running away?

"Nears, are you really going to Cangxueshan Star Field?" Liu Fan was still a little unbelieving.

"I lied to you," Niles said, "I'm one of the ten kings of the Cangxue Mountain universe, and I'm also a famous figure in the Cangxue Mountain star field."

"Well, I believe it." Liu Fan said.

The next two of them negotiated and decided to ride in a spaceship.

There is a special space-level spaceship at the exit of the extraterrestrial battlefield. Just like a bus, you only need to pay an immortal stone to go to any star domain you want.

The two boarded the spacecraft and found that there were still a lot of people inside, nearly a thousand people, and most of these people retreated from the extraterritorial battlefield.

"Liu Fan, what are you going to Cangxue Mountain Starfield?"

"Uncle Renault is dying. Before he died, he gave me his meritorious points and asked me to exchange a treasure to save his son at the Cangxue Mountain Starfield."

"Renault ..."


"I was right, you are a credible person."

Renault is dead. If it is an ordinary person, he can take this ten million feats as his own.

Liu Fan smiled, not at all.

It takes three months for the spacecraft to reach the Cangxueshan Star Field. Liu Fan has not been idle on the spacecraft and has been consolidating and repairing it.

Then, according to Wang Xing, he wanted to incorporate the gourd into his kingdom of God.

The swallowing gourd itself contains a large world, and if it can be integrated into his kingdom of God, it will be enough for his cultivation to have a huge ascension.

Time passed slowly, and three months passed.

"The Cangxue Mountain Star Field has arrived. If you have friends who go to this Star Field, you can disembark, and the next stop is Longyue Mountain Star Field."

It was repeated three times, but it seemed that Liu Fan and Niles were the ones who disembarked from the Cangxue Mountain Star Field.

"I'm familiar here. On what planet is Captain Renault's home? I'll take you there."

"Bingyuehe Galaxy, Tianmuxing."

"Star of the sky?" Niles stunned, then laughed, "I still know this place, it is within the territory of our Cangxue Mountain universe."

"That would be the best."

The two spoke, and they traveled all the way to the sky.

Unlike Liu Fan's imagination, the sky star is not a major star, nor is the Sarare family.

However, Liu Fan understands that if the Sarare family is a large family, it has not been immortal before, and it will not be impossible to get the soul fountain.

It should be only an accident that Renault can become immortal.

At the door of the Sarare family, Liu Fan pondered for a moment, letting people pass through.

After all, it was Uncle Renault's family, and it was not easy for him to break in directly.

"Liu Fan, this Sarare family is just a small family. The owner is called Hanbury, and only the sixth step of creation is repaired."


About three minutes later, a man should be Hanbury, and walked over with a few people.

"You are ... friends of Lord Renault?"

"I'm not, he is." Niles pointed to Liu Fan. "Why, aren't you Renault's junior, how do you call Renault an adult?"

"This ... Lord Renault just saved my life, not the elders of our family." Hanbury was embarrassed.

"My grass, then Captain Renault is really assured."

"Maybe it was Lord Renault who was forced to do nothing. He went to the extraterrestrial battlefield by himself and couldn't take his son with him."

"Okay, okay." Hanbury immediately felt the breath on Liu Fan.

"Yes, do you know who Renault is?"

"I really don't know. Lord Renault has a life-saving grace for me. He doesn't say, and I dare not ask."

"Then if I tell you that Renault is an immortal god, do you believe it?"

"Immortal ... God!"

Hanbury's feet were unstable, and the whole man was almost going to fall: "Impossible, impossible, you must be lying to me."


Niles and Liu Fan both laughed and didn't explain anything.

All the way to a heavily guarded room.

"You said that the son of Lord Renault is this person. Lord Renault told me when he left and said that he was going to do something very important. He would take care of this person. I thought of Lord Renault's life-saving Grace, there is no rejection. "

Liu Fan nodded and walked in with Niles.

Inside the room, a man with gray hair was lying on the bed, motionless.

The breath of life is sometimes absent.

"Liu Fan, are you sure this is Uncle Renault's son?"

"This one……"

Liu Fan was also embarrassed, and this white hair was a bit inexplicable.

He sat down, went into the man's body with consciousness, and then said, "I probably know what happened. All his physical activities have stopped. After so many years, he is just like an ordinary person. Slowly getting old. But after all, he was the emperor of the realm, and there was a powerful energy to keep his soul from dissipating, so he was half-life and half-dead, like a living dead. But when he recovered, these were not Then there is the problem. "


"That's natural, otherwise why is his hair white, you think."

"Oh, but hasn't his soul broken long ago?"

"This, it's not broken, it's not gone, it's just broken, but there is nothing in his body that can't be understood."

"Broken soul can make his hair white and half dead?"

"My grass ... why are you having so many questions, why is it 100,000. Well, I admit, I just made up blindly, and I don't know what the situation is."

"Your sister!"

At this time, the next Hanbury embarrassed, "Two ... two adults, I heard Lord Renault said that this is inherited, and his son's white hair was inherited from his mother."

Liu Fan froze, and Niles next to him laughed.

Heredity is actually heredity.


When embarrassed, Liu Fan took out the spring of soul.

"Sir, what is this treasure?"

Hanbury wondered.

He looked at this bottle of green stuff, with hair growing next to it, how it felt like Liu Fan had poisoned it inside.

"I don't know, this is the soul spring water. A bottle requires 10 million credits. Even if your Sarare family is ruined, you cannot afford this bottle of soul water."

"So precious?"

"Of course."

Liu Fan looked at the two of them, silently took back the green potion, and took out a bottle of colorless potion: "Sorry, I just got it wrong."

Hanbury suddenly looked at Niles like an idiot, didn't you say you knew him?

"Liu Fan, I'm going to desperately work with you! You're **** intentional."


Liu Fan laughed. This little revenge was really good.

At random, the soul spring water entered the man's body, but a bottle of soul spring water was used up, but the man did not see any reaction.

"My grass, this will not be a fake and shoddy product." Liu Fan muttered, "Nils, are there any fakes sold by the League of God? If you have bought fakes, which department can you go to complain about whether there is consumption? Such as the Association for the Protection of Rights and Interests. "

"It is suspected that the League of Legends thing is fake ... Ha ha, if the League of Gods knows, it will definitely knock you out." Niles hummed.

"Oh, in the event that someone from the League of God comes to your door and wants to hit me, it must be your secret." Liu Fan hummed, and at this time his gaze returned to the man, and he found a layer around him. Bai Guang, "I'm going, it doesn't seem to be a fake. Look at this white light, it has added special effects."

"Special effects ..." Niles was speechless.

After observing for an hour, Liu Fan can see that the soul spring is still effective, but the soul of the man should be really broken, and it takes a lot of time to converge.

Liu Fan was helpless, intending to live in the Sarare family for a while, until the man woke up and left.

"We're staying in your family for a while, don't you disturb?" Liu Fan thought about it and looked at Hanbury.

"Don't disturb, don't disturb," Hanbury hurried.

"Huh, this is the honor of their family," Niles said, but he wanted to stay with him.

That night Niles asked Hanbury to prepare dinner.

"Liu Fan, come and taste this river fish, this is delicious."

"Well, it tastes really good."

"Taste this butter river wine again. Is it different from the wine you drank before?"



So, ten years have passed.

In the past ten years, Liu Fan had nothing else but to accompany Niles every day to eat and drink.

This morning, Liu Fan didn't see Niles. The guy didn't know where he was going.

"Today's meal?"

Liu Fan looked at Hanbury aside and frowned slightly: "It's really interesting, Niles is not here, and the food grade has dropped so much."

Hanbury shuddered and fell to his knees.

"Master, this ... our Sarare family is really unable to maintain the living expenses of two adults. Coming from the two adults, a meal every day is millions of universe coins. As early as four years ago, our family ’s The bottom was shorted out, and then began to sell the industry, and now even the industry has sold seven or eighty-eight ... "


Liu Fan just drank a glass of wine in his mouth and couldn't help but spit it out.

Did the two of them eat the Sarare family and went bankrupt?

At this time, Liu Fan received news from Niles, saying that he had gone back in advance, and invited Liu Fan to visit his site.

"Asshole, isn't this Nima just running away."

Liu Fan couldn't help but cursed, and he already cursed the eighteen generations of Neales in his heart.

You want this delicious food every day, I want you to pay for that delicious food. I thought you paid for it.

Now that I'm full, I'll leave as soon as I slap my ass. It's a shame to be home.

"That, sir ..."

Hanbury looked at Liu Fan. He probably figured out Liu Fan's strength in ten years. Now he only has panic.

"Here, Hanbury." Liu Fan thought for a while, "I will bear my expenses in the future ... Here are two first-order original artifacts, which I seized on the extraterrestrial battlefield. Redeem the family property you sell. "

"Sir, this ..."

"Hold it."

"Thank you very much, sir."

Hanbury was so excited. He knew that these two artifacts were enough to sell one of his family's property, and the other was Liu Fan's intentional reward.

After Hanbury left, Liu Fan also made plans.

Before he leaves, he must go to the site of Niles. Without extorting the two original artifacts of Niles, he will not leave.

This **** is on the battlefield outside the territory. Even the rotten armor of the dead and broken shoes have to be taken off. There are definitely a lot of things on the body. It is enough for two people to eat and wear for ten years, but now he has put him together. .

Now think about it, he paid for the immortal stone in the spaceship. The guy greeted him proactively at the beginning, not just thinking about saving an immortal stone.

The more he thought about it, the more Liu Fan thought it must be like this.

"What the **** are these people? First, there is an old Lai Fire Ape. Here is another old pick. I can't clean up the Fire Ape. I can't clean you, just wait."

Silently muttered, Liu Fan felt better.

It was another three years in an instant. On this day in the man's room, Liu Fan saw the man's finger suddenly move.

Figure flashed, Liu Fan came to the man's bedside.

"Woke up."

Without answering, the man still closed his eyes.

"Pretend, I know you're awake, you can't wake up again, be careful I set you on fire."

"do not……"

The man opened his eyes hard at this time, and then looked at Liu Fan with some strangeness.

"Really like Uncle Renault." Liu Fan looked at the man's face and muttered, "Wake up, just remember what your name is? This uncle did too, and didn't tell me your name."

"I ... what's my name?" The man froze, then lost in thought.

"I'm going, don't pretend that I have amnesia." Liu Fan was dumbfounded. At this time, he remembered what Uncle Renault said, as if he had repaired the soul with the spring of the soul, because the soul was missing, some memory might be lost.

He continued to ask a few questions ~ ~ found that the man really did not know anything, the whole person was like a blank piece of paper.

This is not to lose some memories, but basically to forget all of my previous events.

"That's fine." Liu Fan sighed. "Boy, although you can't remember anything, I still want to tell you that you have a good father, the best father in the universe. His name is Renault, It ’s a third-order superior **** of immortality. You can wake up now, and it ’s exactly what Uncle Renault has traded for life. ”

"Reynolds ..." the man muttered, his face seemed to be in pain.

"Since you have forgotten your name, I will give you a name." Liu Fan thought for a while. "On our planet, Westerners like to use their father's name to name their children. This is a nostalgia. And respect. I think Uncle Renault died for you. Since you have forgotten your name, use Uncle Renault's name to carry on this name and make him famous in the universe. "

"Then I ..."

"Yes, you will be Renault in the future."

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