Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1709: Blood Sale Agreement

? Yin Haojun didn't know Qi Yuan's idea of ​​crickets. He finally injected hundreds of pounds of poison into the body of the snake king.

I only saw the colorful snake body for a while, these poisons did not know what changes had occurred in his body, and his expression was smiling for a while, don't be unnecessarily, and then his face was pale and tears came out.

Qi Yuan gave a few close-ups of the Snake King in a row.

"Are there any poisons?"

Yin Haojun inquired that he always felt that these poisons were not enough. After all, the king of snakes had a length of 100,000 miles. It seemed that the poison was a little scarce.


Qi Yuan shook his head. He was not specifically poisoning people. It was not bad to carry this poison with him, but he also saw the thought of Yin Haojun, so he said, "Relax, the biological poison I made is not General poison, and you should also have heard that some powerful poisons can cause death by a few milligrams, and this one is ten times more powerful than that. So don't look at the snake king's body so long, but it is also enough to poison him flipped."

"Well, go back and give me a few tons."

"How many tons?"

Qi Yuan was startled, his hands were shaking, and the camera almost fell to the ground. Do you really think this is Chinese cabbage, a few tons, a few hundred kilos is good. Of course, if Yin Haojun was going to buy, he wouldn't mind selling so much, Bai Bai wouldn't even think about it, he's not a great person.

"I thought about it for a while. These poisons should still be the poisonous king of snakes. After all, they can become Jinxian's serpents. The soul is already different from ordinary people. Think of a way. For example ... "Yin Haojun said a pause, and he didn't put all his hopes on these poisons.

"Liu Fan?"

Qi Yuan's eyes suddenly lighted, and he understood the meaning of Yin Haojun.

They are the undead white-wing snake king, but Liu Fan can definitely, after all, Liu Fan is already a practitioner of Jinxian level. The practice is still the law of first-class devouring. war. They have also heard before that Liu Fan seems to have fought a battle with the Black Winged Snake King. Although he finally fled, he can also see that Liu Fan is capable of fighting.

At this time, only Liu Fan could go here to rescue him.

"Yes, I thought about it long ago." Yin Haojun said lightly, "But why, if you find Liu Fan too early, we will have a big discount on these gains, and half of them are estimated to belong to him. But it is not good to not find him now , Let's give up a little benefit, or ask him to help, this is the most secure way. "

"Then I'll contact Liu Fan now." Qi Yuan said immediately, they can find Liu Fan over, then they are safe.

Unlike Yin Haojun, Qi Yuan was very sad.

However, Yin Haojun stopped him at this time and showed a smile: "It's not urgent, let's maximize the benefits before bringing Liu Fan over."

"What do you mean?"

Qi Yuan looked at Yin Haojun and showed an evil smile again, how could she feel a little panicked.

This guy must have come up with any bad ideas, it must be like this.

"I want to determine the future pattern of the Viper continent."

Yin Haojun said very eloquently, at this moment Yin Haojun was exhaled with a pretense, making Qi Yuan want to vomit.

You want to determine the future pattern of the Viper continent, who do you consider yourself?

Even Liu Fan couldn't do it.

"Why, you don't believe me?" Yin Haojun hummed. "Forget it, who made us sad? I'm too lazy to hurt you next. You are optimistic about how I do it, and follow me, this time In terms of experience, you need to say that you also need to get a B. As for our task, it has already reached 80. Liu Fan will work hard to get a perfect score. But, if you add I ’m going to do something like that. Let ’s get an extra 100 points. ”

Qi Yuan looked at Yin Haojun and was stunned.


Out of a hundred points, you also get an additional one hundred points, who do you think you are?

Even if Su Yu was here, she wouldn't dare to brag about it.

Yin Haojun, whether Qi Qi believe it or not, went all the way to the White Wing Snake King. The two eyes stared at the small ones, one of them was a little proud, and the other was about to spit fire.

"White Wing Snake King, formally introduce myself, I will be Yin Haojun, a mighty and righteous Hao, a gentleman's prince. Of course, these are not the key points, you can continue to call me the little white dragon in the waves." Yin Haojun said lightly. , Completely ignored the disdainful look of the snake king.

At this time, the snake king is still very proud. He doesn't want to know the name of a ants.

Yin Haojun didn't care, he continued: "You may not have accurately recognized my history, then I will tell you briefly, I come from the cosmic starry sky, a supreme college called the Immortal College. Our The Dean had some insight into the situation in your continent, so he sent us a total of seven people to come and experience it, to check the situation in your continent. At present, we have a good grasp of the situation in your continent. Say, your continent is very valuable to us, especially your viper family. Your blood is the treasure of our strengthening body, and it can directly make our body become a **** body. I think even after our dean knows, Will move. "

The snake king frowned, apparently doubting Yin Haojun's words.

Yin Haojun smiled: "I know you don't believe it, but it doesn't matter, listen to me first and continue to finish. If we obey all these things, the dean will definitely develop this continent, when you are such a high-level viper Blood is the most precious, and you will be imprisoned without saying that you will be killed directly. Don't ever think about getting away. "

The Snake King looked at Yin Haojun disdainfully, feeling that Yin Haojun was sensational and deliberately scared him.

He is the King of Snakes, who will be his opponent when he resumes cultivation.

"I know that you have the third-grade cultivation of Jinxian, but your slightest revision is also the king on this continent, and if you leave this continent, you will not know how many people can destroy you. Not to mention Our college is here, and our dean can find your continent from the depths of the vast space, and you do n’t think he has the power to destroy you. To put it more directly, even if the dean shots through the air, he can take you with one finger This continent is slumped, and you will not even have a little resistance to it, and you will only be obedient to death. You look at me like an ant, and our dean looks at you, why not? "

Yin Haojun said very disdainfully that the Snake King's strength was arrogant.

"So you should actually thank me, because what I have to say next will be enough to save your Teng snake family." Yin Haojun sat down and started to enter the topic, this is what he said to settle the Viper continental pattern, "So On behalf of the college, I would like to sign an agreement with your viper family, to give you a blood donation ... No, it should be called a blood sale agreement, so that what should be blood flow is a very gentle process. Make changes. "

Sell ​​blood?

Donate blood?

When Qi Yuan heard this, his eyes were already clear.

He knew that Yin Haojun was really awesome. He would have arrested the viper and seized blood, and if it was changed by donating or selling blood, there would be no sacrifice at that time.

By that time, not only will the prestige continue, but also a steady stream of viper blood.

It's nothing but how long this brain grows.

Having figured this out, Qi Yuan somewhat understands what Yin Haojun meant. If he succeeded, their experience this time is said to be doubled and modest.

At this time, the snake king was very aggressive, and he didn't know what it meant to sell and donate blood.

"Do n’t understand yet, it ’s actually very simple. In our Commonwealth of the Earth, there is usually obligation to blood, and this can be considered a very glorious thing. Now, as long as your viper family is willing to donate blood each year, how much blood you donate, everyone Set a standard, we will come regularly to collect it in the future, and at the same time will bring you something as a reward for blood donation. Like immortal stone and immortal crystal, you are very barren here, but our college's asset management department, these are already piled up. You do n’t have any decent practice exercises here. Otherwise, a serpent like you lacks a practice method that can imitate an adult. Secondly, there is another powerful practice method. You do n’t just have to practice this. Maybe it ’s already a perfection, or even a great perfection. ”Yin Haojun did n’t have any bragging elements this time, but what he said is true.

"Specifically, whether to sell blood or donate blood, you decide, it's just a means of publicity." Yin Haojun said lightly, watching the snake king apparently lost in thought. He knows that the King of Snakes still didn't believe him, but this doesn't prevent him from considering it conveniently. If that step is really reached, that college really wants their blood. Is this the best solution ~ ~ Now you can take me seriously or be fake, but let's take it as true. If so, would you like to sign a blood sale agreement with me? Yin Haojun continued, "If this agreement is true, it can take effect. If it is false, it will be invalid. "

"How about you, dare you sign?"

"Dare you?"

"I think this is your last retreat. It is only good for your Viper clan, and even the resources you sell for blood can make your Teng snake clan a big clan in the universe. But if you lose this opportunity, you will come to the city in the future. , Your viper was cramped, and when you think about it, you wo n’t have such a chance. At that time, you were a sinner of the Teng snake family, cursed by hundreds of millions of vipers, and you were restless every night. ”

Yin Haojun finally said that his words made the King of Snakes frightened, as if it would really be the same day.


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