Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1711: You will have no friends like this

? Mother, turned out to be mother.

Apparently Qi Yuan did not expect that the Black Wing Snake King would be the mother.

In this way, he seemed to understand why the White Wing Snake King could live to this day. There were two snake kings on the mainland, and they had been in peace for so many years. It turned out to be a male and a female.

However, it was too miserable to see the White Wing Snake King. He couldn't beat others and was forced to dye his wings white.

What's the point, you can't beat others, how can you go to others.

This is probably his biggest heart disease.

What wings are dyed white, it can be called humiliation, which is mainly blocked by the mother snake. This is the biggest humiliation.

Therefore, the White Wing Snake King made this request decisively at this time.

"That ... it's a misunderstanding. Who would have thought that the Black Wing Snake King was the mother? Say he wouldn't be your dream lover. It's really evil, you have been hard-fought all these years." Said, "You wait, I promised you this request, by that time you must destroy that bite snake and send it to your bed to make you feel good."

"You are not allowed to say my little flower like this." The black-winged snake king was angry, saying that his little flower was a base snake, that is to insult his goddess. If he can stand up, he must fight hard with Yin Haojun.

"This ... I understand now. The Black Winged Snake King is not cheap at all, but it is you who is really cheap. But who gave the name Xiaohua, how does the lyrics sing? There is a girl in the village called Xiaohua who looks like Good-looking and kind, with big beautiful eyes, thick and long braids ... "Yin Haojun sang proudly when he saw the plan was successful.

But Qi Yuan, who was next to him, couldn't bear to look directly, and couldn't help but said, "What little flower, that's Xiaofang, Xiaofang!"

Yin Haojun said, "It's the same, it's the same."

Next, Yin Haojun and Qi Yuan watched the White Wing Snake King sign a blood sale agreement and began to contact Liu Fan.

"Brother Liu Fan, brother, god, Brahma ... answer the phone soon."

"Well, no one."

"It won't be asleep."

Yin Haojun said, and Qi Yuan couldn't bear to look straight. You confirmed that Liu Fan would not strip you alive after hearing it.

"Xiao Fanfan, it's time to get up and pee."

Yin Haojun said again, at this time I only heard ‘嘀’, and there was a reply there.

Liu Fan's voice came: "Yin Haojun, believe it or not I tear your mouth."

Yin Haojun was frightened. Others were really not afraid. When others said this, he felt that it was scaring and scaring him, but if it was changed to Liu Fan, it would be different.

"Hey, Liu Fan, the weather is good today." Yin Haojun said, looking up and looking in the face of the Snake Palace. Where can I see what the weather is outside, this is all a matter of faith, but who cares. So where are you, once you get to Viper Land, you won't see anyone. "

"Fighting with a big snake, still healing." Liu Fan replied.

"Healing?" Yin Haojun was speechless. He could see that Liu Fan should not be injured this time. "How is the recovery now? I have a big deal here to discuss with you."

"Big sale?" Liu Fan frowned.

"I have signed an agreement with the White Wing Snake King. This agreement will be sufficient to determine the future of Viper mainland, but now, we lack a strong person to perform this matter. As your captain, you are so Bright and savvy, I think it's the most appropriate way for you to execute. "Yin Haojun said, and first gave Liu Fan a big hat.

You are the captain and this is what you do.

"What on earth do you need?" Liu Fan said slowly after a moment of silence.

"Help one snake to another snake and complete the mating of the two snakes ..." Yin Haojun was still talking. There was already a blind tone over there. Liu Fan hung up the phone directly. He could guess that Liu Fan was at the moment. Thought, what and what are these, do you think I am a three-year-old child, and help one snake to another snake, just for fun?

Yin Haojun was embarrassed, and Qi Yuan beside him was already laughing.

Let you wave, make you pretend to see, if Liu Fan doesn't hit you, what else will you do next.

Still pretending, and still smashing, let's take a stone and hit our own feet.

Yin Haojun sighed, feeling that she owed too much, no matter what Liu Fan was doing, it was OK for another person.

After a minute, Yin Haojun dialed Liu Fan again, but the other party directly refused, he called again, and the same, later dialed over and found that he had been blacklisted by Liu Fan.

"My grass."

Yin Haojun was dumbfounded, still carrying the same.

We are classmates.

If you want to be so absolute, even if there is something wrong with my expression, you can't pull me out.

"That ... I'll come." Qi Yuan said at this time, dialed Liu Fan's number, and there was a reply immediately.


"Liu Fan."

The two read each other's names and finally got the numbers.

"That ... Liu Fan, there may be something wrong with Yin Haojun's statement just now. I'll tell you things again, don't leave me alone." Qi Yuan said, and originally said things again, and After listening to Liu Fan, he found that it was really what Yin Haojun said.

"Liu Fan, you heard me, I didn't shake you." Yin Haojun said at this moment, "Hurry up and lift my blacklist, you will have no friends like this."

"Don't talk nonsense, I can help you, but what can you give me?" Liu Fan thought for a moment and asked.

Although he is already a golden immortal, he has the entire Brahma to feed, and the lack of resources is not a little bit.

It is natural to talk about the conditions at this time.

Yin Haojun was not surprised by this, but to say that he promised Liu Fan a lot of conditions, it would certainly not be possible: "We are classmates, shouldn't it be necessary to help each other, talking about money and conditions hurts feelings."

"If you don't talk about it, you're hurting money."

"Well, what do you think of the three snakes? If it is made into an inner armor, it is certainly not a problem to make a pair of snakes into more than 3,000 inner armors. Even if one sells only a few immortal crystals, this They are all tens of thousands of immortal crystals. In three pictures, that is almost 50,000 immortal crystals. This is a great wealth. "

Qi Yuan was aggressive on both sides. The two made so many snakes shed, and Yin Haojun, the dude, only took out three pictures.

"Stop three, I want half of your total."

"Go dreaming."

Yin Haojun immediately said, even Qi Yuan hummed.

Why should the two of them get half of the snake off the ground?

"If you don't do it, I'll go back to the college now and hand in the task directly, and then find someone else to do it. Let's take a break." Yin Haojun resentfully said, "Half, don't think about it, and give you a quarter at most."

"The deal."

Liu Fan's voice came with almost no pause.

"My grass, I was fooled."

Yin Haojun thought for a while, then immediately reacted, and immediately regretted it.

Qi Yuan was also speechless.

But Yin Haojun turned to look at him at this time, and said lightly: "Let ’s say half to half, you don't want to leave me alone, unless you don't want to add your own name to this plan."

Qi Yuan suddenly felt dumbfounded, it was nothing to do with me.

But Yin Haojun said that if he let him out, he really couldn't help it. After all, for this credit, he really wanted a share.

"It's not finished, is it only snake shedding? You can get snake shedding, you must have copied the treasure house of the snake king, shouldn't there be only such a thing in the treasure house of the snake king?" Liu Fan's voice came.

"What else do you want?" Yin Hao was anxious, and the quarter of the snake had shed his blood.

"Give me three flowers." Liu Fan said lightly.

"I'm sorry, it's finished." Yin Hao's teeth were itchy, and you guys didn't come here, you really know everything.

"Did you finish it?" Liu Fan shook his head. "It seems that you really have lotus roots. I want three. Don't say anything else, I don't know you yet."

"You are cruel, and you have been deceived again. But three of them are not available. I will give you at most one." Yin Haojun thought for a while, he had nine, anyway, it was nothing to give one, but it was all money. Still let him some bleeding.

"Two." Liu Fan thought for a while, not excessively persecuted Yin Haojun.

"Deal." Yin Haojun resentfully said.


"There's nothing else," Yin Haojun said angrily. "If you want it again, it's a robbery."

"I'm talking about snake blood. After the snake king donates blood, I want 30%." Liu Fan thought about it and continued.

"Three percent?" Yin Haojun pondered.

"Promise quickly, 30% is not much." Qi Yuan immediately said, urging, feeling that Liu Fan was really generous this time.

As long as Liu Fan has 30%, there are still 70% left. By that time, even if Yin Haojun wants 40%, he can share 30%.

This is perfectly fine.

"Do n’t you have the brain? The agreement was signed. How could the blood donation of the snake king be concealed? I do n’t know what it means for the seeer. The first part must be handed over to the college, and the remaining part Liu Fan must be 30%. At that time, Ye Ying did not give them away. Unless you can hide them, they will definitely be desperate for you at that time. So, the remaining 70%, we have six people, how do you think? "


Qi Yuan nodded, and when a group of jealousy came over, it was almost impossible to get out.

Yin Haojun snorted at this time: "Liu Fan ~ ~ You want a little more than 30%. In this way, I have an idea, this idea is what I came up with, you take 25%, and I take 2 It ’s half, and this guy from Qiyuan has done something to give him 20%, and it ’s also a face for the science and technology society. The remaining 30% is for the remaining people. ”

"Okay." Liu Fan had no objection, which was pretty good for him. "You wait at the Snake Palace, I'll pass right away."

"Good." Yin Haojun and Qi Yuan answered.

Then Yin Haojun's face showed an evil smile: "Liu Fan, Liu Fan, one foot high and one foot high, you want two and a half of the snake king's blood, I will take 30% off before I say."


Qi Yuan froze, and the snake king was stunned when he looked at the large syringe in Yin Haojun's hand. This is a foul.


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