Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1733: Stop acting, I don't know you yet

The beacon was shocked to see Wang Xing, he was shocked by Wang Xing's confidence.

At this time, he thought about the strength that Wang Xing showed before, and immediately his heart trembled. I would not go beyond this king's existence.

Alas, wait, that is, the military does not agree. Whatever matters to me, as long as I return to the office, I will join in a hair.

"President Wang, I will sue you for your request, but if you disagree with it, then I can't decide." After the fire monkey figured it out, there was no pressure in my heart.

"Okay." Wang Xing nodded and said nothing.

Either the military department agrees or disagrees, I control you.

Now the strong man who exceeds the realm of the Lord God can't enter the Shenhe River, who can do anything to immortal college.

I ca n’t do anything with the military, and now Xianxian Academy really does n’t have the strength of a rigid military, unless it is now possible to recruit Hongmeng and Linmeng as teachers in the college.

At that time, there were two cosmic gods sitting in the town, and the military did not dare to treat them.

But at that time, the Xianxian Academy could control the decision of the League of God, let alone become an army alone, even if it dominated the entire flood field, no one dared to say anything.

"President Wang, that ..." Fire Ape pondered for a moment, and felt that Wang Xing had put too much pressure on him, and wanted to leave.

"General Fire Ape." Wang Xing said slowly, he thought of one thing, which might prompt the military to agree to it, "when you sue up, by the way, bring the word," Honghuang "comes from the word Earth."

After listening to the bee ape, she was a little dumbfounded.

What do you mean, I know the flood, the fifth largest battlefield outside the territory is named flood, it is already a well-known thing.

强调 What do you stress about this?

Is it?

The fire ape remembered something, and then the whole person was bad.

He didn't think of anything else, it was just the origin of the famine battlefield, as if they had been unfavorable in the war, especially in the defeat of Yingzuiya. During the class, the 122 main gods of the sixth order of the Immortal Realm were killed, and the strong man who killed more than a hundred master gods called the fifth largest extraterrestrial battlefield ‘flood’.

As a result, the name of the flood battlefield.

王 Now Wang Xing mentioned this, which is definitely meaningful.

The beetle ape is now stupid and understands quickly. He didn't understand what Honghuang meant before, but just felt that it gave people a sense of vicissitudes.

王 Now that Wang Xing said that these two words originated from the earth, he simply told him that this is the name of our earth ’s human beings, and the strong man of the earth ’s human beings, there is no need to think about it, it is definitely a person from Xian Academy.

I think about that time again, it seems that it is the time when Liu Fan went to the extraterritorial battlefield.

He didn't dare to continue thinking for a moment, it would not be the strong man to protect Liu Fan, and then do it.

Wait, if that's the case, wouldn't he have been aware of Liu Fan's things for a long time.

I'm going, it's not easy for me to be alive now.

I thought for a moment, the fire ape had been sweating a lot and felt like walking in hell.

世界 This world is really crazy.

"you understood?"

Pluto looked at the fire ape, smiling and not smiling, but the fire ape only felt that smile was a bit scary.

"Understand, I understand, Immortal College is indeed Immortal College." Fire Monkey said, at this moment he already thought of the military's response at that time.

At first, the mysterious strongman shot, and suddenly killed 122 main gods of different races.

The military ministry has already determined that this strong man has a practice beyond the realm of the Lord God, at least he should be a **** king.

Walking outside of the Shenhe River, the God King in the Shenhe River cannot come in. That God King is an invincible existence and can completely control the situation on the flood battlefield.

If he knew that the strong man was a member of Xian Xue Academy, he could figure it out with his buttocks. Those **** in the military department would definitely agree that Xian Xue Academy would be an army for the strong man to participate in the war.

Those in the military department are super realistic.

They only recognize strength, others don't even recognize their aging mothers.

"Seeing you understand, I'm assured. Then, Mr. Green Emperor will take General Fire Ape to visit the academy." Wang Xing continued, "General Fire Ape, you first rest for a few days in our Earth Federation, waiting for God There is a reply from Meng, and you should leave no later. "

"Okay, okay." Fire ape nodded.

I left Wang Xing's office, and Fire Ape took a deep breath, but now he hopes to leave the Earth Federation as soon as possible.

But there was no reply from the League of God, he really couldn't get away.

"Pit goods, no ... General Fire Ape, didn't you lead the Red Flame Army in the extraterritorial battlefield, why did you come to our academy?" Liu Fan asked immediately after leaving, and the emperor beside him couldn't help laughing. Arise, are you guilty of changing my mouth here? This **** is called, you really don't regard the fire ape as a master god.

"Well, don't mention it, after the Battle of Yingzuiya, the Red Flame Army was almost dead. The key is not knowing which **** are nonsense outside, saying that our Red Flame Army is a famous cannon fodder army, which led us to Red Flame. The army could n’t recruit anyone, but it was hard to recruit a few people, and before they got to the battlefield, they ran almost. In the end, I could n’t go to the military department to ask for someone, but those people in the military department did n’t dump me at all. But I Who are the fire apes, they don't fling me at once, I will go again, and have been doing this hundreds of times ... and then the **** arranged this for me. "Fire apes said at the end, a bitter tears, then It was exactly like being squeezed out of the military.

Qiu Liufan couldn't help laughing, you deserve it.

Let you die, every time you give an army of one million people, in the end can be almost completely overwhelmed by you.

Is that nonsense, is it really the truth?

的 The red flame army commander of you, the death rate is the first in all the legions, if you are not the cannon fodder, who else is.

Others are not willing to join the Red Flame Army, but it is too normal, but if you go, it is equivalent to death, who dares to go.

It ’s okay that you did n’t get the reputation before. Now it ’s bad, you can recruit talents.

"Liu Fan, don't say this anymore. You see that I have spoken so much for you in front of your dean, I owe you something ..."

"You're embarrassed to say, that's a good word?" Fire Monkey didn't even mention this. Liu Fan would run away whenever he mentioned this. "Did you regard the dean as a three-year-old child or me as a three-year-old child?" , But also exhausted all the resources of the college to train me, you are pushing me into the fire pit. If this word is passed, I can be beaten by other students at night. "

额 "Huh?" Fire Monkey was stunned. "Aren't you the best student of Xianxian College? But you have only practiced in Jinxian Realm in less than a million years."

"The best student ... I'm haha, who told you this?" Liu Fan gave the fire ape a look. "A lot of people are better than me. Don't believe me, ask Teacher Qingdi?"

The Beacon looked unconsciously at the emperor.

Emperor Yun Qing thought for a while that although Liu Fan was excellent, he didn't break through to Jinxian Realm in the shortest time.

The word “” is a bit too exaggerated, and it is easy to make people angry.

I saw the emperor nodded, and the fire ape was not good.

It took less than a million years to break through the realm of Jinxian and become an immortal deity. It is not even the best. What kind of college are you?

What about the other students who are more powerful than Liu Fan, are they all evil?

"General Fire Ape, don't talk about this anymore. Go, I'll show you around the academy." Qingdi smiled, "As for Liu Fan, you can also accompany you."

"OK." Fire ape and Liu Fan said at the same time.

"General Fire Ape, where you are now is the university department of our college, the so-called university department, all the students in it are Jinxian realm, which is the immortal realm outside of you. In addition to the university department, our college also has a high school department. , Junior high school and elementary school. "Qingdi introduced, and this visit is actually just a brief tour, because there are many places related to the secret of Xianxian College, certainly can not let the fire ape enter.

I spent more than an hour, and the fire ape walked around and watched the flowers of Xian University College.

I stood at the end of the university and looked at the vast sea of ​​clouds.

Beacon's consciousness has been extended, but after finding that his consciousness has been extended for countless light years, he still can't touch the end.

"Where is it?"

The beacon pointed, which is the area behind the university department.

"There is an unknowable place in our college." Qingdi thought for a while. "You also know that students in our college's university department can graduate to the level of the main god, but after the university department, in fact, they are there Where to learn. "

"What?" The fire ape was startled. Students in your college and university department had to practice to the level of the main **** before they could graduate, which is horrible enough.

There is still an unknowable place, so what is this place?

Isn't that saying that whether it is a teacher or a student, all of them exist above the realm of the Lord God.

Hey wait, is your college really so powerful?

I don't study much, don't lie to me, you are just a college outside of Shenhe, isn't it a little too bad?

"Yes, as you might think, it can be said to be the holy place of our college. Only by entering there can we find the deepest knowledge in the universe. My dream is to graduate from university one day and enter there to practice." Liu Fan Looking at it, it was full of longing for now.

"Are there anyone out there now?" Fire Ape asked a little tentatively.

有人 If there is someone, does it not mean that it may be God King, Supreme God, or even the legendary universe God.

This is really scary.

How come this summer, the whole body is cold.

"Guess." The Qing Emperor smiled mysteriously at this time, and the smile gave the fire ape an extremely affirmative answer.

"I'm going ..." The fire ape's face changed slightly, this college is really terrible.

"Well, I will continue to visit the academy with General Fire Monkey. The next thing we are going to is the high school." The young Emperor laughed, regardless of the fire monkey in the chaos at the moment.

Uh ...

I have been visiting the academy, and the Marmoset was arranged to live on Mars.

The first time, the fire monkey contacted the military.

"Leader, I have a major discovery, which is enough to detonate the entire universe. The Earth Federation I am in now has a fairy college here, which is really ... too terrible. The dean of the fairy college, his cultivation is It must have transcended the realm of the Lord God. I do n’t have any secrets in front of him. I feel that he wants to kill me, just need to move his thoughts. And you know what, Honghuang ... How did Honghuang come from? It was from Earth people. I deliberately checked the writings of Earth people. My grass turned out to be true. One of them was called "Tianhuangxuanhuang Universe Flood", so at that time, one hundred and twenty-two were killed. An alien **** is definitely a member of the Immortal Academy ... "

"Tianxuanxuanhuang universe floods?" The head of the army read, feeling quite charming.

"Yes, the key is that there is still an unknowable place in the Xianxian Academy. All the people in it are beyond the realm of the Lord God."

"Unknown Place?"

"Legion of the legion, yes, that is the holy land of the Immortal Academy. I think there may even be super strong in the universe and **** realm."

"Ha ha……"

The MMP in the head of the puppet army for a while, when you are me an idiot, there will be a super strong in the universe and **** realm outside the Shenhe River.

Are you the decoration of the universe?

And with just two words, what do you think of the immortal college that killed the one hundred and twenty-two alien gods?

Are you not thinking? I believe it.

"Say, fire ape, in the end, what benefits did you receive from Xianxian Academy?" The commander of the army said, he knew Fire **** the **** best. He praised Xianxue University so much that he definitely received the benefits, and did n’t know the promise. What condition?

This pit, this is a handy thing to do.

Prior to that, he had extorted a lot of benefits elsewhere.

"Receive benefits, no?" Fire Monkey shook his head and carefully flipped through his space ring. In addition to extorting Liu Fan's things, where is the benefit of a dime.

Hey you, this is an injustice, you treat me as a fire ape.

I entered Xianxian College, but I didn't even drink a sip of water.

Suddenly, the fire ape exploded.

"Don't play anymore, I don't know you yet," the chief of the regiment said impatiently.

"My grass, I really didn't get any benefit this time, all I said was true."

"Oh, what conditions does Xianxian College offer?"

"They want to be alone and not under the jurisdiction of the military." Fire Ape blurted out.

"Look, you can speak it out." The commander of the army reluctantly said, "However, this condition is a bit too much. This army alone is not under the jurisdiction of the military department, except for those big forces, but no one has this privilege.

"Captain, the conditions are true, but I really have no benefit, I swear."

别 "Don't swear, you can take your benefits, but you have given me a problem."

"I repeat, I really forfeit the benefits."

"Oh, even if you take it, I won't ask you to see you nervous."

"Okay, I'll take it. Is it okay to take it." The fire monkey completely defeated, really speechless, this time he felt that he was more injustice than Dou'e.

Why no one believes when I tell the truth, why?

Isn't he so trustworthy?

"Isn't it okay to say that earlier, but this condition of Xianxian College is too much, otherwise you would give the benefit to them ..."

"If my **** can retire ... wait, what can I retire?"

"Well, I can't retreat." The leader of the regiment looked a little embarrassed, and said after a while of silence, "The military department can never agree to immortal college to form an army alone, otherwise other forces will have to be independent, too. It ’s a mess. But you have benefited from others, and now you ca n’t retreat, then you have to compromise. I can give Xian Academy a privilege. Within my 7th Army, they can be free of the army and no one. Jurisdiction. You ask Xia Xian College if it is possible ~ ~ If so, let them arrange for people to come to the extraterritorial battlefield. "

"Isn't that the same? Xianxue College should agree." Huo Zi thought for a while, "Okay, then I will tell Xianxue Academy, and you will also prepare a contract for me, otherwise Xianxue College will not believe it." . "

"Okay, it will be delivered within ten days." Then, the commander of the army quickly cut off the communication.

At the same time, Liu Fan is also busy among the immortal colleges.

He first came to the immortal Xiandao and begged: "Teacher, can you help me flatten someone, and his wife doesn't know that?"

Feng Fengyun held on without fear. He saw Liu Fan gritted his teeth and wondered: "Who?"

"The fire ape **** who came to our college today."

"Yes, but you have to ask more members of the Brahma League to take my course."

Xi Simon didn't ask the reason at all, and he just agreed.

That fire ape, he was still sure.

Qiu Liufan nodded: "Okay, then you wait a moment, I'll go to find some teachers in the Yuan Dynasty, Luo Jinxian Realm."

Ximen was dumbfounded, and he was looking for a few people. How much hatred do you want? Are you afraid that you won't kill that fire ape?

Uh ...

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