Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1836: Disgrace, voluntarily withdraw!

Brenton couldn't help but scream: "Aligan, what are you doing? You are the genius of the Desolate Temple. We are all warriors. You don't even have the courage to fight with others. You dare If I quit, I will ask the Lord of the Temple to expel you from the Inner Temple. "

Others also looked at Arigan, with sympathy and contempt.

Alligan's face was ugly, but he soon became firm and said: "Brenton, this lunatic is not your choice now. If he is following you, if you don't quit, the **** body will be beaten down and you dare. Do you say such a breeze? The body of the **** collapses, and you don't want to break through for 100,000 years. I will not be able to gain a foothold in the temple without the expulsion of the temple master. I came in for a medium thousand world fruit, but a medium thousand world fruit At the very least, it will allow me to break through 10,000 years in advance, but now 100,000 years ... Hehe, how do you say I should choose. "

Alligan is righteous, this is the best option for him.

Brenton gritted his teeth: "The desert warrior, would rather stand dead than kneel alive, you succumb to Liu Fan now, and that's what will happen in the future."

Ariegan chuckled: "I only know that there is hope for life, and nothing is left when I die."


"When I go back, I will apply for withdrawal from the inner temple myself, without asking you to ask the Lord of the Temple."

Then, Arigan directly inspired the teleporter to leave.

Everyone looked at each other.

From a personal point of view, they have to admit that Alligan is justified, where a world fruit is more important than the integrity of their body.

But from the perspective of the whole force, it is absolutely not allowed to abandon your companions and escape.

"Very good, seven."

Liu Fan licked his tongue, staring at others like a snake: "Do you still want to quit now? If you want to quit, it is still too late to quit."

No one answered, after all, it was impossible for everyone to be Alibaba.

Brenton gritted his teeth: "Liu Fan, don't pretend, you have withstood the attacks of so many of us, your **** body must have been damaged. Then continue to fight, we will be able to fight your **** body collapse."

The others also nodded silently. Liu Fan has been attacked by them so much that nothing is impossible.

Liu Fan sneered: "You're right, my **** body was damaged, but what about it, before my **** body collapses, I can still break the seven or eight of your **** bodies. You said Who should I choose? You, or you? "

With Liu Fan's gaze, many people were panicked.

Liu Fanhaha laughed: "Waste, a bunch of waste."

This is the third time he has said that everyone is a waste, but this time no one dares to refute it.

Compared with Liu Fan, they are indeed waste.

Liu Fan saw that no one was willing to quit voluntarily, knowing that they were all lucky, and felt that Liu Fan might not choose himself.

Liu Fan snorted, his figure flashed, and he yelled, "Since you can't decide who to quit, I'll help you choose."

Then, he punched a nearest man with a punch.

The man saw that Liu Fan chose him, but could not help but step back millions of miles, but Liu Fan followed closely and drew six punches towards him.

The man gritted his teeth to resist, catching Liu Fan's three punches and quickly spurred the teleporter to leave.

Others took the opportunity to launch another attack on Liu Fan, flew Liu Fan out, and spit out blood.

"Wastes, come again!"

Liu Fanqiang endured the severe pain in his body and attacked again.

At this moment a sword appeared in his hand, which smashed the opponent's armor, and then punched half of the opponent's body with one punch.

At the same time, everyone again cracked Liu Fan's fourth-order original artifact armor.


Regardless, Liu Fan chose a woman and punched out the woman's defense with a punch, then smashed the woman's arm with one palm. Just as the woman wanted to excite the teleporter, Liu Fan flew out to pierce the woman's chest, punching a crack in her kingdom.

The woman was so angry that she had to opt out, and Liu Fan didn't let her go.

The others were trembling, scared by Liu Fan's madness.


Liu Fan said that he tore off his second fourth-order original artifact war armor, and then replaced it with a third-order original artifact war armor.

His two original artifact warframes were completely broken, and the benefit was to eliminate a whole ten people.

Ten people agreed with Su Yu.

Liu Fan grinned: "If anyone wants to quit, as long as there are two people, I can voluntarily quit."


Hearing that Liu Fan came to lobby again, at this moment even Lan Li didn't know what to say.

To tell the truth, two people quit to exchange for Liu Fan, they are really willing.

"I, I'm willing to quit ..."

A weak voice suddenly sounded. It was a woman in the Cosmic Arena: "I was damaged before, and I wanted to quit ..."

Hearing this, everyone frowned.

Although I didn't know that the woman was intentional, she still wanted to quit, but there was already a person because Liu Fan was about to quit.

Langley pondered for a moment and looked at a man: "Stad, is your **** body okay?"

Stud understood for a moment.

He was a little sorry at this time: "Not only did I damage my body more than forty percent, the kingdom of God was also severely damaged, and I can no longer fight."

The meaning was too obvious, and he was going to quit.

Liu Fan couldn't help laughing: "Okay, good, then I'll go out with them."

Everyone looked at Liu Fan, only feeling deeply ashamed.

Liu Fan was gone, and at the same time they were eliminated by a total of twelve of them.

Su Yu received the last news from Liu Fan, knowing that the overall situation had been set, and the remaining people could not turn out any more waves.

Because even if the remaining people are united together, nothing can be changed.


Three days later, Su Yu met Okan in the Cosmic Arena.

"Su Yu, our Cosmic Arena has no intention of enemies against the Immortal Academy. Everything is self-righteous by Bagley. Now there are still three of the seven people who follow Bagley in the Cosmic Arena. Patriarchal cooperation. "

Okan said, at this moment is also inexplicable.

When we came in, everyone was full of confidence ~ ~ I felt that my side was the final winner, but in the end, who could think that Xian Academy, which has not been optimistic, has control of everything, and still has absolute advantage.

"Oh, that's best, but what about your conditions?" Su Yu said lightly.

"Give ... Give us five Zhongqi World Fruits in the Cosmic Arena." Okan gritted his teeth, and although they all opened their mouths, he said it.


Su Yu hasn't spoken yet, Kirri has sneered: "What do you want, Okan? We won't give you one, and now even if all of you join forces, all the thousands of world fruits are already there We have it. "

Okan was silent. He ignored Kilry, but looked at Su Yu.

Su Yu groaned for a moment, and slowly said, "I can give you four. This is also a good relationship between you and our college in your cosmic arena. But I have a condition. There are only five people left in the deserted temple. Your universe arena has eliminated all five of them. "

Okan froze, then nodded firmly.

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