Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1866: Qin Yan breaks through!

Yes, Wang Xing is attacking the laws of the universe. Only in this way can the laws of the universe have no time to control the operation of the laws of the entire universe.

Only in this way can Qin Yan take the opportunity to break through.

Wang Xing's figure seems very slow, but in fact it has already exceeded the speed of light several times, and it can not even be described by speed at all, because it is already a kind of ability to understand the space to the extreme and manipulate the space to cause itself to shift. One step out of it may be countless distances in time and space. After all, the law of the origin of the universe seems to be in sight, but this distance cannot be measured at all. To attack the law of the origin of the universe, you must have the same degree of spatial control as the law of the origin of the universe.

The law of the origin of the universe is like a burning sun, a burning star.

Even if the law of the universe's origins has come to the end of life, he still has great power, and when Wang Xing came here through nine layers of space, he felt it.

Watching Wang Xing attack him, he was also angry.

Although he is not a real life, he does have his own consciousness, and naturally he cannot allow Wang Xing to attack himself.

At this time, I only saw a black crow flying out of this scorching sun. This crow resembles the legendary three-legged golden crow, and the body is surrounded by a red flame, and the figure of Wang Xing is taken by this crow. Stopped, so he hesitated towards the crow without hesitation. Extremely terrifying fairy power is condensed on his fist. Within his body, countless miniature universes are working, and even the surrounding space and laws are stagnated.


The crow was also in shape and was hit by Wang Xing's punch.

The crow's body turned into flame fragments, but Wang Xing couldn't get better, but his entire fist was burning, and it couldn't be extinguished.

"The ultimate law of fire."

Wang Xing was so horrified that he immediately broke his arm, and then continued to rush towards the law of the universe.

He patted again with the palm of the universe.

Countless miniature universes in this palm have shattered, all the fairy power burst out, and his entire palm has become blood red.

The law of the origin of the universe felt these things, especially when he realized that Wang Xing was approaching him, and counterattack was impossible, so a wall of water power condensed and blocked Wang Xing's attack.

"The ultimate rule of water!"

Wang Xing muttered. He found that all his forces had bombarded the water wall, and all of them had been intercepted.

His power is still weak and pitiful before the law of the origin of the universe.

After all, even if the law of the origin of the universe can only mobilize one millionth of the power of the universe, it is not something he can deal with.

But thinking of Qin Yan, Wang Xing gritted his teeth, but didn't just give up. He thought of his research on energy, and yelled in his mouth, "Change!"

All I saw was his immortal power surging, and it quickly turned into the power of the Law of Water, an energy with exactly the same energy properties as the water wall.

"Go through!"

Wang Xing said in a deep voice, and the energy of the same origin really passed through the shield without any effort.

Wang Xing sneered unconsciously, this shield condenses the power of the law of water, and its different energy attributes will be intercepted, but if it is the same energy, the law of the universe cannot be distinguished.

This is something that he has researched in these years. I didn't expect to use it for the first actual combat. The object turned out to be the law of the origin of the universe.

The original laws of the universe have not yet noticed these, but the energy passing through the shield under the control of Wang Xing turned into fierce fairy power again, and then turned into a giant hand and patted them on the original laws of the universe.


The law of the origin of the universe trembled, and a few large fragments of the origin flew out from the body like the sun.

At this time, the law of the origin of the universe was also provoked.

I only saw the flames of the universe's original law spread out instantly, and burned through three layers of sky in an instant. Under the impact of this terrible flame, Wang Xing couldn't escape at all. The body beyond the fourth-order **** body was also One layer was burned in the blink of an eye.

Because Wang Xing practices the cosmic flow technique, after more than one million years of cultivation, every cell of him is already a miniature universe.

At this moment, I don't know how many miniature universes have turned into fly ash.


Wang Xing gritted his teeth, tore through the nine layers of space at once, and hurried back to the main universe.

At this time, he was obscure and completely immature.

"Star brother."

Leng Shuangning's voice came, and she first felt the breath of Wang Xing.

Looking at Wang Xing at this moment, Leng Shuangning is stunned. She has no idea of ​​how powerful Wang Xing is at present. No one is comparable to the Cosmic God. It is absolutely difficult for an ordinary Supreme God to hurt Wang Xing. . But what happened to Wang Xing now, even the body of God has been damaged to such an extent that he has lost his personality. And she knows that Wang Xing's cultivation has a great relationship with the **** body. The damage of the **** body is the damage of the body cells, the cells are damaged, the countless micro universes collapse, and the strength of Wang Xing will be damaged.

"I'm fine."

Wang Xing said, now that his face has been burned and unrecognizable, and his throat has been turned into a fly ash, and it is impossible to speak.

Leng Shuang, you are crying at the moment, it's okay to be so injured.

At this time, Wang Xing and Leng Shuangning heard the cheers from the goddess of extinction and the screams of many students.

"Breakthrough, Qin Yan, you really broke through."

"Qin Yan, I knew you could do it."

"Senior, you ... you are really great, you win."

"Where is the Dean? Tell the Dean the good news."


Wang Xing looked at Qin Yan's direction, and was somewhat relieved: "Fortunately, everything I did was in vain, he finally broke through."

Frost frosted for a moment, thinking of something.

"Star brother, are you?"

Leng Shuangning said that she immediately looked into the deep space of the universe. She penetrated the dark universe. Although she couldn't face the original laws of the universe through Nine layers like Wang Xing, she could see the original laws of the universe through several layers of space. Shape.

At this moment in her sight, the flames of the universe's original laws were still burning, and the whole three layers of sky were burned with sore holes.

She understood, all understood.

She had previously asked Wang Xing about Qin Yan's inability to break through, and at that time Wang Xing did not conceal it and directly told her.

The fundamental reason that Qin Yan can't break through is the limitation of the origin principle of the universe. But now that Qin Yan can break through the realm, Wang Xing even ventured to attack the origin principle of the universe.

This is simply crazy. She has not heard of anyone who dares to attack the law of the universe's origins. No one can believe it when it comes out.

"Don't look at it anymore, those old antiques have been shocked, and now I must be looking for me, the creator," Wang Xingdao said. "Don't talk about this matter. I want to recover the injury first, at least I can't see people in this way."


Deep in the universe.

Figures came out, these figures were talking to each other, looking for something around.

The nine-story space was searched almost by them.

"Strange, who is attacking the laws of the universe?" A man with a height of tens of thousands looked at the laws of the universe and could not help frowning. "Even if the laws of the universe are collapsing, they can attack the laws of the universe." It will inevitably suffer backlash, who will do such a troublesome thing. "

"It's weird. Is there any reason to attack the laws of the universe?" Another person followed.

"Some people can't wait ..." A voice came, some hoarse.

"Will it be someone organized by the Dark God?" Someone said.

"No matter who it is, but it can come here, it should be a cosmic god, but this cosmic **** seems a bit mysterious. Why did he attack the law of the origin of the universe, why did he leave in a hurry, was injured, or was he "Avoid us?" Said a woman, "but when it was troubled by this person, it would take almost 100,000 years for the second collapse of the law of the origin of the universe ~ ~ But now it should be this century . "

"Does the law of the origin of the universe collapse for the second time? At that time, the fragments of the origin of the universe will be larger, and it is estimated that people can directly become the main **** in one step." Someone groaned.

"At this point, it seems that when this person attacked the law of the origin of the universe, he flew out a few large groups of the origin of the universe. Anyone who merges these groups of the origin of the universe can become a **** king." A vague figure was faint Speaking, but what the God King did to them was actually not worth mentioning.



Qin Yan was really excited to feel the transforming power in his body.

He looked around and wanted to tell Wang Xing that he broke through, that he won by betting, and that he did not let Wang Xing down. But there was no Wang Xing around, and even Leng Shuangning didn't know when it would disappear.

He took a deep breath and knew that he had disappointed Wang Xing before, and in order to make up for it, he had to do better.

He just broke through, but just entered the first level of Jinxian, but he didn't plan to stop like that.

He wants to break through and continue to break through.

As his exercises work, the energy of the Divine Fluid is absorbed by him a little bit, and at the same time, the billions of kilometers around it, as well as the cosmic energy of countless universes, are mobilized and gathered towards the extermination deities.

"Qin Yan student, is this going to impact Jinxian II?"

Yan Le muttered, and the first to discover Qin Yan's intentions, his face was immediately shocked.

The same is true of other students, and it's equally frightening.

I just broke through the realm of Jinxian, and I want to break the mirror again and go straight into the second realm of Jinxian. This breakthrough speed is too terrible.

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