Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1910: Shinto, Under 1

Yao Jie looked back at Wright. Is he so angry?

I am also the one from Star Bank, who just advertised our college to see if I was in a hurry, so anxious to die.

"Wright, I just listened to what you said. There is no one in our Divine Universe? It's a real laughter. Who gave you the courage to make you say such shameless words." Yao Jie said, and looked carefully. Looking at this Wright, there are indeed two brushes. "Have you asked our college when you said this?"

Talking, Yao Jie showed an extremely powerful breath.

Wright couldn't help but tremble.

This breath is so strong.

Yao Jie seemed a bit light, and he waved and calmed down all around: "You thought that killing a few wastes of our God Union universe, you are really invincible in the realm, it is ridiculous. Everyone has always been Think of you as a clown and see the excitement, too lazy to care about you. After all, this flood field is too boring, there must be something to pass the time, right? But I did not expect you to be so presumptuous, so arrogant, so There is no one in my eyes, and I can't stand it anymore. "

Talking, Yao Jie looked at Wright and didn't take it seriously.


Pass everyone time?

Wright's face was gloomy at the moment, which was more than just advertising.

These few words completely obliterated his record these days, and defined him as a play for everyone.

If his eyes can kill, Yao Jie has been killed thousands of times by Wright.

"What are you looking at? Do you believe it? Is that what happened?" Yao Jie said, waving his hand towards the Universe universe.

Suddenly many Confederate warriors responded.

They were called weak chickens by Wright, and they have long been accustomed to Wright. At this time, naturally they must support Yao Jie.

"Yes, you clown, fight with us."

"What an alien **** genius, you are a waste."

"An alien waste, soon start your show, we are ready for melon seed popcorn."


Although Wright knew that this was a coward of the League of Gods, and deliberately satirized him, he couldn't help it.

It's just too bullying.

"you wanna die!"

Wright looked at Yao Jie at the moment, and the killing was amazing: "What's going on, you and I know, if you want to prove that the people in your League of God are not waste, then just beat me!"

Yao Jie Hehe, I'm here to defeat you, otherwise you think I'm here.

Wright's words are exactly the same as Yao Jie. After all, it really makes sense who wins. If he is killed by Wright for a while, these pretense words will only be regarded as shame.

"Defeat you, do you think this is difficult?"

Yao Jie stroked Liu Hai, looking handsome, and then his eyes suddenly became serious: "I really want to defeat you, you are too arrogant, and arrogant know nothing about this universe. "

Talking, Yao Jie's school uniform shone golden light and was very dazzling.

"Roar roar!"

"Kill this alien cub!"

"Fuck him!"

Countless people cheered, and it was like being a gladiator arena.

At this time, Wright and Yao Jie stopped talking, and the two quickly pulled away tens of millions of kilometers in preparation for a battle.


Wright shot first, and he didn't want to delay for a moment.

His speed is very fast, and the three layers of space are torn between movements, and a lot of dark energy escapes, forming a blossoming black refinement.

"Good job."

Yao Jie shouted, and the Xianli in his hand condensed, and Wright, who was approaching, hit countless palms, and the whole canyon was blocked by his Xianli.

Boom boom!

Under the confrontation between the two, the space was split open every inch, and many billions of peaks in the canyon turned into dust.

The cheers were even louder.

Some people have noticed that the head-to-head confrontation between the two is completely equal.

This is just a confrontation of strength, and if the gap between the two is small, then if you want to separate the victory and defeat as soon as possible, you must compete with each other's secret skills.

In immortal warfare, strength is fundamental, and mystery is the key.

A punch was gathered in Wright's hand, and this punch gathered a huge immortal power, and a world like it appeared faintly.

This world, smashed towards Yao Jie.

Yao Jie was stunned and saw the power of Wright. This secret technique contains the power of many laws such as the world and space.

"Sure enough, there were two hits, but unfortunately they met me."

Yao Jie said, watching Wright hit a world that he smashed into, a wave of his sleeve, only to see that the whole void was dim.

Then I only saw that there was a huge cloth bag, and the world that Wright had punched out was loaded up at once, and the sky cleared up, but the world that landed was gone.

"what happened?"

Wright quickly retreated billions of miles away, and he found that the world he had broken was cut off.

He looked towards Yao Jie, only to see that one of Yao Jie's sleeves was swinging constantly, as if there was something in it that was constantly colliding, but it soon completely subsided.

Many people have also noticed this scene, and at this moment are a bit inexplicable.

"What mystery is this?"

Someone muttered, totally unbelievable: "Jiao Jie, a student of Xian Academy, just waved his sleeve, but how did he break the world of Wright's punch?"

Is this really mystery?

I don't read much, don't lie to me.

At this moment, even many **** kings are puzzled. What is this secret technique, the law of space?

That proud of Yao Jie's heart, have been blinded.

What is needed is this effect.

At the moment, Wright looked at Yao Jie very cautiously, and he could easily crack his ‘one-punch world’. He already knew Yao Jie ’s not easy.

This Yao Jie is really strong.

"You used magic?"

Wright thought for a while and thought that was the only possibility, maybe Yao Jie had hidden magic weapon in his sleeve.

Too rude, even a high-level magic weapon broke his secret.

Yao Jie waved at Wright at this time: "NO, NO, NO, not magic weapon, magical power, find out!"

Magical power?

When Yao Jie said these two words, many people whispered.

"What is magical power?"

"I seem to have heard of this word. It seems that in Xianxian Academy, all kinds of perceptions of the universe and various laws are motivated by divine power, which are called supernatural powers."

"Is this magical thing unique to the Immortal Academy?"

"It should be, or have you heard of magical powers elsewhere? This magical powers should be like a line of immortal academy, a special means of attack."


One stone stirs up thousands of waves, and many people are curious about magical powers at this moment.

This supernatural power looks very strong!

Wright took a deep breath. He didn't understand the magical power, but he felt that Yao Jie was the same as him, and it was absolutely impossible to defeat him.

It's just mysterious!

He has a strong heart, so it is impossible to frighten Yao Jie's words.


He rushed to Yao Jie again and wanted to have a close fight with Yao Jie.

However, at this time Yao Jie scratched his head from scratch, grabbed dozens of hairs, and then threw them at Wright, and each hair turned into one.

He fights for each of them, just like dozens of people are playing against Wright at the same time.

"What the **** is this?"

Many people are stunned. They can clearly see that those who changed from Yao Jie have at least half of his strength.

This is already terrible.

Deep in the void, a man is watching all this, and he is a quark.

"Is this the technique of dean's hair incarnation?" He remembered that Wang Xing could pull out a hair to fight to the Supreme God, but his memory was still fresh. That method was really amazing, and now seeing Yao Jieshi showing In a similar way, he felt that it was likely that Yao Jie had learned this magical power of Wang Xing.

Boom boom!

Wright was besieged by so many Yao Jie, he was hit several times in a row, and his blood was sprayed out.

He stepped back tens of millions of miles, so many Yao Jie did not catch up, but looked at each other and disappeared.

"Aren't you a strange genius or a crystal one?"

Yao Jie looked at Wright and wondered: "You won't be impersonating. The genius of this tribe has this strength?"


This strength?

Wright growled, "I want you to die!"

He said, rushing towards Yao Jie again, only to see the countless seals superimposed on his hands, these seals kept falling, and the whole world seemed to be pulled into Wright's world, which he controlled. stand up.

Yao Jie only felt that his breathing was difficult, and his body was pinched by a force.

"Far heaven and earth!"

At this time, he yelled, only to see that his body quickly became larger, and suddenly broke through the canyon, reaching the height of almost one light year directly.

He was like a giant, looking down at the entire canyon.

"Break me!"

He yelled, and punched the world toward the world blocked by Wright.


With only one loud noise, the blockade of the entire world was broken.

It was like the night dome was torn, and the sun shone back on the ground again.

Many people are extremely horrified. What magical power is this? They can make their bodies so big, like a starry beast, which is too scary.

Some people are even guessing whether Yao Jie's body is a star monster, otherwise how big a **** body is.


Wright's mystery was broken, and a spit of blood spurted out.

Many people have some sympathy for Wright at the moment, in fact Wright is already very powerful, but Yao Jie's method is really amazing.

That is, at this time, someone exclaimed: "Look, look, there are two Wrights in the canyon!"

Two wrights?

Many people are still immersed in Yao Jie's huge body, and have not reacted at all.

But now looking towards the canyon, Yao Jie disappeared, and it was weird that two identical Wrights appeared in the canyon.

Even if they used various methods and even the consciousness to continuously scan on the two, they did not find out which was true and which was false.

what happened?

Where did Yao Jie go? It's too evil.

"who are you?"

Wright's face was gloomy, but he knew that he had absolutely no half-brother or something like: "Yao Jie, you changed from Yao Jie, **** it!"

But that fake Wright also said at the moment: "You are Yao Jie's change, you are fake, I am Wright, I want to kill you!"

Even the voice of speaking is exactly the same.

It's impossible to tell the truth.

"You are fake, I am true."

"No, you are fake, I am real, I am Wright!"

"You are fake, you will change back soon!"

"It's your turn back soon, don't pretend to be me!"


"This ..." Abraham discriminated carefully, but he was the Supreme God, but at this moment he could not recognize which was Wright and which was Fake.

Damn it!

"Is this also a magical power?" Yan Yue is full of curiosity at this moment, and this magical power is really beautiful.

"Supernatural powers, amazing superpowers!" Bud muttered.

Many people are also discussing at the moment, they are all shocked by Yao Jie's supernatural power.

Because of this method, it has been fundamentally separated from Mystery ~ ~ This is the supernatural power, is it the unique supernatural power of Xianxian Academy.

"I am going to kill you!"

"I am going to kill you!"

The two rushed together again, desperately fighting.

It is true that Leitsch exhibited his own unique secret technique. Yao Jie naturally did not, but he imitated it in a decent way.

Bang Bang!

The two kept fighting each other, and they fought for an hour, and everyone was dazzled.

"It's almost over."

Yao Jie yawned. He has tried out all the means of Wright. The strength is indeed very strong, but it is still a lot worse than himself.

This time he took the initiative, and the limelight was enough, the college's reputation was also raised, and the goal was achieved.

There is no need to waste any more time.

"You can't win me!"

If Wright was insane at the moment, he would kill red eyes.

Yao Jie smiled at this time: "Poor man, you really think I can't win you, but just to play with you, you really think your strength is on par with me."

Many people heard this, and it was a stun. Is there anything else Yao Jie can do?

It was at this time that Yao Zhuo had his hand, and in his hand a small flying sword condensed by fairy power appeared.

The flying sword was suspended in his hands, and seemed to have terrible power.

"Kill you, actually a sword is enough."

Yao Jie said, the small flying sword in his hand quickly disappeared under his **** and one bullet.

Wright's face changed greatly at this time, he felt his body, and a flying sword did not know when it appeared.

"Do not!"

In his crystal family, his body was composed of small grains, and each small grain was a world, but this small flying sword entered his body, and all the small grains were It's turned into powder.

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