Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1952: Void agreement

Wang Xing couldn't get in, but he still made some preparations,

Like the cosmic gods, even if they can't get in, they will also prepare something for their followers.

There are not many people going to the Xianxian Academy. After all, there aren't a lot of Supreme Gods at the Jinxian level eight.

Qin Yu, Pan Gu, and Che Hou!

Mainly these three people, while other Jinxian Level 6 and Jinxian Level 7, some students will go in.

After all, entering the astral realm, even if it is impossible to win the star source fruit or spiritual inspiration, but there are other opportunities.

Even a lot of chances can let the **** king break through to the highest **** realm.

In the universe, there must be many master gods and **** kings going into danger.

"The astral world has already appeared, and I have felt that there are almost a million channels connecting the astral world. Most of them are in the territory of the League of God, and half of them are in the alien territory." Qin Yu felt it, and was closest to Xian One channel of the college only needs to be moved once.

"The three of you have the highest cultivation, go ahead, the other students and teachers, and then go in a few days." Wang Xing said, now is the time when the Supreme God entered the astral world, the Lord God and the King of God went inward and said, Maybe just to die.

The three of Qin Yu nodded.

At this time Qin Yu's communication watch was on, and Ling Huang invited Qin Yu to set off.

"Go and meet the spirit people first."

Qin Yu said, leaving with Pangu and Che Houzhen.

"Why let Panguo go in?"

Leng Shuangning's voice came, she was still a bit strange, after all, Pangu had not fought much.

Wang Xing smiled: "Why, look down at Pan Gu division, Qin Yu might not be as good as him if he really fought."

Leng Shuangning was shocked, but I couldn't believe that Pangu would be so strong.

Wang Xing shook his head: "The world that Pan Ancient Division has opened up so far is unknown. That axe and axe go down, even if it is an ordinary axe, it has become the most powerful magical power in his hand. If the unopened Supreme God offends He has them. "

For Pangu, Wang Xing knew his strength.

Very strong!

If it wasn't for Pangu's lack of conception to break through to Jinxian Nine, maybe he could break through.


Leng Shuang nodded, and since Wang Xing was so determined, she also believed in Pan Gu's strength.

At the same time, many channels have begun to enter.

The universe, an unknown planet.

"Here it is, this is the place to make an appointment with the spirit clan." Qin Yu pointed to a planet, and at this time he felt dozens of extremely strong breaths emanating, "The spirit clan sent so many supreme gods?"

The three hesitated and headed towards the planet.

"Mr. Qin Yu."

Ling Huang's voice sounded, and at this time Qin Yu had already seen it, behind the Ling Huang, he followed seventeen supreme gods.

Together with the spirit emperor, the spirit tribe dispatched a total of eighteen supreme.

They even include officials of the Lingzu University and four other Lingzu ancestors.

However, Qin Yu looked in another direction: "They are?"

I only saw twenty-one people standing on the other side, and these twenty-one people were all the highest spiritual practice.

There are even more people than the Lings.

The Emperor Ling at this time took the initiative to introduce: "They are the heads of state of the League of Nations, and they are also the forces that formed an alliance with us this time."

Qin Yu knew at this time that the Ling clan didn't just look for the Immortal Academy, but also looked for the League of Nations as a helper.

No wonder!

When it comes to the number of supreme gods, the League of Nations is absolutely second to none.

The leader of the League of Nations, the lowest is also the God King, and the Lord of the Supreme God Realm also has a thousand people, the number of which is absolutely second to none among the major forces, not even the Orc Alliance.

This time into the astral world, the highest cultivation can only be the supreme god, the spirit family can find the League of Nations to help.

"You only have three people from Xianxian College?"

At this time, a man sank in the League of Nations.

The man's body, with two winged bones behind him, looked terrible.

Qin Yu frowned: "What's wrong?"

In fact, when she came, she also saw the loss in Ling Huang's eyes. There were only three of them coming from Xianxian Academy, too few.

Immortal Academy is now the ninth recognized force in the universe, and even the High God can't take out ten people.

The man hummed: "Linghuang, I don't know what conditions you promised Xianxian College?"

The Emperor Ling suddenly appeared awkward.

Obviously, the League of Nations has seen too few people from Xianxian Academy, and its strength is not good. If the conditions promised by the two sides of the spirit race are the same, they will naturally be unbalanced.

"The location of the star source fruit, and twelve thousand world fruit."

Linghuang sighed helplessly and had to say.


The people of the League of Nations all took a breath, regardless of their position, and promised to give the Twelve World Fruits to the Immortal College.

Those thousands of world fruits are extremely precious. The passing of twelve worlds means that twelve **** kings can be cultivated, and only twenty-one of the spirit nations promised to the League of Nations.

They are equivalent to one of them.

"No, you promised too few of us. This is not a temporary change of hexagrams. It is because we didn't even know that there were three people at Xian Academy." The man said decisively that their number was seven times that of Xian Academy, but they got it. The Daqian World actually has eight more than Xianxian, which is too few.

Qin Yu also frowned, this is not a temporary change.

Linghuang was also embarrassed at this moment. Seeing that he was about to enter the astral world, who knew that such a change occurred again.

She thought about how more than ten people would come to Xianxian Academy. Even then, even if the League of Nations knew it, she would complain at most.

But now, only three people have come to Xianxian Academy?

In fact, there are already a lot of promises for the League of Nations for the 21 World Fruits. But people are just like this. They do n’t suffer from unemployed and unevenness. They are naturally dissatisfied when they know the number of World Fruits that they have received.

"Well, although we are three, we are not weak. Why, do you have any opinions?" Che Hou is a bad-tempered man who can't stand the eyes of men.

"Isn't the combat strength weak?" The man smiled. "How many weak ones do you think are going to compete for Xing Yuanguo this time?"

This means that we are stronger, but some look down on Qin Yu's meaning.

Qin Yu also frowned, but it was not easy at this time.

"Spirituals must triple the world promise promised to our League of Nations." The man groaned and said lightly.

Yes, their number is seven times that of Xianxian College. It is perfectly reasonable to have so many world fruits.

Ling Huang's face suddenly changed slightly, three times?

The number of world fruit promised to the League of Nations was twenty-one, and three times that would be sixty-three.

With so many world fruits, it is really necessary to hollow out the house of their spiritual clan.

The Emperor Ling is very distressed, as is the Ling university officer.

"Do you think we have too much college?" At this time, Qin Yu opened her mouth, her eyes were cold. "Anyway, there are only three of us at college, and you don't like it, so let's forget it. Void. "

"Yes, the agreement is abolished. In this way, Xianxian Academy does not require the Ling tribe to have a thousand world fruits." Che Houxi also said coldly.

"Mr. Qin Yu ..." Ling Huang looked at Qin Yu's appearance, and at the moment wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

If the agreement between them and the Immortal Academy is abolished, then the League of Nations will not find any reason for the Spirit to ask for three times as many world fruits.

Qiang's stay in Qin Yu will cause them to suffer heavy losses.

"I have the opportunity to cooperate again."

Qin Yu smiled, but did not blame the Sin Emperor, because if he was at this time, for the sake of maximizing the interests of the spirit tribe, he would also give up the three of Qin Yu.

After all, Qin Yu had only three of them.

The absence of three people and the addition of three people is totally irrelevant.

"Let's go, let's go first."

Qin Yu said, motioning to Che Hou Xun and Pan Gu to enter the passage with himself.

In an instant, the three disappeared.

The Emperor Ling looked at everyone in the League of Nations: "Bonewing Lord, then you will depend on you."

The Emperor of the Spirit no longer mentions three times the world fruit, and the man, the bone-winged nation, no longer mentions it. At this time, he wants three times the world fruit, just to grab it.

They don't dare to offend the spirit tribe too much, after all, the ancestors of the spirit are powerful ~ ~ they still know.

After the three of them went in, there were people in the other two places.

"Master, is the other end of the channel the astral world, then let's rush in, maybe we will find Xingyuanguo."

"What do you think, which is so easy." Xu Ri shook her head. "And you, you have just restored the cultivation of the lower god, and you have to come here to do something, if I meet Dangerous, may not protect you. "

"Master, I'm not thinking that there are treasures in it, maybe there will be the kind that will restore me to the great consummation state all of a sudden, so I want to follow you in and try my luck." The Lion King.

"I haven't even heard of such a treasure, you think too much." Xu Ri said, stepped into the passage, and behind him, several **** kings and supreme who didn't know where to hide, were long at this moment. Relieved.

"The man just had such a strong breath." A **** king whispered.

"How do I feel like that person is a traitor to the ancestors of the sun?" Some people recognized the sun, a little trembling.

The others were silent, and it wouldn't be a surprise if it was really an empty day.

The record of the virtual sun has already spread throughout the universe.


"Get away."

An indifferent voice only saw one entrance, and countless people flew to both sides.

Quark stepped out. He looked at the group of people around the entrance of the passage and sneered: "The Supreme God is in this initial stage. Are you going in now, trying to find death?"

A group of people around him trembled when they heard him.

Yes, it's really trying to die now.

Even if you see any treasure, the Supreme God will do nothing for you.


Xu Ri no longer talks nonsense. If these people still want to die, then come in.

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