Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1962: Fake


A loud noise came again, and the medium-sized universe was directly chopped out of a channel by an axe.

A big Han came out of it, and it was Pangu.

There is a round ball behind Pangu, who is not Xiaobao. At the moment, Xiaobao has the cultivation of the Supreme God.

He broke through, silently broke through, and also entered the medium-sized universe that imprisoned Pangu.

Asa's face was ugly. His magic weapon was made from a medium-sized universe, and he had a spiritual connection. But when Xiaobao entered, he didn't even feel it.

Looking at Xiaobao, he looked dignified.

This chubby guy seems a bit difficult.

"Pan ancient division, you came out just right, so five of us will be 28 of them, basically winning." Qin Yu laughed, "No, but also add a little treasure. Deal with them twenty-eight. "

Xiaobao hesitated, and the chicken nodded.

To count him, this is recognition of him.

"So what are you waiting for?"

Quark can't wait any longer, but he has a deep hatred for aliens. I don't want to miss this opportunity.

Helpless, he was talking about it, but now he really wants to fight, then he can only hold eight of them as promised.

"Do it!"

Qin Yu shouted sternly, forcing them so miserably before, now that the situation is reversed, they will naturally not stay.

Instantly, Qin Yu rushed to the bone-winged kingdom owner with a gun.

At the same time, Pangu hacked at Asa with an axe, in order to revenge the newly imprisoned.

Che Houzhen was not injured lightly, but his combat power was still directly locked to a supreme **** of the Horns, and the ball magic ball Ding Yuanzhu in his hand directly hit the past.

"Haha, kill them upside down."

The quark shouted, and gave instructions in his mind: "The system of the law of the origin of the universe is activated, the law of space is modified, the law of stars is modified, the law of gravity is modified, the law of gold is modified, the law of wood, the law of earth, The law of water, the law of fire, the law of the world, the law of qi ... "

Hundreds of rules were modified by him, and a center of his own law was formed.

In this field of laws, the three alien gods and the three nations feel that their power is weakened, as if they had been squeezed out by the universe.

Xu Ri also looked at Quark with some horror, and he also felt Quark's incredible ability.

"Change the law!"

The murmur murmured that only the Cosmic God had the ability to change some of the laws of the universe, but Quark did so in the realm of the Supreme God, and also changed so many laws at the same time, it was incredible.

Seeing that somebody wanted to rescue the Bonewing State Lord, it was a false start.

"Your opponent is me."

He said, grabbing a force to entangle eight people, six of them were the supremacy of the League of Nations, and two were the supremacy of the alien race.

These eight people only felt that a force had invaded the long river of their existence. To end their existence, they were all horrified at this moment. Where did they dare to rescue, they immediately began to gather their divine power to break free of this power.

Xu Ri said that helping Qin Yu to restrain eight people is definitely not a joke. He now has this strength.

As for Xiaobao, at this moment hesitated for a long time and found that nothing seemed to be capable.

These guys hit too fiercely, he was a little scared.

Forget it, just stay away.

But at this time, someone sent a message to Xiaobao saying: "Little fat man, my name is Qianxie, and I am the leader of the Qianxian universe. In fact, I do not want to be your enemy, but the situation forces me. If I do n’t do it for you, the bone-winged kingdom ca n’t spare me. Now I do n’t want to make mistakes again and again, I just want to get away and leave, and after I leave, the people at Xianxian College will be lighter and have a better chance of winning.

Xiaobao suddenly said: "If you want to leave, just run, what do you tell me?"

He didn't understand it very well, and thought he was inexplicable.

Thousands of evil kingdom helpless: "Think about it. Even if I want to get away, I can't just run away like this, otherwise the ISU is not finished."

Xiao Bao nodded, it turns out that you are afraid of being guilty, no wonder.

"So I would like to ask you to cooperate. Let's take a sham. After leaving the battlefield, I will leave."

"Why should I help you?"

"As long as you help me, I can give you an eighth-order spiritual plant. This is what I found secretly, even the bone-winged lords don't know."

"Eighth-order Ling Zhi?" Xiaobao's eyes turned, and the saliva was about to flow. It must be delicious. "Okay, let's make a decision."

"Well, then I'm here." The Lord of the Evil Kingdom was under attack from Qin Yu at the moment, but turned around and rushed to Xiaobao.

"Good come, look for death!" Xiaobao sang loudly, but greeted him directly.

That horrible momentum surprised Qin Yu.

"Dead fat man, look for death!"

Thousands of evil country masters roared and punched Xiaobao.

Xiaobao was frightened and a little scared ~ ~ This punch seemed a bit scary.

The thousands of evil kingdom masters also reacted to him. With such a great power, in case Xiaobao was killed, several people there did not have to kill him.

After all, the ball in front of him has just broken through to the highest realm of God.

He hurriedly recovered the power, but how easy it was to recover the power, he immediately suffered a backlash.


His fist and Xiaobao's fist bumped into a piece, Xiaobao flew out, and because of the counterattack, Qianxie Guo also spit out blood.

Everyone was stunned, this little treasure punched the blood of the Qianxie Guozhu with a punch, and it was too strong.

"So strong!"

Thousands of evil country leaders said with a look of horror, the acting skills are simply bursting.

Xiaobao is also extremely excited and feels face-saving.

"Dare to mess with me, I will kill you!"

He rushed to the Lord of the Thousands of Evil, and the Lord of the Thousands of Evils motioned to Xiaobao a look to keep him away from the battlefield.

Where does Xiaobao not understand, acting, I understand.

"Dead fat man, I just care about it, come again!"

Thousands of evil kingdom masters roared, and the two of you came and went with me for a while.

Che Houzhen is dumbfounded, this little treasure just broke through, and looking at the battle, it's too sloppy, it's completely a novice, but it can still be comparable to the number three in the League of Nations. .

It's too fake.

The same is true of the people of the Universal Nations, who feel that this is insulting everyone's IQ.

But the two did not care about this, they left the core of the battle after dozens of rounds, and then got farther and farther away from the battlefield.

Qin Yu was a little worried, but thinking of Xiaobao's incredible ability, it was almost impossible for Qianxie Guoshou to kill Xiaobao. Just one Qianxie Guoshang was missing, and their odds were one point higher.

Whatever they do, let them.

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