Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1978: To pass on

Qin Yu can understand the meaning of the spirit emperor.

Although the eight major forces are all people of the League of Gods, strictly speaking, they can only be regarded as those who join the League of Gods.

Under the eight major forces, there are countless small forces, all of which are members of the League of Gods, which is no different from the eight major forces.

The people of the League of Gods referred to by the Spirit Emperor should be people who belong directly to the League of Gods, and do not belong to the eight major forces, nor to other forces.

These people are very low-key and have their own ownership.

Qin Yu is not a little white now, and she also knows some inside information.

There are currently six founders of the League of Gods. These six are the oldest beings, at least with the first beast ancestor and spirit ancestor.

The strength of the six people can even make the Orc Alliance have to yield, which is the foundation of the League of God.

Six people created the League of Gods. Later, the League of Gods developed. They gradually hidden behind the scenes. In the long years, they still cultivated some people, but these people rarely appeared, even if there were no breakthroughs among them When it comes to the realm of the universe, it is still little known.

Yan Yue once told Xianxian Academy that she didn't know how many cosmic gods the Divine Alliance had, and that was exactly why.

The strength of the League of God is hidden deep.

"I understand."

Qin Yu felt that Ling Huang said this to herself, and it was definitely not purposeless.

There must be something wrong with the League of Gods, and their entry this time may not be as simple as capturing the Jianshen and Xingyuan Fruit.

At this time, Qin Yu looked at the distance. The people of the League of God had not gone far. He noticed at this time that the League of God had just entered six people this time.

Six people, six founders?

Is one person representing a founder, interesting?


Everyone went to hunt and kill the star beast, and Qin Yu, Che Houzhen, and Pan Gu also went.

Xuri and Quark decided to work with them. After all, when they encountered a large group of stars and beasts, it was definitely impossible for them to fight alone.

Time passed slowly like this, in a blink of an eye, a month passed, and on average, three stars and beasts were captured over three days to hunt them down. These days, more than two thousand beasts were captured.

With the energy supply of these star beasts, the star source fruit matured at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. Now it is more and more solid, more and more powerful, and everyone is very excited to see it.

And this, Xingyuan has not yet been fully formed.

Seems still early.

No way, everyone can only continue to capture the star beast. During this period, seven Supreme Gods have fallen into the siege of the star beast and finally died tragically.

No one will say anything about the death of these Supreme Gods, and everyone is indifferent.

You want to compete for the star source fruit, to get the opportunity to break through to the universe god, this is the price, and the dead can't be more normal.


At this moment Qin Yan, Xiaobao, and the Thousand Evil Lord finally found a place.

At this moment they were all a little speechless. It turned out that after the little star tree summoned the advent of the star tomb, it continued to hide in the place where the star tomb was called.

Never left! !!

But only those who are fused with real blood can summon him.

"What's going on?"

Qin Yan could not laugh or cry. If this is the core of the control of the Star God's Boat, then this is still outside the Star Tomb and not inside.

No wonder he couldn't find it inside.

Looking at the star tree floating in front of him, the branches of this star tree are all red at this moment, as if blood was flowing on it.

"Qin Yan, are you sure that this is really the core of the control of the Star God's Boat?" The Qianxie Lord still doesn't believe it, which is too incredible. Is it so easy to get what everyone is fighting for?

Anyone who blends with real blood may find this little star tree as soon as he comes out.

Qin Yan shook his head, where he was sure.

The Thousand Evil Lords have some intentions at this moment. If this is the core of control of the ship of the Star God, he has seized this core of control at this moment, who will he fear in the future.

The Star God's Boat is rumored to be able to exert the attacking power of the Cosmic God.

Qin Yan pondered for a moment, and grabbed his hand toward the small star tree. At this time, he only saw the red light from the small star tree. Then Qin Yan felt a pain in his palm, and then he felt that his palm was caught by the branch of the small tree The dry pierce broke, and his blood couldn't help flowing toward the starry tree.

At this moment Qin Yan couldn't do anything to get his hands back.

At the same time, Qin Yan's consciousness was drawn into a strange space, and suddenly a man appeared in this strange space, a man with a star crown, extremely handsome.

Holding a long sword, the man was fiercely empty and was fighting a crystal man.

The crystal men's strength is also extremely powerful. One hit can break through the eight-fold space, but the man is not weak, and even beats the man.

The Clan man gradually lost, and was finally cut off by the man with a sword. At this time, the screen turned around, only to see that at this moment, the battle between the two people turned out to be before the two realms. It turned out to be an endless number of alien powerhouses. Among them was a huge alien powerhouse. His eyes widened. Qin Yan just looked at it and felt that his soul was stagnant.

This scene……

What Qin Yan thought of was recorded in Xingshen's data.

The star **** cut the crystal family Luo and became famous in the first battle. Soon after, the star **** broke into the realm of the universe **** and became the second universe **** of the spirit tribe.

At this time, it should be when the League of Gods began to invade the alien universe, and it has 8,000 epochs.

The picture continues to flow at this moment, followed by a scene, a huge star tree is swaying in the void, and every swing has endless energy absorbed by him, and every time the star tree is swaying, billions of miles of space The stars are swaying, and the 365 million stars above the tree of stars are also swaying ...

That year, the stars were shining.

The starry sky covered the entire universe. This year, the star **** broke into the universe and **** realm.

Qin Yan was shocked. He knew that this was the situation when the Star God broke through, and the Star Tree at that time was really terrible.

The picture continues. After the breakthrough of the Star God, the strength is even stronger than the general Cosmic God, and after ten thousand years, a Cosmic God of the Ox Demon family was beheaded.

The name of the star **** is even more.

The battle of Qin Yan, seeing the blood boiling, the kind of battle of the cosmic gods is absolutely devastating.

However, Qin Yan was shocked by the words of the two.

"What did we do wrong, we just wanted to live. It was you who invaded our universe, you destroyed our one-dimensional sister after another, you selfish people, you have lost humanity for the so-called detachment .I curse you, you shall not die, you shall never escape. "

This is the last word of the Colossus God. At this time, he was full of anger and unwillingness, and finally closed his eyes.

The star was silent at the moment, and it seemed to be the first time he was wondering why he was fighting.

Transcendence, what is that?

He didn't seem to understand, but he had heard and heard Lingzu said.

The picture continues to turn, as if just to take over this, that is the dialogue between the star **** and the spirit ancestor.

Lingzu is also completely different from the current one, and at this moment Lingzu's grief, his hair is completely white.

She looked at Star God and slowly said: "Death!"


Qin Yan frowned. He remembered that there seemed to be this person in the universe, and he should be one of the leaders who launched the war of invasion that year.

Full name should be Lord of the Wild!

He was also the former Lord of the Wilderness. It is said that the Wilderness was the strongest force in the universe at that time, and even the Orc Alliance was not necessarily comparable to the Wilderness. Did not fall.

Qin Yan looked at Lingzu's appearance and thought of some rumors.

Someone said that Lingzu's lover is the Lord of the Wild.

However, more people think that it is a rumor that Lingzu is the first beauty in the universe and should not fancy anyone.

But looking at Lingzu now, Qin Yan thought the rumors should be true.

The relationship between Lingzu and Huang is not simple.

"At the beginning of the universe, I was born with Huang, and Huang founded the desert tribe, and I founded the spiritual tribe ..." Lingzu muttered. At that time, the two of them knew each other. They were the first batch of wisdom born in the universe. Life, "Death, he was deceived, I will not let him die in vain."

Star God looked at Ling Zu. Ling Zu was sad at the moment, and he was extremely sad.

He slowly said: "This is a war full of conspiracy. Some people launch this war, not to occupy the alien universe and eliminate the threat of aliens to our universe, but to be able to escape. And I doubt ... the universe There is something wrong with the law of the origin. He may have been influenced by others, or the battlefield war he led. The three-eyed guy has said something similar, some of which is obviously wrong, but some places are still credible. "

Qin Yan was at a loss for a moment.

Xia Yumo's inheritance was not that of the Three-eyed God, but Xingshen mentioned the Three-eyed God.

What the Three Eyed God said, he also heard Xia Yumo said.

The Three-eyed God believes that the original law of the universe has been betrayed, and the original law of the universe was born from this universe, which should represent the will of our cosmic creatures. But he took the initiative to invade, and wanted to annex the alien universe, just to strengthen himself, regardless of our life and death, and even he still had the idea of ​​erasing all the creatures of this universe, so as to provide him with enough energy to swallow it. Alien universe.

Later, the college also did research in this area and felt that there were many loopholes in it.

However, the three-eyed God's principle of the universe's original law is betrayed. It seems that there is something wrong with the universal law of the universe's principle, which is right.

The law of the origin of the universe may be really problematic.

The picture continues, Star God's eyes froze coldly: "I will follow up, the Lord of the Wild will not die in vain, other people will not die in vain, some people have killed so many people for their own selfishness, I won't let him go. "

This sentence is simply a star-killer.

Immediately afterwards, when the God of Stars pursued the death of the Lord of the Wild, he was stopped directly, but he did not spare any effort and continued to investigate.


Qin Yan's body trembled, and he expected it. Perhaps the God of Stars tracked them down, trying to find out whether he was counting the crowd, and finally ended in a fall.

The outside world, the Thousand Evil Lord was so excited.

He looked at Qin Yan and started to bleed at first, but then it seemed like he had entered some kind of inheritance and couldn't sit still.

"Boat of the Star God, what a chance it is."

He was so excited that he rushed directly to Qin Yan, but he still didn't dare to kill Qin Yan like this. After all, even if he got the boat of the star god, he didn't consider himself to be an opponent of the universe gods of the fairy college.

He grabbed the star tree directly, trying to **** the star tree from Qin Yan's hand.

Xiaobao couldn't sit still and rushed to the Thousand Evil Lord, but was blasted out by the Thousand Evil Lord.

The triumphant lord is proud.

It didn't take much time to get it, and he even got the core of the Star God's Boat.

But at this time, his hand was pierced by the little star tree, and then he felt that the little star tree started to absorb his own blood.

Right, that is it.

He was so excited that he was confessing the Lord by absorbing his blood.

He looked at Qin Yan. At the moment Qin Yan was still holding the small star tree. He wanted to push Qin Yan away, but he couldn't push it at all. This made him very unhappy and wanted to do something with Qin Yan.

But suddenly, he looked terrified.

The root of the little star tree didn't know how to follow the wound, pierced into his body, and then directly entered the world of his kingdom.

He hasn't responded yet. The roots and whiskers of each one have seized the worlds of his kingdom, followed by those worlds that started to flow along the roots, and were directly drawn out of his kingdom.

Is there such a confession?

The Lord of the Thousand Evil Kingdom frowned. He always felt that something was wrong, but when he looked at Qin Yan now, Xingchen Xiaoshu not only did not absorb his blood, but seemed to be repairing Qin Yan's injury.

This is not the case!

Then, what made the Lord of Thousands of Evil more shocked ~ ~ I saw that the Star Tree suddenly pulled out his forty-nine worlds, and then these worlds passed through the Tree of Stars. Entered into Qin Yan's body.

what is this?

Thousands of evil country masters are dumbfounded, and pass on their cultivation to Qin Yan?


This is not the confession of the Lord at all, but was used by the Star God as a nutrient for Qin Yan.

For a while, the master of the thousand evil nations had the heart to die. He suddenly lost the mass of forty-nine thousand generations. His cultivation dropped a large amount, and he lost a few more. All have to fall to the middle level of the Supreme God.

Over there, the little tree of stars began to plunder his large world in the second round. At this time, the lord of a thousand evil nations couldn't sit still.

He hurriedly began to urge his own power to resist, but that was the world of his kingdom. He resisted too fiercely and would only hurt his own kingdom.

In this way, Xingchen Shu could not be prevented from stealing his power at all.

"My Nima, fight!"

He gritted his teeth, and watching forty-nine thousand worlds to be taken away by Qin Yan, he gritted his teeth and even chopped it towards his arm.

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