Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 958: Cold frost is condensing

Of course, what Wang Xing said may be a bit exaggerated. It is difficult to fire through the entire galaxy, but it is still possible to let the entire small ring galaxy know that elixir. At that time, let alone 100,000 Xiao Po Jing Dan, if it works well, one million Xiao Po Jing Dan can be sold.

But Liu Fan was very embarrassed. He didn't have this confidence!

"Dare to do it, I believe in you." Wang Xing patted Liu Fan's shoulder and let Liu Fan know what trust is.

"Okay, let me try." Liu Fan gritted his teeth, and it was a big effort to practice for a little half a year. If it didn't work, he would do his best.

"Well, continue with today's class, I will continue to explain how to select materials." Wang Xing smiled, and then took another two hours of class, roughly how to select materials, Liu Fan has basically understood.

"You digest it. Go out tomorrow and buy the alchemy materials yourself. If I think it's okay, the day after tomorrow will officially teach you alchemy." Wang Xing pondered for a while, and wanted to refine the small Danjing Dan within six months. It is necessary to hurry up. After all, Liu Fan or all the students of Xianxian College did not have his level of cosmic understanding and knowledge. It may take him only a week to refine the smelting fire of Xiao Dejing Dan, but others just No more.

"Okay." Liu Fan answered, feeling pressured.

Later, Wang Xing found Zhong Yan.

Zhong Kui is busy now, and nothing seems to happen.

"Mr. Zhong Yan, because I will set up the marketing of elixir next, which requires at least 100,000 small Pojingdan. At my own speed, it ca n’t be refined in one year. In this way, please go back to the college For those students who have n’t experienced planning yet and like alchemy, bring five to Tianlanxing, and then I will personally teach them to make a little Poison Dan. "

"Yes, Dean." Zhong Yan immediately acted.

Wang Xing later found Li Guizu: "Don't promote Xiandan for the time being. Instead of asking grandpa to tell grandma to let others buy our elixir, it is better to let others come to us and ask us. I have already planned it. This assessment of the newcomer pharmacist has raised our fame. "

Wang Xing also said the plan at the same time, and this made Li Guizu couldn't help but applaud.

"Using the platform to evaluate the elixir and promoting our elixir is really wonderful. In fact, the ephlegm association has proved to us the authenticity of the elixir. And with this platform, we can speculate about the effect of the elixir. Our prices are all Can rise a wave. "Li Guizu is indeed the ancestor of doing business, and immediately saw rolling profits.

"Well, but I need more materials next time, and the amount of space coins I need to spend is also huge. And now I have less than one billion space coins, and now all of them are left to you to operate, no matter what method you use to win Earn more space coins for me so that I can buy more alchemy materials. "Wang Xingdao.

Not to mention anything else, teach those students to practice alchemy, they don't know how much it will cost.


Li Guizu felt some challenges, but he was full of expectations when he thought that he could operate one billion universe coins independently. ,

In another place of Tianlan Star, both Sladin and Prince Cliff were somber.

"Teacher, you can't do that. Even if he is a strong player in the Cosmic Light, we must make him look good." Prince Moya said angrily, "I have asked the Father for help, and soon he will send someone to help me get revenge. of."

"For the time being, do n’t act lightly. The other party has two strong players in the light field. If there is a battle in Tianlan Star, the main government will not sit idly by, and it is better to wait until they leave Tianlan Star. And, The assessment of the new pharmacist is about to begin. Your main task now is to strive for the top spot in this evaluation and to enter the secret realm of the pharmacist alliance. "Siladin pondered for a moment.

"Okay, when they leave Tianlan Star, it is their dead time. During this time, I concentrated on raising the level of refining medicine. By the way, teacher, I think that person who bought the material of azure blue medicine is probably also participating in refining medicine Assessment, and teacher, aren't you one of the leaders in the assessment of the Tianhuan small galaxy pharmacist, then you might as well do something to eliminate him directly. "Prince Moya said viciously.

"Okay, look at it then." Siladin thought for a moment, thinking it would work.

The day after tomorrow, all five students arrived.

"You are also here." Wang Xing saw Leng Shuangning, which made him happy and nervous.

"You know, I'm most interested in alchemy and medicine. The college's alchemy course has the best results." Leng Shuangninger, she likes to see Wang Xing's embarrassing look, which makes She knew that Wang Xing cares about her.

"Well, then study hard." Wang Xing didn't know what to say.

The next day, Wang Xing began to give Liu Fan an alchemy class. Several people from Leng Shuangning were watching.

"Remove the selection, the first step in the formal alchemy is called purification, and purification requires high flames. Liu Fan, now you call out the real fire." Wang Xing ordered.

"Well." Liu Fan did, and when his real fire came out, several other students were shocked.

"It is indeed the real fire of the sun. This flame has a strong penetrating power. You are really suitable for alchemy." Wang Xing couldn't help but said, "Back to the topic, the purification of elixir has a lot to do with fire control. I see it over there Is there a dynamic flame pattern? When can you manipulate the flames to achieve those above, the fire control will basically pass. "

Several people looked at the pattern posted by Wang Xing, all of them startled.

I only saw the blaze of flames, constantly changing, sometimes changed into a hairline, sometimes into a variety of lifelike birds, and sometimes into a starry sky.

"It's too difficult." Ye Zimo's voice came. She also likes refining elixir. All the ordinary remedies can be refined before. This elixir is completely crushed!

"Well, practice now, I will check in three days later." Wang Xing said lightly.

But in fact ~ ~ only passed a long time, Liu Fan met Wang Xing's requirements, and his talent was proved again.

The cold frost gel also fully met the requirements two days later.

As for the other four, it's a little far behind.

But Wang Xing didn't say anything, he taught fast, and slow taught slowly.

Time passed slowly like this, in a blink of an eye, it was three months.

"Successful, I made the first furnace of Xiao Po Jing Dan." Liu Fan was so excited that it was like seeing his child born.

"The condition is average, and you should have made four Dans, but you only made one. This is not possible." Wang Xing shook his head slightly. "But after the first furnace was successful, the following is much easier."

It was only less than half a month later that Leng Shuangning also succeeded, which made Wang Xing somewhat unsure of what to say.

This cold frost has no talent in flames, but the alchemy ability even catches up with Liu Fan.

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