Super Finding App

Chapter 1011: Fermentation

However, this level of equality is not very worrying. After all, the super object-hunting app backup system can only find objects in general, and if you want to find people, you must go through pious find, and pious things must pass through a flat, of course Either ordinary or pious seekers need to get paid faith points.

"This is also good. The appearance of the Super Hidden Object app is very strange. I do n’t think it will take long for the entire Mercury Star to quarrel over it, but the Super Hidden Object app is only a foreign object. Cheng Yiping has no Super The Hidden Object app can find work and be together if you and I work hard. "

Zhang Xiaoxuan, who was full of knowledge, smiled lightly, and her doubts about Cheng Yiping before disappeared completely.

"Relax, Zhang Xiaona, I know that when the Super Hidden App appeared, it was amazing, and I was always worried that it would disappear one day, so this is not a long-term solution. After a while, I will find a way to find, a legitimate For a living, not to mention being rich and rich, at least to feed you food and clothing without worry, it should still be possible. "

If you are looking for a job, you are not worried at all. Even if you do n’t have a super finder app, each of the finder skills you get through the finder app are top-level. That job is perfectly fine.

What's more, in addition to the object-hunting skills learned by the object-hunting help, Xun Entertainment Studio is now a big head. Under the management of Bai Qianwen, Cheng Yiping earns a lot of money, even if he is sitting at home without going to work. You can enjoy it.

But Cheng Yiping is very clear. Compared with doing it at home and going out to work and contacting the society, he will not be disconnected from the society.

Compared with the life of Jin Yiyu, Zhang Xiaona, who is full of self-confidence, is eager for a stable job, a stable, and a warm home.

Zhang Xiaona, full of knowledge, heard a bright smile when she heard Cheng Yiping's words. She wouldn't mind if her boyfriend made less money. She didn't have much ability. The most important thing was to be down-to-earth, hard-working, responsible and responsible.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaona smiled slightly, showing a bright smile, her beautiful eyes were full of sly look,

"Cheng Yiping, since you are an old player of the Super Hidden App, can you tell me how to use the Super Hidden App? ..."

"Of course, it's an honor."

Cheng Yiping smiled slightly, then laughed.

At the same time, he is also very clear that the backup system of the Super Hidden App has spread on the Internet. It seems that it won't be long before all the people of Mercury Star will have the Super Hidden App backup system, and he will also get a lot of believer!

As expected by Cheng Yiping, the Super Hidden Object App appeared in everyone ’s mobile phone, immediately attracting everyone ’s attention and surprise. At first, some people just regarded the Super Hidden Object App as an ordinary game, but They were completely shocked when they were surprised to find that the Super Hidden App can actually find real-life items.

At the same time, there are endless discussions on the Internet about the topic of super finder apps. For many, the Super Hidden Object app is simply an anti-sky existence, which is similar to the existence of a golden finger.

Countless people who have obtained the Super Hidden Object app use it as a way to change their destiny. At the beginning, they hid and refused to tell anyone when they suddenly discovered that the Super Hidden App was not only owned by them. Each one was so surprised that his jaw fell off.

On the Internet, the discussions and discussions of the super-hunting app are endless, and even on the hot search list.

"Super Finding App, guys, did you get the Super Finding App?"

"I heard that now this super finder app will somehow appear on people's smartphones, and you can use it to find things, is it true or false?"

"The upstairs is real, of course it is true, I tell you, since I have the Super Hidden Object app, I can find what I lost before, but the only strange thing is that this Super Hidden App needs Not so-called money but so-called belief points "

"Upstairs, the Super Hidden Object app wouldn't be a so-called cult. It's actually a point of faith, it's just a joke."

"What is this belief? Is there any other demon to trade with?"

"The upstairs is amusing. If you do n’t believe it, you now use your mobile phone to download the game, or download the software, as long as it is downloaded, there will be a certain opportunity to bind the Super Hidden Object app. It's clear that the Super Hidden App is not using money but belief. "

"Faith, faith, I just got the Super Hidden Object app. It ’s just a simple believer. If this Super Hidden App is true, do you think there really is a so-called God of Hidden Object? "

"It's funny, what age is it upstairs?"

"The upstairs is a funny comparison of Zhenger Bajing. What is the age? Do you think the emergence of the Super Hidden App is scientific? The emergence of the Super Hidden App is the biggest unscientific."

"It's possible, it's possible, if I said that the Super Hidden Object app must have been made by some kind of god, there really are gods in this world."

"Is there an immortal upstairs? I don't know. Now what I want to know most is how can I get a lot of faith points?"

"Today, I looked neatly at the prayer page for two hours at home, and only three points of faith were obtained. What is the matter of this devotion?"

"Religious looking for things. When you look upstairs, they are new people who use the Super Finding App. The ordinary finding of the Super Finding App can pay for the points of faith. If there is not enough points of faith, you can use the pious service. Devotion can even summon the advent of the **** of object-hunting. Although I have not succeeded so far, I have gained many points of faith. "

"It's amazing, it's really amazing. This super finder app asks me to say that it might be an alien work."

With the development of the Internet, the topic of super finder apps on the entire network is constantly fermenting.

Even some people who just heard and didn't know clearly heard the messages on the Internet, and eagerly held their mobile phones to play various games and even music and TV shows. Sure enough, after trying a dozen or so, The icon of the Super Hidden App popped up, and immediately clicked in, his eyes glowed.

"It's awesome, it's awesome. With this super finder app, my mother will never be afraid of me losing anything ..."

"Yeah, yeah, oh, I just bought a mobile phone and lost it some time ago. Fortunately, my friend used the super-find app to find me back and found the person who picked it up. Caught it, the Super Hidden Object app is really true "

"Faith, faith, find a way to quickly get faith!"

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