Super Finding App

Chapter 1031: Arrivals

Zhou Yi, the assistant manager of the exploration club, knows that if you want to ask someone for help, you must keep it low, and now that Manager Bai is dying, according to Manager Bai, she seems to have all her hopes pinned In front of Cheng Yiping's body.

After all, he has completed several top ten impossible missions of the Discovery Club, and has a mysterious ability to find people and objects.

Although people nowadays seem to have a super finder app now, the ability to achieve a level should not be very strong, but it is undeniable that because of the constraint of belief points, the super finder app is not a complete one. A simple thing.

And Chen Yiping was able to complete the top ten impossible tasks before the Super Hidden App appeared. Whether it is a super Hidden App or some other abilities, at least one point shows that Yiping is indeed true. Have the magic ability to help people find people.

This cannot be changed.

If Mr. Yiping Ping can help Bai managers find the oil fields in CCS, all problems will be solved.

"I need to think about it. After all, the oil field is not a cat and a dog that can be found casually, and it also involves kingship. This is very dangerous. If you don't get it, you will fart."

Cheng Yiping touched his chin and murmured to himself, he was very clear that there was no problem in finding the oil field in terms of the belief points that his super-hunting app had now obtained, but whether he really wanted to get involved in these was still two.

After all, once it is involved in the throne battle, it is too dangerous, and once a strategic resource like an oil field is found, in the event that it will attract the attention of others, thinking that you can find an oil field, you can naturally find two. Block oil fields, that sentence can be troublesome.

"Cheng Yiping, Mr. Cheng, our Bai manager actually knows your worries, please rest assured that this time you will not enter it as a private person, but as a second member of the Prospect 2 club. Thanks to the Discovery Club, not you, it will not cause you any danger or confusion. Please rest assured. "

Zhou Yi was clearly aware of Cheng Yiping's doubts and said, although he can hide this information, but since it is cooperation, of course, he must tell the information openly.

Otherwise, in the event that all of them arrive at CCID and find that they are deceived and angry and do not seek things, it will be troublesome. After all, Manager Bai's life is very important!

"Mr. Cheng, please be sure to help."

Cheng Yiping crooked his head, his eyes flashed in the light, raised his eyes and smiled.

"That being the case, I'll fix it!"

""really? Mr. Cheng is really nice. "

Zhou Yixin hurriedly said

"That being the case, Mr. Cheng, I will immediately arrange a helicopter to take you to CCID. Please rest assured that all the formalities are the responsibility of our Discovery Club."

"Well, if that's the case, then I'm waiting for your arrangement ..."

Cheng Yiping nodded and said, his eyes flashed.

The reason why he promised to look for the oil field was because it involved the lives of the white manager of the exploration club and seven second-level members.

Of course, Cheng Yiping is not the kind of Virgin Mary. Others are in danger to save him. The most important thing is to use faith to find things. According to these people ’s desire for oil fields, the belief points they will get will be high.

Now Cheng Yiping has to step up any time to collect points of faith.

Is there anything more important than human life?

Soon after Cheng Yiping returned home, he received a call from Zhou Yi, and it was clear that Zhou Yi attached great importance to this time.

A private jet was arranged on a remote open space in Jiangzhen City.

Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona said aloud and then came to the place where the private jet docked and got into the sky where the private jet soared.

A few hours later, Cheng Yiping had set foot on Mercury Star, known as the richest country.

State of Sadie.

"This is the country of Sadie. It's really busy, and it's endless. It really is quite prosperous."

Cheng Yiping got off his exclusive private jet, exclaimed an astonishment, got on a specially configured car, and galloped in the country of Sadie.

There are high-rise buildings everywhere, and all kinds of strange and quirky buildings yet dazzlingly stylish.

This is a city that looks very super modern, with a highly developed civilization far beyond Jiangzhen City. "

"Mr. Cheng, now we will go to the Cedi Hotel in the Cedi Country. At the Cedi Hotel, Manager Bai and the seven second-level members of the Discovery Club are waiting for you ..."

Zhou Yi looked at the laptop in her hand and reported truthfully. Her delicate face was full of anxiety. She nodded her head and leaned on the delicate leather sofa, closing her eyes and closing her eyes.

At this moment, several people are communicating in the Royal Palace of Sadie.

"Okay, no one at the Discovery Club has found an oil field. Is this news true or false?"

The five princes of the country of Sadie were blond, with a gentle smile, and exuded the breath of books. People who didn't know would really think he was just a scholar.

But no one knows that he is the five princes of the country of Sadie. The man wearing a suit, leather shoes and glasses in front of him nodded heavily with a contempt smile.

"His Royal Highness Prince, please rest assured that I have received news from the Exploration You Club and have not found any oil fields. It can be said that in the search for the contribution of the oilfields, I believe that Your Royal Highness Five Princes will definitely win the Royal Highness."

His Highness the Five Princes of Sadie laughed slightly and nodded heavily, exquisite face bloomed with elegant atmosphere, which made women intoxicated and laughed lightly

"What age is it now, it is already 3018. It belongs to the new era. When will this age-old orderly system be established? It is simply a feudal remnant. The world will always pay attention to the weak and the strong, and the survival of the fittest. It is the strong who can inherit the throne! "

"Does the High Prince really think that the throne of the country of Cedi is as stable as Mount Tai? I just want to move the impression of His Highness in the mind of His Majesty, little by little. By that time, the King Only then will I know that I am the most suitable person in the country of Sadie! "

"The Cypriot Empire can grow even more vigorously under my control, so oil fields are vital, and oil fields are the foundation of our country."

"This time you did a good job. Without the candidate you found, I'm afraid we won't find the oil field so easily. This time, His Royal Highness is undoubtedly defeated."

"Yes, Your Excellency the Five Princes, if we hadn't received the inside information you received, how could we know the amazing secrets of CCID!"

The Saadi National Oilfield has gradually dried up!

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