Super Finding App

Chapter 1108: Nothing will happen (1)

Toot ...

With the sound of the siren sounded by the Tianyin luxury ship, the luxurious and large Tianyin ship slowly sailed out of the port of Crystal City, which also indicated that this luxury journey was about to begin.

"Awesome, amazing, really amazing, Zhang Xiaona, this time our luxury cruise is really the right choice. You see this cruise is just like a small city, whether it is an entertainment center or a leisure area, There is even a swimming pool. It is too cozy. This time we made the right choice. I also heard that our luxury cruise ship will pass through three big first-tier cities, where you can spend and shop. , It can be regarded as both entertainment and shopping "

Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona stood on the side of the fence at the front of the luxury cruise ship, feeling the luxury cruise ship slowly sailing out. The sea breeze blowing on the face was refreshing. Looking down, you can clearly see the cruise ship riding the wind and waves.

And in the distance is the endless sea, and people will become very small in the sea, but it is a very pleasant thing to swim in a luxurious cruise ship in the endless sea.

"Yes, Yiping. Compared to the crowded places, I also like this luxury cruise ship. Since I was a child, I have a dream to go out to sea with my family. By the way, Yiping, have you ever sailed to the sea?"

Zhang Xiaona, full of knowledge, showed a faint smile. This smile was full of various meanings. It seemed that she remembered her family harmony when she was a child. If her father had not become a so-called murderer, If she had not become the daughter of a so-called murderer, perhaps everything would have changed completely.

And it wo n’t be the same today. The whole family has long since fallen apart. The father fled, and there was no news. The mother became greedy for vanity and regarded money as life. She also became a half orphan. If not, The loving caring grandma, I am afraid that her fate will be completely changed, maybe the prison will be her final destination.

Cheng Yiping didn't know that Zhang Xiaona had so many messy thoughts in his mind. He nodded, turned his head, looked at the endless sea, and thought of the devil strip in his mind.

"Yes, I did see it when I was helping people find things, but those are just helping people find things. Sitting in a luxury cruise ship like this and enjoying the joy and peace brought by the journey is still the first. Second, and most importantly, this time you are with me. "

Although Cheng Yiping is not a lover of love, he also knows that girls like to listen to sweet words, and turn and hold Zhang Xiaona's soft jade-like hands while talking, saying affectionately

Zhang Xiaona twisted her head, showing a piece of fuchsia at the neck.

Cheng Yiping grinned and held Zhang Xiaona's soft hand tightly. Annoyed Zhang Xiaona wanted to retract her hand, but dragged it a few times, but found that Cheng Yiping's hand was strong and not angry. He stared into a flat and let his hand be held, turned his head to the vast ocean, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a bright smile.

In the cabin of the luxury cruise ship Tianyin, the captain in white clothes was wearing a hat and holding a telescope, looking out at the vast ocean in front of him.

"Always be careful. If there is any unexpected situation, tell me immediately. This time our flight is three days and two nights. As long as it is safer, there should be no problems. If there is an unexpected situation, absolutely tell me."



The helmsman and sailors within the luxury cruise ship nodded as soon as they heard that, within the luxury cruise ship, the captain has absolute control. Anyone must obey the captain's order. This day sound ship is the captain's ship. The captain has absolute control over his cruise ship.

The captain in white clothes nodded with satisfaction, and turned around. It wasn't once or twice that the voyage ship went out to sea, and it was just a three-day and two-night voyage. It would pass three cities on the way. Staying for half a day, in other words, this is just a domestic short-distance luxury cruise.

Said to be a luxury tour, mainly the facilities on this cruise ship and the meals are cooked by specialized and well-known chefs, and the facilities on board are also exceptionally luxurious.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Panic, what happened?"

The captain Wang Hao, who was back in his captain's lounge, sat leisurely on his chair. On his desktop was a white table with delicious dishes and wine specially prepared by the chef, carefully. Took a sip of red wine and ate delicious food. For the captain, this is his kingdom.

For the captain Wang Hao, the voyage of three days and two nights was just an effort to open his eyes, but he saw that the door knocked violently. After the opening, his pale-faced companion stumbled and ran in. This is Tianyin. Zhou Jian, the repairman of the luxury cruise ship.

"What happened to Zhou Jian? Stumbled, you just came to accompany me for a few drinks"

The captain of the Tianyin luxury cruise ship, Wang Hao, laughed lightly and held up the red wine in his hand. He and Zhou Jian were old friends. One was in charge of the Tianyin luxury cruise ship, and the other was in charge of the Tianyin luxury cruise ship. Maintenance, it can be said that the two cooperated tacitly

"Ha ha ha, when are you still in the mood to drink? I just want to know who approved the flight this time? You also know that our Tianyin luxury cruise took place during the last Hong Kong version The accident has just been repaired now, but there are still some places that are not able to sail directly. You are kidding the lives of thousands of customers on the entire Tianyin ship. You are taking your own life. And the lives of employees. "

Looking at the smiling captain Wang Hao, Zhou Jian yelled in anger and shame. As the chief technician and maintenance engineer of the Tianyin luxury cruise ship, he knows better than anyone about the luxury cruise of Tianyin. Today's Tianyin Although the luxury cruise ship has undergone simple repairs, it is still in the repair period. It is really not possible to conduct long-distance flights?

"Calm down, calm down, calm down, Zhou Jian, of course I know what you said, do n’t forget that although I am the captain of the luxury cruise ship of the day, there is any way, this is the above company's regulations. If we refuse, You and I ca n’t even take a walk, not to mention this time it ’s only three days and two nights. I believe that as long as we are moving a little slower, after calculation, we should be able to wait for this luxury cruise ship without any risk. For tourism projects, can I go back and take a good rest then? Is it calm? This time, I just play on the domestic coastline, not going to the sea, going to the deep sea, so calm down, nothing will happen ... "

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