Super Finding App

Chapter 1113: Dead people (2)

But what made Wang Wei feel strange and bewildered was that no matter how violently he knocked on the door, but the door didn't mean to open at all, it seemed that there was no one in it.

"It's impossible, it's impossible, it's impossible."

"There can be no one in it!"

"what is the problem?"

"Did something happen?"

There was an ominous sign in Wang Wei's heart. He knew that Tan Lili was absolutely impossible to make some radical actions with Wei Chenyang. All this was just to make an illusion:

But if that's the case, why didn't the door knock for a long time without any response?

This situation is not right at all!

Could it be that something unexpected happened? With Wang Wei constantly knocking on the cabin door, there was still no response.

Qin Kexin, who had been shocked by the events at the moment, seemed to reflect his hesitation.

"" P Have you read it wrong? This is where no one exists at all, "

"Impossible, impossible, I ca n’t read it wrong. I can read it carefully. Your husband and the woman who is wearing a black evening dress are indeed inside. It is absolutely impossible for me to see Wrong, is there something wrong with it? "

Just thinking of this. The cabin door that Wang Wei slapped was more violent and cramped.

He is so weird why is this happening?

It is logically impossible for such a thing to happen.

What exactly is going on?

Perhaps Wang Wei's slap on the door was too violent, which immediately caught the attention of the waiter and asked.

Han Guang suddenly said in Wang Wei's eyes

"My friends are in this room, but no matter how I knock on the door, they don't answer at all. Is there any problem? You should call someone to come and see, and quickly open the door to see if something really happens Question, you are responsible "

With the constant roar and horror of Wang Wei, these waiters turned pale instantly. Everyone participating in the luxury tour here is not rich or expensive, but it is definitely a VIP. You must ensure the safety of passengers. If something really goes wrong in this process, none of them can escape responsibility.

After all, everyone came here to travel and play, not to want to have a personal accident.

The waiter quickly shouted the first officer of the Tianyin luxury cruise ship and pushed the door open.

Just pushed the door open. Wang Wei rushed in first. He felt very strange. Why, Tan Lili, did you not open the door according to their regulations?

But the first one I saw when we pushed the door was Wu Chenyang, who was naked and naked, and fell asleep. Tan Lili was lying on the bed beside him, and the red blood on his neck was wanton, which stained the whole bed.

"Dead man, dead man, dead man ...

"Wang Wei was so frightened that he sat down on the ground with a look of panic, and the crew behind him looked at the customers with astonishment. No one expected that there would be a death case here!

This is really amazing

Again, this is enough to show that the last thing they wanted to see was on the Tianyin luxury cruise ship.


"Dead man, dead man, dead man."

"No, dead, dead, how could it be, where would there be dead?"

"Really, really, really dead. Hey, what's wrong, this is a luxury cruise ship. How can there be dead people? Just kidding, this is just kidding."

"It's true, it's true, you go and see, now it's been overwhelmed. It's really dead. Oh my god, I didn't expect a murder case."

"No, it's so exciting. I didn't expect that there would be a murder case on this luxury cruise ship. It's so exciting."

"Is it exciting? Think about it with your **** and see where we are now? It's inside a luxury cruise ship, it's above the sea. In other words, the killer is in our entire luxury cruise ship. Do you still think it's exciting when the killers are together? "

"No, no, you ca n’t scare me. It ’s too scary to be in a luxury cruise with the Tianyin, but the whole cruise ship has hundreds of members. How do you know? Which one will it be? "

"Really, now it's not clear what's going on at all, don't think about spreading rumors here."

"Terrible, terrible, it's terrible. It's terrible, how can there be murderers in this luxury cruise ship?"

The killer who appeared on the Tianyin luxury cruise ship, Tan Lili's death instantly destroyed the happy atmosphere within the entire luxury cruise ship. Although only one person died, but for the entire Tianyin luxury cruise ship, Everyone is really frightened, because no one can be sure whether this perverted murderer will only kill one person and not others.

The entire Tianyin luxury cruise ship was full of weird atmosphere, and everyone was talking about each other, whispering and full of worry.

Who are they?

They are all dignitaries who are not short of money, and their lives are extremely precious.

The captain of the luxury cruise ship Tianhao Wang Hao, sweating constantly on the forehead, was frightened. To cry without tears.

Are you kidding me?

He was still very worried. Will there be any problems during the course of this luxury cruise ship?

As a result, there was no trouble on the luxury cruise ship of the day, but there was a case of homicide, which made him so busy.

The captain Wang Hao of the Tianyin steamer was sweating heavily on his forehead. He came into the cabin two or three steps, saw it when he looked up, and lay on the bed. His neck was opened with a mouth, blood stained the whole. The corpse of the bed suddenly felt a kind of nausea in his heart, and thumped loudly on the side.

After all, everything that was eaten during the dinner was basically stripped off before looking up at the whole cabin.

A man with an unusually pale face, wearing pajamas, a woman in a robe full of mature charm, beside him was a handsome and handsome man, but the sweat on this man's face was soaked and in front of the cabin The waiter who came to the news was surrounded by a continuous stream of passengers outside the cabin, one by one, babbling.

"Everybody, everybody, please be quiet, please be quiet. Please be assured that there has been a murder case in the cabin. Then as the captain, I will catch this killer and protect everyone's safety. Please everyone. rest assured"

"Please invite all of your visitors to return to their respective rooms, and return to their respective rooms, so as to avoid further accidents ..."

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