Super Finding App

Chapter 1118: Analysis (1)

"" It's ridiculous, ridiculous, it's ridiculous. This is the most ridiculous thing I have seen. You said that you were a police adviser. I had some beliefs, but now it seems that this is nothing but heaven and earth, everyone. If he is a police adviser, at least he should know some of the police's procedures for handling cases, and he will never say the ridiculous words of using the Super Hidden Object App. How can a case solver rely on the Super Hidden Object App, this is simply ridiculous. Extremely, if I say, do you think the dead is not enough, and make trouble here, if so, I think the captain should drive these two men and a woman out and don't let him hinder us. "

Handsome and handsome, Wang Wei laughed like a prince, his handsome face became iron-blue, and he was righteous. He who was unclear really thought he was a zealous righteous man.

"Using the Super Hidden App to find murderers, is this possible? This is impossible at all. I know that the Super Hidden App is really amazing and can help people find items, but it is too fantasy to help people find the killers. If the Super Hidden App can really help people find killers, what else do the police do? "

The captain of the luxury cruise ship Tian Hao opened his mouth, and his eyes were full of disappointment. He thought that the sudden appearance of Cheng Yiping would be amazing, but he did not expect to use the Super Hidden App. This is really far away. Beyond his imagination, it felt like a child's play, opened his mouth, turned to look at Dafu, and just prepared to speak, but he heard it flat.

"Who told you that the Super Hidden App cannot find the killer ..."

Cheng Yiping's voice fell, and the atmosphere in the entire room suddenly solidified. Wang Hao, the captain of the Tianyin luxury cruise ship, instinctively looked at Cheng Yiping, but saw Cheng Yiping pulled out his mobile phone, and his finger was gently on himself. Touching your mobile phone up and down, raising your eyes to reveal a bright smile.

"I don't know how you think of the Super Hidden App, but if you compare and use the Super Hidden App and understand the situation, you are not as good as me, and how do you think I became a police consultant?"

Sometimes what you say will make everyone feel skeptical and disbelieving, but if it is a decision made by others, you will be convinced.

Cheng Yiping very cleverly used the form of rhetorical questions. The people in the room immediately entered into contemplation. In his pajamas, his face was pale and opened his mouth for Wei Chenyang.

"Do you say that you can become a police consultant, relying on this super finder app"

Is it possible to become a police consultant with the Super Hidden App?

Is this impossible?

Is this kidding?

In the room, the captain of the cruise ship Tianyin Wang Hao opened his mouth, his face with a look of astonishment, Ping Kexin full of female mature charm and handsome and handsome Wang Wei and Parkson Travel Agency, but his face was extremely low at the moment. The tour guide lady's face was blinded, and she didn't seem to think that she could also become a police consultant using the Super Hidden Object app.

is it possible?

"Yeah ..."

Cheng Yiping stretched out his hand and cracked a finger, chuckling

"I can become a police adviser. I rely on the Super Hidden App. I am a devout believer in the Super Hidden App. I also helped the police break through many cases through this Super Hidden App. So can you find the Super Hidden App? The killer is very clear to me, not to mention that even if it fails, I don't think you will lose anything. "

After Cheng Yiping said, he turned his eyes and stared at the captain Wang Hao of the Tianyin luxury cruise ship. He was very clear that Wang Hao had absolute rights as the captain on the Tianyin luxury cruise ship under the ocean. Taking a deep breath, the corner of the mouth raised slightly.

"Captain Wang Hao, I think you should be very clear about this. If I really find the killer using the Super Hidden App, we will only tie him up and lock it up, and hand it over when he arrives at the port the next day. The police station is just the police station, but if we did n’t find the killer with the Super Hidden App, or if we found a fake killer, we will still hand him to the police station in the end, and the police will then perform the audit. There is no difference. But again, if you give up this opportunity and don't let me use the Super Hidden App in case the killer implements the killing plan on this luxury cruise ship tonight, who do you think will bear your responsibility? "

Keep killing!


The captain of the luxury cruise ship, Tian Hao, was suddenly struck by lightning. Above her forehead, the sweat of Douda was flowing. Although it was warm at the moment, she felt cold all over the body.

He knew that what Cheng Yipingxun said was true. If the killing happened again on the Tianyin luxury cruise ship, his captain would definitely have a great responsibility. He thought of this and looked at Cheng Yiping.

"Mr. Cheng is absolutely right. If Mr. Cheng can really find the killer with the Super Find App, whether it is the killer or not, whether it is true or not, keeping him in custody for the time being is the best choice. He will arrive the next day. After the port, they can be handed over to the police for trial. If the Super Hidden App did not find the killer, this is just an injustice. The police will naturally be released after the investigation. If the Super Hidden App really found The killer can guarantee that everyone will be safe tonight. In this case, Mr. Cheng asks you to use the super finder app ... "

"It's ridiculous, ridiculous, it's really ridiculous. I think this is too ridiculous. How could a super-hunting app find a murderer? If I want to say a super-hunting app, I have it."

The handsome and handsome Wang Wei voiced out, his voice was unusually sharp, and he took out his high-end mobile phone from his arms. The mobile phone was a super-hunting app, randomly opened it, and then Xinyang looked for it, sneering a moment later.

"Seeing it, my Super Hidden Object app tells me that there are simply not enough faith points. At least 500 faith points are needed. It is really ridiculous. We all know that the belief of the Super Hidden Object app is also very difficult to obtain. It ’s simply impossible to get the faith in 500 temples all at once. What ’s wrong? I said, Mr. Chen, is there any way you can get the faith quickly ... ”

Requires 500 points of faith.

In the room, Wei Xing's eyes suddenly lit up, he quickly pulled out his red high-end mobile phone, opened the Super Hidden Object app, his face changed instantly, and tears flowed in his eyes.

"Dad, dad, there is only a hundred points of faith in the Super Find App on my mobile phone. If I knew this would happen, I would definitely save more points of faith ..."

"Yes, yes, how can we forget that the use of the Super Hidden Object app requires a belief point. If the faith point is not enough, the Super Hidden Object App cannot be carried out at all. This road will not work. The 500-point faith point is definitely not A small number ... "

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