Super Finding App

Chapter 1123: Love Kills (1)

Accompanied by Cheng Yiping's words, at the moment there was a deadly silence in the entire cabin, and the atmosphere suddenly suddenly condensed. Standing next to Cheng Yiping, Zhang Xiaona, full of self-confidence, suddenly made a silver bell-like voice and said.

"You guys, I know you do n’t believe in Cheng Yiping, but I can personally guarantee that Cheng Yiping is right. What he said is definitely not a joke. Of course, this thing is for the horn luxury cruise ship. There is nothing difficult for Wang Hao to deal with. "

When Zhang Xiaona, full of confidence, opened her mouth, her crisp voice attracted the attention of many people, but she saw Zhang Xiaona turn around, look at the lady guide of Parkson Travel Agency whose sweat was flowing on her pale forehead, and then she turned her eyes to Tianyin Luxury. Said the captain of the cruise ship, Wang Hao.

"The evidence that Cheng Yiping said is true or false, it doesn't matter at all. The important thing is that since the lady behind the tour guide of Parkson Travel really has scars, whether she killed Ms. Tan Lili or not, I think the captain only needs to hold her and Wei Chenyang separately and keep them under guard. When the Tianyin luxury cruise ship arrives at the port tomorrow, they will be handed over to the police station. Then the police will interrogate them. It is clear at a glance whether it is true or not. If it is false, I believe the police will definitely return the innocent lady of Parkson Travel Agency. If it is true, she will also be severely punished by the law and Mr. Wei Chenyang will be innocent. "

"As for what Mr. Wang Wei said was wronged, I think it is inevitable that even being wronged at this moment, but what we have to do is not punish those who are wronged, but just punish her. It ’s just one night. After the Tianyin luxury cruise ship arrives at the port tomorrow, she can return her freedom. What we can do now is to protect the scene and try not to destroy any evidence of the scene. I believe we will wait until When arriving at the port tomorrow to be taken over by the police station, the police can determine who the real killer is through various evidence and fingerprint collection on the scene, and all we have to do is to ensure that the killer is not escaped and the injustice is not punished. ! "

Zhang Xiaona, who is full of knowledge, does not leak. She seems to be pleased on both sides, but she is standing on the side of Cheng Yiping steadily, and she is turning on the bend. The captain Wang Hao and the captain of the luxury cruise ship stabilized by Tianyin and The rest of the people, regardless of whether Cheng Yiping said true or false, is absolutely right to take care of it.

"This lady is absolutely right. The lady guide of Parkson Travel Agency did use the killer identified by the Super Hidden App. We do n’t have any evidence, but to be on the safe side, tonight I think you still Mr. Wei Chenyang was taken into custody together. I will send sailors to take care of you. After the luxury ship Tianyin arrives at the port tomorrow, I will hand it over to the police. I think there is a special police handling method and detective tools that can distinguish Miss Tan Lili. Which DNA belongs to the remaining hair in the nails of the man, and then the truth will be clear ... "

Wang Hao, the captain of the Tianyin luxury cruise ship, hesitated and looked up.

He feels that this is the most secure method. After all, he has to think about the safety of hundreds of passengers on the entire Tianyin luxury cruise ship. It is impossible to keep the killer out of the door just because there is no evidence. He was finished by accident.

"No, no, I do n’t, do n’t come, do n’t come, he **** it, he **** it, this woman she **** it, she **** it ...”

With the words of Wang Hao, the captain of the luxury cruise ship Tianyin, several five and three rough sailors came in and slowly approached the lady guide of Parkson Travel Agency. As the captain said, no matter whether the lady guide of Parkson Travel Agency was true or not, Is it the murderer who killed Tan Lili, but just keep it under control.

But they never thought that when they were just approaching the tour guide lady of Parkson Travel Agency, they suddenly saw the guide tour lady of Parkson Travel Agency screaming in a stern manner, and the sailors who showed their embarrassed faces took a few steps back quickly.

"Miss guide, what's wrong? What's wrong with you? We're doing this just for safety, not as a murderer. Wei Chenyang will also be detained, and everything will wait until the Tianyin luxury cruise ship arrives at the port tomorrow. There are police to decide, just wronged you to stay overnight, what the **** is wrong with you? Are you really a murderer? "

The unusual behavior of Miss Yum's tour guide surprised the Tianyin luxury cruise ship captain Wang Hao and others, and everyone in the room was stunned. Then she fell on Miss Parkson's tourist guide and yelled hysterically.

"It's not my fault, it's not my fault, it's all the **** fox's fault, it's all the **** fox's fault"

The tour guide lady of Parkson Travel had completely collapsed. She knew very well that if she was handed over to the police station, if Tan Lili's fingers really cut through the hair left behind her ears, check the DNA, then You will be nailed, and being caught is nailed.

Can't escape!

Originally, she also hoped that the luxury cruise ship Tianyin could reach the port tomorrow and take advantage of the timing and chaos to escape. I never thought that it would be found out by this so-called Cheng Yiping super finder app.

Although it is said that Yiping's Super Hidden App cannot be used as direct evidence, once it is taken care of by the captain of this luxury cruise ship and handed over to the police station, the police can check it by themselves as soon as they investigate Be clear about it.

The lady guide of Parkson Travel Agency suddenly found herself walking into a dead end.

"It really is you, it really is you, why? Why did you kill Tan Lili, and finally framed me, why did you do this? Why did you do it ..."

Wei Chenyang, pale and bloodless in his pajamas on his face, shouted excitedly. He had the feeling of the rest of his life, although he certainly did not kill Tan Lili.

But to be honest, I have already drunk the film, and I do n’t remember what happened. If I really did what Wang Wei said, I might as well stab Tan Lili directly when I was drunk. Know.

Therefore, although Wei Chenyang has always been very confident, he is also frightened. He was afraid that he would choke Tan Lili in front of him in a drunk state, and now the truth is finally revealed.

He couldn't wait to tell, with a look of surprise in his eyes. If the tour guide lady of Parkson Travel Agency was really a murderer, then his own suspicion of murder would be completely rid of ...

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