Super Finding App

Chapter 1182: Fog

"This is an investigation of all family backgrounds and interpersonal relationships of Zhang Yanmin. To be honest, since she was initially identified as a suicide case, her investigation is not detailed, but the specific characters and general interpersonal relationships are still very clear ... ... "

A member of the police investigation team in the police uniform handed the information file about Zhang Yanmin to Zhao Weiquan.

Looking up, I saw Qian Sen sitting on a stool, drinking water constantly, and his face was extremely pale. The whole person was like a frosted stopper, stunned.

"what happened to him?"

Zhao Weiquan took Zhang Yanmin's dossier and flipped it around twice. He raised his eyebrows, and looked at the pale, almost collapsed Qian Sen's mouth with a smirk.

"It's nothing, just after he went to the morgue to see Zhang Yanmin's body, and then asked him to eat some cashews and fat stomachs. I'm afraid I ate too much."

Eat kidney flowers and fat intestines?

The team members in police uniforms immediately showed a clear look, while looking at Qian Sen with infinite compassion.

I want to be joined by the criminal investigation team by the old team members.

Although this method has some yin damage, if it can really be sustained, it can also make people quickly improve their psychological tolerance.

At least when I see the rotten body, I don't feel vomiting.

too frightening

too frightening

too frightening

Even after seeing the corpse, I still want to eat kidney flowers and fat intestines?

I swear I wo n’t eat kidney and fat belly from now on.

Never eat!

While filling himself with water, Qian Sen cleaned the fishy smell from his throat. Even the smell of fat belly and waistbands could remind him of the smell of the open-mouthed corpse in the morgue, which made him Creepy.

Fortunately, the feeling of nausea and vomiting was not as strong as when I saw it at first.

"Are you ready for a rest? Come with me, then go with me. It's time to work."

Zhao Weiquan took the dossier about Zhang Yanmin and patted Qian Sen's head gently, yawned, and turned towards the door.

Qian Sen hit a thriller and quickly followed.

"Brother Zhao, where shall we go now?"

It seems that due to Qian Sen's performance, Zhao Weiquan was somewhat satisfied.

"Of course, you do n’t have to watch how easy it is to talk about criminal investigation on TV. In fact, criminal investigation is a very boring process. It is a process of collecting various information. I just watched the file about Zhang Yanmin at her home. People have already made a transcript, which is very detailed, but this Yan Min's friends and relatives did not. It was found through Zhang Yanmin's mobile phone that she and the two women were often very close to each other. I am afraid they are Zhang Yanmin's friends. Let ’s ask them Take a look at the situation to see if Zhang Yanmin has joined any cult organization or has eaten something unclean or has been to any place, otherwise the internal organs of the human body will not burn for no reason ... "

"Oh, I know ..."

Qian Sen got a little excited, but this was his first visit to the police, even if the process was boring, there was no problem at all.

"Then you will buy a pen and paper. Remember to record the conversation. This is detailed information ..."

Zhao Weiquan said yawning

"I know, I know"

Qian Sen nodded like a rattle, with emotion.

Zhao Weiquan drove a police car, driving Qian Sen all the way.

According to the information sent, he came to a community in Binka and stopped. The entrance was an ordinary residential building. The two looked at the information and walked up to the third floor and knocked on the door.

After a while

There was no sound in the room.

Is there no one?

Nobody at home

Zhao Weiquan frowned, knocking on the door again, and no one was still there.

I saw the door of the next room crunch, and a middle-aged woman leaned out and said

"Don't knock, don't knock. The people in this family are not there at all. Who are you? What is the matter with this family?"

"I'm a police officer in the Interpol Brigade. We have something to ask about the family. I don't know if you know where they went or when they came back?"

I have to say that the police signs in Tiantang Kingdom are quite loud.

As soon as she saw the police card, the middle-aged woman looked excited and excited with some restraint.

"It turned out to be a police officer. What happened to their family? I want to say that their family's accident is normal. You don't know that their daughter is sick. They are now rescued in the hospital. It is said that they may not be able to survive. And now their whole family is in the hospital "


Is this family's daughter sick?

Are you in the hospital?

The cold light flashed in Zhao Weiquan's eyes, he couldn't wait to say

"Do you know why their daughter is sick? Is their daughter Hu Ting?"

"Yes, yes, yes, their daughter is called Hu Ting. I also looked at her when she grew up. It used to look pretty good. I do n’t know for a while now that Hu Ting was dressed up at night to show off. Let me say, it must have been a shameful act, and now is being revenge? ... "

"Do you know which hospital they go to?"

"It seems that my mother next door said that it should be our first hospital in Binka ..."

The first hospital in Binka.

"Got it, thank you……"

Zhao Wei nodded heavily, his face became dignified, and he turned quickly and walked downstairs.

Qian Sen followed with a grimace behind him, with a strange and hesitant look

"Brother Zhao, are we going to the hospital now?"

"Yes, we're going to the hospital right now ..."

Zhao Wei nodded heavily

"It's a coincidence that Brother Zhao asked me to say this. We came here to find someone. It was too coincident that people went to the hospital."

Qian Sen, who was sitting in a police car, looked at Zhao Weiquan with a somber look, swallowed his mouth, and found a topic to say

"A coincidence, if it is a coincidence, that would be better, but I just suspect that this matter may be related to Zhang Yanmin's death ..."

The weight in Zhao Weiquan's eyes was deeper. As a criminal investigator, his brain was extremely flexible. Looking at the aggressive side, Qian Sen couldn't understand and sighed.

"Hu Ting is Zhang Yanmin's friend. According to this information, it can be shown that they are working together in the nightclub at night. Now, Zhang Yanmin has suddenly committed suicide. Now Hu Ting is in the hospital again. You don't think it's too much A coincidence? ... "

For a while, Qian Sen thought about a possibility in his head. He opened his mouth and stuttered.

"Brother Zhao, do you mean that Hu Ting will be the same as Zhang Yanmin, because he was hospitalized because of internal organs burning?"

Is this really the case?

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