Super Finding App

Chapter 1194: Midnight call



Exquisite ...

"Cheng, Cheng Yiping, you are ..."

Zhang Xiaona's mouth widened suddenly and became an o-shape.

That looks so cute, how cute, the joyful look is revealed in the beautiful eyes.

At first glance, Zhang Xiaona fell in love when she saw the big jade rabbit in the small box.

This jade rabbit is so beautiful


Zhang Xiaona's complexion changed instantly, and Yutu was quickly returned to Cheng Yiping.

"Where did you find this jade rabbit from the end? It's so beautiful. It must be very valuable. You can't spend money now, just go back. It's very valuable when you look at this group."

"I carved it myself"


Did you carve it yourself?

true or false?

Cheng Yiping, how could you carve such beautiful jade works?

is this real?

Zhang Xiaona's voice did not fall, Cheng Yiping said lightly.

All the words behind Zhang Xiaona were choked back instantly, her mouth opened huge and huge.

Suddenly I feel that Cheng Yiping has brought too many surprises to him today.

"Cheng Yiping, you said the jade rabbit was carved by yourself, wouldn't you be kidding me?"

The meaning of Zhang Xiaona's beautiful eyes is that I read less, so don't lie to me.

"It's true, Zhang Xiaona, how can I lie to you with this matter, I told you, I'm going to open a jade shop, so I first carved out this jade rabbit and showed you how my handwork So, if you have a craft to open a jade shop, you shouldn't lose it ... "

worth it!

It's really worth it!

Cheng Yiping showed a bright smile, but his heart was laughing wildly. He had no day or night in the help of the super promise app to find things. I do n’t know how long it took to learn the skills of jade carving, but look now In front of her, Zhang Xiaona looked surprised, as if she had eaten ginseng fruit.

Feeling that all the sins you have suffered in the Super Hidden App Faith Hidden Help are all worth it!

"No loss, no loss, of course, no loss. Cheng Yiping, I have also done TV programs on jade, and many friends know jade. Their jade works do not have the feeling of a jade rabbit like you, like It ’s full of agility. If you really have such a jade carving technique, it ’s definitely not a loss if you open a jade shop, but Cheng Yiping is so amazing to me, how can you get jade carving? Since you know this Jade carving, why haven't you heard of it before? "

Zhang Xiaona is really curious and strange:

When I first met Cheng Yiping, he was helping people find things, and Cheng Chengping knew that he used to be a security guard.

Generally speaking, aren't the security guards all those who do not have the skills?

But since the technique of jade carving in Yipinghui has become a why, why still go to security?

Run to help people find things?

This is really weird

"Where, only the technique of jade carving has not yet passed the level, so I will not take it out. I have been practicing the jade carving technique recently. Now it is in full swing, so I can take it out naturally. Since Zhang Xiaona, you all think that I am carving Yutu is good, then I am more confident to open a jade shop. "


What a joke

The Super Hidden Object Faith Hidden Object helps the jade carving taught in it be flawed?

This is simply impossible!

That's top technology.

For the faith-seeking and finding-the-things in the Super Finding App to help skills level, but 100% maintain absolute confidence.

Techniques learned from the Hidden Object Assistance Skills of the Super Hidden Object App. Almost many times helped Cheng Yiping emerge from the endangered situation.

And each one is top-level skills that can be used to make a living!

If it is not because in this reality, people are more concerned about academic qualifications and various certificates and diplomas.

Even if you have great strength, unless chance coincides, you just want to be able to discover your strength.

if not,

Among the regular units, more are certificates and capabilities. Even if the capabilities are stronger, if there is no nationally recognized certificate, it may be judged to be illegal business and have no business qualifications.

I have to say that this is a very painful problem

"Cheng Yiping, you're really surprised me. Since that's the case, I'll accept the jade rabbit. Thank you, I like it very much."

Zhang Xiaona, full of knowledge, showed a bright smile, picked up the little Jade Rabbit, and gently touched it. The Jade Rabbit was crystal clear in the bright moonlight, which made Zhang Xiaona seduce.

Sure enough, no matter what, girls always like shiny things. .

With the beloved woman, time is always passing fast.

Even if it was a long journey, it seemed that Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona were just in a flash.

After returning Zhang Xiaona to Grandma's home, Cheng Yiping hit a car and returned home, yawned, fell to the bed, and fell asleep.

Ding ... Ding ...

The rushing and loud ringtone awakened Cheng Yiping, who was sleeping.

He yawned angrily and opened his eyes from the bed.

The most annoying thing for ordinary people is the feeling of being woken up while sleeping.

More uncomfortable than death.

Looking up at the clock above the nightstand, it was only 3:30 in the morning.

"What the **** are you doing? What the **** are you doing? What happened? It's only half past three, and someone will call you. What's going on?"

With his dim eyes, Cheng Yiping yawned and took the phone. Is Wang Yuting displayed on the phone?

Wang Yuting?

Isn't this Wang Yuting, Group 6 of the serious case in Jiangzhen Police Station?

How could she suddenly call me?

Cheng Yiping really felt puzzled.

Since the super-finding app was completely uploaded to the Internet, Cheng Yiping's work within the six major cases of the case is completely optional.

To put it plainly, the police consultant was originally a non-staff who did not occupy the establishment ...

what happened?

Is there anything else I can help?

Cheng Yiping frowned, thinking about it for a long time, the only thing Wang Yuting, who was able to find in the sixth group of the serious case, could find was his only role, which was the super-hunting app.

Let yourself help them find someone.

Although now the Super Hidden App can be used by anyone after it is uploaded to the Internet.

But every use requires paying a lot of faith points.

In the case of insufficient Xinyang point, it cannot be used at all!

In contrast, Cheng Yiping has enough faith ...

At least for Wang Yuting and others in the Sixth Division of Jiangzhen Police Station, they wanted Cheng Yiping to use the Super Hidden App to find people and find objects, and they never failed because of insufficient faith.

Is there another case?

Hesitantly, Cheng Yiping picked up the phone

"Cheng Yiping, come to the six major cases of Jiangzhen City, and give you ten minutes to come to the six major cases of Jiangzhen City ..."

How is this going?


Cheng Yiping didn't say anything, but a beeping busy tone came from the mobile phone.

What is it called?

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