Super Finding App

Chapter 1202: Absurd (2)

What does it mean?

Beverage does not refer to the person nicknamed Beverage, but a real drink?

Zhang Daquan was poisoned after drinking a drink?

How is this possible

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous. I said, Mr. Cheng, will you find a super finder app? If your finder app fails and you don't have enough faith, you can tell us this clearly. We are both Understandable, do n’t make nonsense here ”

"It turns out that Zhang Dadian died of drinking poison. This is simply an impossible thing. If he really died of poison, we have already investigated it clearly, and according to Zhang Dadian's autopsy report, I know, he does n’t have any toxins in his body. What exactly are you talking about? Even if it ’s a trouble to lie, you have to talk about it. Do n’t let people see the flaws. ”

"Yes, this is really weird. Zhang Dajian's autopsy report did not show any toxins. There was no poison in the body. You even said that Zhang Dajian died of drinking poison. This is too ridiculous. ... "

When Zhao Weiquan and Qian Sen from Dobinka, Beizhou heard the words, they were immediately ashamed and angry, and you talked with my own words, with a look of doubt and suspicion on your face.

"Cheng Yiping, exactly what is going on? Are you having enough faith points in the Super Hidden App? If you really do n’t have enough faith points in the Super Hidden App, you tell us explicitly that we can Think of other ways, but please do n’t bullshit, after all, it ’s a matter of life! ”

Not only Beizhou Road, Zhao Weiquan and Qian Sen, two police officers in Binka City, did not believe that even Wang Yuting and others in the Sixth Division of Jiangzhen City's serious case looked skeptical.

I knew it would happen.

I knew it would happen.

Although you think this is very absurd.

But this is indeed true!

Cheng Yiping couldn't help rolling his eyes, clapping his hands, loosening his shoulders, revealing a helpless look

"I know you don't believe in such absurd things, but the situation is indeed the case. What I found through the Super Hidden App did tell me that the killer who killed Zhang Daquan was the drink ..."

Cheng Yiping said helplessly, then picked up the file, translated it carefully, and frowned.

"And I just looked through the file carefully and found that the drink was not included in the report of this case at all. In other words, the drink was not written by you in this record. Since it was not written in the report, How can you be sure that this drink does not exist, is it really free of toxins, or is it just fake? "


Not written in the report?

How is this possible?

Zhao Weiquan and Qian Sen looked through the files and frowned.

"According to the autopsy report, Zhang Dajian did not have any poisonous hair, so he did not consider the poisonous side. He did not even consider the situation where the poison would occur. As for what is the beverage you said?

"Although I'm talking about drinks, it's not an ordinary drink, but a drink called Bai Niu, which is not sold in the market for the time being. If I'm not mistaken, I'm afraid this drink should still be in the villa at the moment Then, when we find it for a test, don't we know it clearly? "

Cheng Yiping said, squinting his eyes.

He believes very much in the quest of the super finder app.

Since the Super Hidden App says that this large sum of money died of poisoning, then this shows that this large sum of money indeed died of poisoning.

It is not the police's injustice that the police failed to investigate, but that they did not find the presence of the toxin through the autopsy report.

Therefore, the issue of beverages is not taken into account.

But now that it is discovered, it is very simple to solve this problem. As long as the beverage is taken out for testing, it is clear.

"White Bull? The name of this drink has not been heard before. Is this really a drink?"

Yingzi Wang Yuting frowned and said

"It's true. When I was in Jiangzhen City, I saw people with white cow drinks making advertisements. In other words, it might be a new drink, so we only need to test it to know Whether this drink is true or not, of course, it is not certain that it is indeed a white cow. Maybe someone has mixed some other things in it.

Cheng Yiping hesitated.

After all, no one can guarantee that this white cow's drink is indeed a drink.

After all, modern people are very cunning, who can guarantee that this drink is the real drink without struggling with something else?

"I think Cheng Yiping's statement is completely reasonable. What we say here is useless. The main thing is that the beverage that Cheng Yiping said is true or false."

After a moment's thoughts by the heroic Wang Yuting, she finally felt convinced.

After all, compared with Zhao Weiquan and Qian Sen of Beizhou Dobinka, she spent more time with Cheng Yiping and more trust.

"Very good. If so, let's go now and see if the white cow's drink mentioned by Mr. Cheng is still at the scene of the crime. If it does exist, just test it ... "

Zhao Weiquan of Binka City, Beizhou Road thought for a moment and immediately said

"Okay, let's go now ..."

I have to say that the efficiency of police work is still quite fast.

Once the clues were found, even if it was Wang Yuting who was in the sixth group of the serious case at more than three o'clock in the morning, he took Zhao Weiquan and Qian Sen of Interpol 1st Team of Beibin Doubka City to the villa where the crime occurred.

"Brother Zhao, are you saying that Cheng Yiping is true or false? Zhang Daqian died of a drink. Is this too strange?"

"If it is really a drink and the poison is sent out, then the autopsy report should be checked out, but there is no toxin in Zhang Dajian's autopsy report, which is too strange."

Qian Sen, an intern policeman sitting in the police car, was eager to try.

As an intern police officer, this is the first time he has participated in such a cross-provincial case. So far, his heart is beating violently, and he wants to express himself.

"It's really strange, but it's not impossible. If Zhang Dajian has an extremely strange or even secret poison, the autopsy report may not be able to detect it, but I want to know if it is Poisoning is also a very simple matter, just need to go to the villa to have a look "

The light in Zhao Weiquan's eyes of Bei Zhou Dao Bekasi flashed by.

"If the white cow drink mentioned by Mr. Cheng is not found in the villa, it is enough to show that the white cow drink was taken by a person with interest, which means that this large amount of money is likely to be poisoned by people."

"If there is indeed a so-called white cow drink in the villa, then the case will be more complicated."

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