Super Finding App

Chapter 1212: girlfriend

He Jiakang wanted to cry without tears.

Heaven and earth conscience.

If he knew his mother was coming today, he would never take his girlfriend home.

How is it now

Once my mother really sees her girlfriend, it is definitely no less than a magnitude 18 earthquake, and I am afraid that my life will really be worse than death.

He Jiakang looked pale and bloodless, and the Korean drama on his forehead flowed down.

If there is next time.

He vowed never to leave his girlfriend at home.

He will never treat his girlfriend at home. Who could have thought that his mother had a sudden attack?

this moment

He Jiakang suddenly remembered what his mother said, and when he came, he lost his home address.

What a great thing.

If you did n’t turn off your phone and received your mother ’s call when you were sleeping, you can know that your mother came to you in advance, and maybe there is a way to hide your girlfriend immediately.

Where, as now, time is simply not enough!

He Jiakang regretted that he would directly hit the wall

"Well, Mr. He, I heard all along the way that you found a very good girlfriend, got into the hall, got into the kitchen, didn't cry or make trouble, and didn't ask you for anything. It ’s very good. Honestly, I ’m almost envious of what my mother said. You said, now that you find a girlfriend, do n’t say you got into the hall and got into the kitchen. The ones who can cook are already a rare variety. Where can I go to the hall, get to the kitchen, and work hard, I am really envious. I do n’t know if your girlfriend has a good girlfriend. If you have If so, introduce it to me. "

"As the saying goes, things are grouped together, people are grouped. Your girlfriend got into the hall and got into the kitchen. It's so good, then her girlfriends should be pretty good too, and I'll trouble you by then."

Cheng Yiping's mouth twitched, revealing an envious look, but what was exposed between the two eyes was definitely the light of glee.

He Jiakang gritted his teeth and revealed a smile that was harder than crying.

Although the person in front of me is very nice, you say I envy me, but why is it so awkward to understand?

Introduce a girlfriend to his girlfriend?

Yes you can.

A lot!

I don't know if you can afford it!

Ha ha……

He Jiakang smiled awkwardly twice and stopped paying attention. Suddenly, he even had some complaints about Cheng Yiping in front of him.

You talk about it, if I did n’t meet you, my mother would n’t find her home address and would definitely go back.

Or just call and you'll have time for yourself.

But it ’s good now.

How to do it

There is no time to hide or hide.


He Jiakang wanted to cry without tears, watching his mother slowly open the door, cold all over the body, swallowing drool.

Heaven and earth conscience.

If the world really does have the next time, you must not shut down when you absolutely sleep.

Never shut down!

Shut down this is to find death!

Shutdown is a disaster!

He Jiakang wanted to cry without tears, trying to stop his mother desperately.

But he found all his attempts to stop were pale.

With my mother slowly opening the bedroom door, it was cold and creepy.

He Jiakang's bedroom is a very simple bedroom, giving the impression that it has a stylish urban feel and is completely different from today's elderly buildings.

On a huge bed, there was a man inside the blanket who was whirling and falling asleep.

You can see from this beautiful figure covered by this blanket that she is definitely a beauty, and she is an extremely tall woman

Could it be that the son's girlfriend is really not awake while sleeping?

Middle-aged woman with a hint of hesitation, if his girlfriend.

If you're sleeping, it's really bad to disturb you now

The middle-aged woman's aunt coughed twice, and the original anger seemed to dissipate.

Came to the bed and patted the person who was sleeping, hoping to wake him up.

But nothing happened.

The middle-aged woman did not respond to the first slap. Is it too light?

So after two taps, there was still no response.

This makes middle-aged women feel very strange and confused

Does this sleep really die so much?

The middle-aged aunt felt confused and quite unhappy.

No matter what, he is his son's mother and also her future mother-in-law.

But in front of him, there is a girlfriend in the sky praised by his son, and he didn't even come out to meet him!

Even if she came to call her personally at this moment and didn't have any response?

It is impossible to say that there is no idea in my heart.

Next, I took a few hard shots, but still nothing happened.

Middle-aged woman was embarrassed. He lifted the blanket open, revealing the lower face, suddenly stunned, his mouth widened, and a burst of anger from the back rushed to his brain, almost hysterically yelling,

"He Jiakang, come out for me, you come in for me, you come in for me!"



Completely finished!

He Jiakang couldn't help covering his head, his face pale.

He knew that his girlfriend was still found by his mother.

Next, 100% is Thunderstorm!


I am absolutely dead.

The thought shivered into the bedroom.

I saw the middle-aged woman pale and bloodless, and looked at him most indifferently in bed.

On the bed, his girlfriend was lying quietly on the bed. She didn't have any idea of ​​getting up because of her mother's arrival.

Of course, she couldn't do it even when she thought of it.

"He Jiakang, He Jiakang, do you tell me this is your girlfriend? This is the girl friend you got into the hall and got into the kitchen?"

"Answer me, yes or no!"

He Jiakang swallowed his saliva and looked at his angry mother. It felt like he could just say something wrong. He was attacked 100% by his mother's thunder, with a bitter smile on his face.

"Mom, I told you not to come in, don't come in, why don't you listen? I already told you, my girlfriend is not here"

"No, no, is this your girlfriend? Is she a living person?"

"Even if you're not so good. If you are looking for a girlfriend, is it a living person? The problem is that you are looking for a living person, it is not a living person at all. Do n’t be a mother. I do n’t know. The one you are looking for is silicone Dolls, also known as inflatable dolls! "

With the angry words of middle-aged women, I saw He Jiakang lying quietly on her bed.

Turns out to be an inflatable doll.

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