Super Finding App

Chapter 1217: Interrogation (2)

For Wei Fang, who is a nightclub in the city, the police station is a terrible place for ordinary girls.

It's fine if you go in for a visit, but once you are caught, you will be trembling with fear, and even some people with weak psychological tolerance will cry out.

However, Wei Fang, who is a mixed night scene, has long been accustomed to the police station, and he doesn't care at all ...

At this moment, Wei Fang really put Erlang's legs up, although her hands were chained by handcuffs, she didn't mind at all.

The dark inside the public interrogation room, this psychological tactic has long been used to Wei Fang mixed in the night.

"Let go, let go, let me go quickly, do n’t think I do n’t understand the law, tell you, you can only detain me for 24 hours at most, after 24 hours without any evidence to prove that I committed a crime, you must let go I, otherwise, be careful I will complain to you after going out "

When the door of the interrogation room opened with a bang, Zhao Weiquan from Binca City, Beizhou, and Qian Sen and Yang Tie from the six serious cases came in.

When we saw the police coming over, Wei Fang yelled, where could there be an innocent look of eighteen and nineteen.

At first glance, it was old fritters.

"Shut up and calm down, don't you know why we locked you here? You should know that Zhang Daqian is dead."

Zhao Weiquan, Binzhou, Beizhou, was aggressive when he opened his mouth.

As a police officer, he knew very well that he would suppress the prisoners in the beginning. Only in this way could the criminals be sincere and horrified, and finally tell the truth.

Otherwise, once shocked by criminal suspects, the consequences will be quite troublesome.

"Don't frighten me, don't frighten me, do you not know me? I tell you, Zhang Daqian's death has nothing to do with me, he simply died of a cardiac arrest, and I have sent him to the hospital Go, do n’t frame me, do n’t think I do n’t know the law ”

Zhao Weiquan yelled immediately, feeling quite a bit of a shrew.

She was very clear when encountering such a situation at night, and she must keep her initiative.

Otherwise, it would be quite troublesome, not to mention she was really depressed and annoyed

"How do I know that this big heart will die if I don't have a good heart, and it's so easy for my old lady to buy such a big money, and then you can buy a house for me, and you can buy a car for me. I saved some money, but he didn't expect that he died of a sudden heart attack, and his wife was worthy of him without accounting with him. Do you think I would kill Zhang Dadian? Do n’t kid me, I ’m Zhang Dadian But it ’s just a matter of interest. "

"He also has a wife and a child, and I still expect to be right with him? Don't make a joke, this is impossible, Zhang Dajian's death, I tell you not to press this thing on me , I will never be fooled "

"You guys are framed!"


Wei Fang, who had already been in the night, was not afraid of the police at all.

What is she afraid of?

At best, it can only be regarded as public security detention, no sentence is needed at all, and it has long been used to it.

In Wei Fang's view, what these policemen are now doing is just to scare and frighten themselves.

"Well, if it's nothing to do with you, then you should know these two women. If I remember correctly, they are your girlfriends."

Zhao Weiquan and Qian Sen from Beizhou Dompa City both glanced at the smoothness and worldliness of the young and innocent girl, and felt headaches.

Who would have thought that a girl would be so smooth and sophisticated?

It's really surprising and surprising.

Between words

Passed the pictures of two girlfriends Wei Fang from Beizhou Dobinka in hand.

Wei Fang's face was aggressive.

She did not expect that the other party would show her a picture of her girlfriend.

Even so.

She didn't touch anything, she sneered.

"These two are indeed my girlfriends. What can we do with the people in the night scene? What happened to them? Did they have nothing to do with me? They are just sisters in the night scene. Girlfriends don't count, they can only say that the relationship is better. "

"As long as you have a good relationship with them, she and both of them are now dead."


Hu Ting and Zhang Yanmin are dead?

how can that be?

This is simply impossible, OK!

At this moment, Wei Fang was absent from the arrogance and incredible look at the beginning.

Her mouth was wide open at this moment. She really didn't expect her girlfriend to be dead?

The sweat was flowing, and he said quickly

"Don't frame me, you won't think that they both killed me and planted it on me. I tell you, it's impossible, don't frame and plant me!"

"Rest assured that our police will act based on evidence and will not injustice one person, and we will never let any bad person off."

The cold light flashed from Zhao Weiquan's eyes in Bei Cassow's Bin Casi.

He could clearly perceive that Wei Fang, who had originally applied arrogance and embarrassment, had gradually collapsed his defense line at the moment, sneer.

"I'm afraid you don't know that your two girlfriends died in Dobinka, Beizhou, and Zhang Dajian also died of a sudden cardiac arrest. You are Hu Ting and Zhang Yanmin. My girlfriend, who is also a big lover, can be said to be the only point of contact between them, and to say that the death between them has nothing to do with you, do you think it is possible? "


this is okay too?

Wei Fang was immediately shocked by what Zhao Weiquan said in Binca, Beizhou.

With a look of horror on his face, he said quickly

"Trust me, trust me, I really didn't kill, I really didn't kill, their death really has nothing to do with me, it really has nothing to do with me"

"The same is true for Zhang Dadian. How do I know he has a heart attack, uncle police, you must believe me, you must believe me."

In an instant

Wei Fang's arrogant and defensive mentality and tactics collapsed completely, and wow burst into tears.

Zhao Weiquan, Qian Sen, and Yang Tie from the Sixth Division of Beicao Island in Binka City on the opposite side looked at each other with a long sigh of relief.

They are very clear that now that Wei Fang's psychological defense line has been breached, no matter what he asks, Wei Fang will definitely answer the truth.

"Rest assured, we said that our police will not let go of a bad person, nor will we injustice a good person. What we want to know is that if you really have nothing to do with these cases, then your white bull Where did you get it? "

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