Super Finding App

Chapter 1244: Lawyer (2)

Referring to a deer as a horse is like a tongue. Generally speaking, it's just flat, but it's just seen and heard on TV.

In reality, although such unreasonable people will also be encountered, most of them are vixens, at most they are hitting a rake and shouting loudly.

However, like the attentive lawyer in front of me, he opened his eyes and talked nonsense, but also said all the legal provisions. It made me feel that what I said was really true, indeed very right, and I couldn't find any flaws. This ability to talk nonsense with eyes open has to be admired.

A lawyer deserves to be a lawyer, and he deserves to eat legal food.

I didn't expect this to refer specifically to black for white and deer for horses.

Cheng Yiping shook his head in a funny way. He really lived until he learned old, he has long experience, and he has seen him for a long time.

Sure enough, this year is really a tree without bark and can not live, a person without a face is invincible.

The lawyer accused Deer of being able to admire and admire the horse's ability.

Cheng Yiping shook his head funnyly, stood up, walked to the lawyer, and the boss of the Jade Gang behind him looked at Cheng Yiping with a look of panic.

Heaven and earth conscience

. He is also a knowledgeable person, but he never really thought of meeting such a cruel person. It was so amazing that he was so stunned.

"I didn't expect that such a person would actually appear. This means that the deer's ability to be a horse is really admired, but what about it?"

Cheng Yiping came over and chuckled.

"Although you are right, but you forgot one point. Do you think that we are here in the United States? Please, we are here too. Even if you are a lawyer, you can only talk and can really make a judgment But the judge! "

"What do you mean by this? We are telling the truth. Do you want to disturb the fair verdict? It is impossible. You can see by yourself how many people are lying on the bed. They at least It ’s all from minor injuries to serious injuries, even leaving you with a disability, telling you, you are dead, you are dead, we will surely bring you home!

The lawyer said with gritted teeth.

He has seen too much in this situation. As the saying goes, money can make ghosts grind. What is the result? Is it a man or a ghost? Is n’t it all his mouth?

"Good to say, but if you sue me, then I can sue you as well."

Cheng Yiping stood up and raised his lips slightly.

"Sue! What do you sue us? You hurt someone, don't you want to tell someone that you can't?"

"No, no, I'm telling you to attack the police."

Assault the police!

The lawyer's eyes widened suddenly with a flustered look on his face, the boss of the jade gang was stunned and said quickly

"Impossible, impossible, are you a policeman? This is absolutely impossible"

He couldn't believe it. If it was a policeman, I'd be afraid to tell them long ago, not like it is now.

After all, within the Kingdom of Tang Dynasty, the status of the police is lofty. You fight with an ordinary person and fight with a policeman is completely different in nature.

Assaulting a police officer was a crime in the Tang Dynasty.

"I'm not a policeman, but sorry, I'm a police consultant"

Cheng Yiping shrugged and said

The lawyer froze for a moment, and suddenly laughed.

"Police adviser, huh, that's not the police, it's not even for the police!"

The lawyer was relieved. If it was the police, he would be quite troublesome, but it would be easier if the other party was not the police.

However, there are some problems. Although Chengping is not a police officer, he is a police adviser.

In other words, he may have some relationship with the police.

It seems that this money is not easy to get.

Attorney Zhang Youcai squinted his eyes, and made things very clear. The situation behind this situation is the strength of the rear and the relationship between the rear.

As Zhang Youcai had long-term contacts with the boss of the jade gang, he knew very well what kind of hostage was behind the jade gang boss.

At least in the street where Nanyu is jade, it is not easy to bring down jade to help the boss.

"Noisy, noisy, this is the police station, not the market,"

While the crowd was arguing, only a man in police uniforms came in, with a determined look on his face.

Beside him was the same police officer wearing a police uniform. The boss of the Jade Gang quickly saw a surprise look on his face and said excitedly

"Zhang Bureau, Zhang Bureau, you are here. You are so kind. We in Nanyu City are all places with the rule of law. They have always lived in peace. You also know that what we do in the jade business is some It ’s hard money, but if you look at him, you hit him at every turn. ”

"As the saying goes, if you do n’t buy and sell, you do n’t sell. If you do n’t sell, you do n’t sell. We dare not fight back. People like this must be severely punished, and they must be severely punished. Well, how badly we hit us. "

The boss of the Jade Gang cried out in tears, and the people who didn't know really thought that he had suffered a great grievance.

It looked like a funny look raised from a flat eyebrow.

When there is really milk, it is a mother. If a crying child has milk to eat, does a child who does not cry admit to being unlucky?

Zhang Bureau, wearing a uniform, looked at Cheng Yiping with a complexion on his face and said

"Enough, we will investigate after the incident, and now take him down, for the time being"

The people who are following the Jade Gang in this bureau must be a group.

Cheng Yiping narrowed his eyes. People with good eyes know that one is a person, and the other is more than 20 people. Who is the weak one will know at a glance.

However, even in this case, this bureau closed the mouth and said that the Jade Gang had more than 20 bastards. It was only identified as Cheng Yiping's assault and severe injuries.

Some of this favoritism seems to be overdone.

"Wait, I'm afraid it won't work!"

Between the words, a few personal dusters rushed over in the office, and his eyes flashed sharply. He picked up the corner of his mouth and showed a playful smile.

Here comes my own rescue, but then there is nothing to worry about.

"Who the **** are you?"

Zhang Ju's face was iron-blue, but he was the only one in Nanyu City.

Basically, he can handle such a small matter of fighting and fighting. No matter which side he favors, he will be able to be held in accordance with the formal process. How to operate at that time, the knowledge there will be great. "

"I am Wang Yuting from the Sixth Division of Jiangzhen City. These two are Zhao Weiquan and Qian Sen of the Criminal Investigation Team of Binzhou, Beizhou. Cheng Yiping is our police consultant in Jiangzhen City. We sent him here to assist Investigating a murder ... "

The heroic Wang Yuting stepped forward and took out the police officer's card two times, her eyes narrowed.

Looking at the indifferent Cheng Yiping, he rolled his eyes.

This Cheng Yiping is really a real person who does not show up, and one person hit more than 20 people.

Are these twenty or so confusing, all incomplete?

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