Super Finding App

Chapter 1246: Who is he? (1)

"Cheng Yiping, are you telling the truth?"

"If you really follow what you said, I am afraid that this white cow drink is quite strange, but it is not certain whether the effect is really so exaggerated. After all, until now we have not found any of the white cow drink tests. Problem, and all the procedures of White Bull Drink are complete, it is quite difficult to find the flaws, unless the White Bull Drink we saw and tested and the White Bull Drink taken by the jade gang of Cheng Yiping, and Not the same white cow drink! "

Zhao Weiquan, from Binzhou, Beizhou, raised his eyes and thought for a moment, then said that the light flashed in his eyes.

"It's possible, it's possible, it's entirely possible, do you mean that this white cow drink is divided into two types, we transported the white cow drink and Beifangdao Wei Fang and others to get from the man in black Is n’t the white cow drink the same as the white cow drink that this jade gang drinks? "

Qian Sen, an intern police officer, opened his mouth, his eyes flashed.

"It's possible, it's entirely possible. I don't know if it's true, but I think now that I know this strange white cow drink I got from the Jade Gang, I don't think you can Need I say more? "

Cheng Yi shrugged and chuckled.

He didn't care at all about beating up more than 20 individuals in the Jade Gang.

To be honest, if the network was not developed before, it might really be able to bring down those in power.

But what time is it now?

Now is the era of extremely developed networks!

It's impossible to hide this easily.

Sorry, as long as you can spend a little bit of money to do a network promotion early, you can immediately make a stir.

The title can be clearly thought out.

[The gang monopolizes the jade street, buys it strong, sells it more, and more than 20 people deal with innocent youth against anti-battering. Is it the loss of morality or the law? 】

Man of few words.

Now that clues have been found, Wang Yuting of the Sixth Heavy Case and Zhao Weiquan of Dobinka, Beizhou, Qian Sen can't wait to find the boss who is going to review the jade gang in Nanyu City.

"It's so obscure, it's so obscure. I didn't expect that the kid would be a police consultant in Jiangzhen City, but it was so obscure."

In the jail room of Nanyu City Police Station, the boss of the jade gang clenched his teeth, and beside him was a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, lowering his eyebrows.

"Boss, that's it. If it's not the case, we should have been released now. I didn't expect to stay in this police station. It's really depressing."

"Enough, enough, do you not want to leave as a boss? But now who dares to let it go, who can do it, don't forget how sad this person is in front of him. He not only defeated more than 20 of us alone!"

"If he doesn't have the status of a police adviser, what we have here in Nanyu City is to use the police to arrest him in a fight and fight, and sometimes there is a way to kill him."

"It's just that no one expected him. He turned out to be the official police adviser of Jiangzhen City. Not only that, but now the police in Jiangzhen City and Beizhou Road have also been approached. You really thought that the people above us could backfire Hand for rain "

"Can you really cover the sky with one hand?"

"Even if you can cover the sky with your own hands, it can only be the sky of Nanyu City, not the entire Kingdom of Tang Dynasty, not to mention that it also involves the so-called homicide, although it is not known exactly Is it true or false, but now even Zhang Ju dare not let us go brazenly? "

"It doesn't matter, wait, wait, although I don't know what the murders these police say? But after all, it has nothing to do with us. We have never been to the so-called Beizhou Road, and we have nothing to do with it. Haven't been to Jiangzhen City, but I'm afraid they will use this to make some articles "

"But there are people on it as support, there is a Zhang Bureau, even if they want to do some tricks, they can't do it at all, it is not a simple thing."

"At that time we just need to tell the truth"

The boss of the Jade Gang was not worried about the so-called homicide. After all, even if he wanted to frame and want to be framed, he could not be framed on his head.

He just stumbled into an iron plate!

Who the **** is this **** Cheng Yiping?

At the moment, in Zhang Zhang's office within Nanyu City Police Department, a slight sweat flowed from his forehead. Looking at the file in front of him, he looked up. In front of him, Wang Yuting, Murphy and Bei, who will formally form the sixth group of the case, Zhao Weiquan and Qian Sendao of Binca City

"I have understood that I have called above, please rest assured, as colleagues, we will actively cooperate with this case, and we will cooperate as much as you want"

Zhang Bureau smiled brightly and said, where is there just a little aggressive look.

"Thank you for your help. I believe that as long as you can find out where the real white cow drink of this white cow drink is, it will definitely make a breakthrough in our case. According to our police consultant Cheng Yiping, The white cow drink taken by the people of the Baiyu Gang has changed dramatically afterwards. I am afraid that there will be some nasty presence, so we hope to review the boss of the Yushi Gang ... "

Wang Yuting opened the door and said

"No problem, no problem, there is no problem at all. In fact, those who talked about the Jade Gang are indeed some lumps, but it is only a few small disputes and contradictions, and we only need to detain them. Assisting an investigation is not a detention ... "

"To put it plainly, this is just a simple case of fighting and fighting, but it can be large or small. When it is big, it is called a contract, and it needs to be sentenced. When it is small, it is just a quarrel dispute ..."

"But since Mr. Cheng ’s police adviser is definitely not a fight, I want them to make a transcript in a while, and deal with it in accordance with normal disputes. Education and order, just fine some money ..."

Zhang Yu of Nanyu Police Station showed a bright smile, and the light in his eyes flashed.

He is very clear that a case like this has grown to the point that it is a crime of gathering people and endangering public safety and can definitely be sentenced.

However, when it was small, it was just a law and order case in which fights were fought, and the penalties could be educated.

There are no dead people, after all.

"Director Zhang, although Yiping Cheng is a police consultant who belongs to our police station in Jiangzhen City, but if he commits any crime in Nanyu City, we will never condone it. We will obey the arrangements of Zhang Bureau."

Wang Yuting, Group 6 of Jiangzhen ’s serious case, immediately raised his eyes and said righteously.

There was a hint of coldness in her tone, and for Wang Yuting she was the guardian of the law.

Anyone who breaks the law must be severely punished.

If Cheng Yiping heard Wang Yuting's words at the scene, he would be tempted to put out a middle finger.

Wang Yuting, can you be considered a bridge-breaker across the river?

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