Super Finding App

Chapter 1250: Royal Palace (2)

The assistant wearing gold glasses uttered the word of the collected book carefully.

He said a surprised look on his face.

"Interesting, this one is really interesting. It seems that I really underestimated him. Even if the soldier of the special forces can deal with more than twenty people by himself, it is not all. Everyone can do it "

"According to his files and the information collected by Cheng Yiping, he is just an ordinary person. He can hit 20 people by himself. Does he have anything else I don't know?"

"No wonder you can coax Doudou apart from him."

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, flashed through the beautiful eyes. She was quite concerned and valued for her sister.

You must not let your sister be harmed at any point.

"I see, it seems that Cheng Yiping really despised him."

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, shot wisely in her beautiful eyes, and said with a slight ringing on the corner of her mouth.

"By the way, although I do n’t know why Cheng Yiping happened, but the jade you mentioned helped me investigate. If it is really a triad, then immediately kill me. It is absolutely forbidden for the triad nature to be allowed inside. "

After speaking, stood up and went straight to the distance, not far from the majestic, with the oriental style of the book.

Behind him, the secretary wearing gold-glasses bent down respectfully, watching His Royal Highness the Second Princess leave, took out his mobile phone and called.

I am afraid that the people in Nanyu City's jade gang would never think of it, just because they had offended Cheng Yiping and they caught the attention of Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty.

Even in Nanyu City, no matter how high-profile officials are, they are waiting for them.

"Dear His Royal Highness Tang Xuanwei, the architecture of your Kingdom of Tang Dynasty will always be so beautiful and beautiful, and it has a unique charm compared to our Western architecture. I am really happy."

The eldest son of the blond American consortium, wearing a suit, walked inside the palace. Looking around, although this is not the first time he has come to this palace, but every time he looks at the palace, he is exquisite in the palace. The carving man was shocked.

"This is really shocking. Such a majestic palace didn't use a screw. It is really amazing. Even a tile is an exquisite handicraft. The cultural heritage of your Tang Dynasty is really Too rich "

Smith made a sigh of admiration, and was stunned by the buildings in the palace ever since he first entered the palace.

This ingenious building, exquisite and magnificent, attracted Smith.

Of course, it attracted him to this palace, in addition to this exquisite building, there are his favorite women.

"Mr. Smith, you like the palace architecture so much. This is our honor. Indeed, our kingdom of Tang Dynasty has a splendid cultural history of thousands of years and has a unique charm."

Tang Xuanwei, the tall prince of Tang Guo, dressed in gorgeous costumes, smiled and led Smith to the study.

The waiter on the side rushed over quickly, put on tea, and acted as gentle and beautiful as peers.

"I don't know why Mr. Smith came to Heaven and Tang Kingdom this time, wouldn't he just come to see me?"

Tang Xuanwei, the great prince of the Tang Dynasty, lifted the ceramic celadon tea cup with a slight smile, holding the tea cap in his right hand and floating a few times, took a breath, and the faint tea fragrance spread.

"My dear friend Tang Xuanwei, you are really too smart. This time I came to see Miss Tang specially. I hope I can invite her to go out to sea."

Smith opened the door and said that compared with the implicitness of the East, the Westerners are more direct and do not think it is a very impolite thing.

"My dear friend Smith, you also know that my sister has always been independent. What she decides is not something I can decide. It is not easy for you to invite her."

"No, no, my dear friend Tang Xuanwei, there is a saying in your east called Jin Shiwei, Jin Shiwei is open, I believe my sincerity will definitely move her."

The blonde Smith had a sincere look on his face.

The great prince of the Tang Dynasty Tang Xuanwei shook his head funnyly, took a cup of tea, took a sip of a chuckle

"That being the case, I can only wish you good luck, dear friend Smith."

Compared to other people, Tang Xuanwei knows his sister quite definitely, she is definitely independent, and even her father and king cannot make her surrender.

As long as it was something he didn't want, it was useless to lift the eight-carriage.

He was very interested to see if Smith could really talk to his sister?

"I don't know where you want to invite my sister to play. You should also know that my sister's vision is quite picky."

Tang Xuanwei had a momentary interest. He wanted to know what kind of confidence this Smith had, and he would be able to convince his sister to be willing to accompany him to play?

You must know that his sister is the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, and she has extremely high vision.

"This is of course. In our east, there is a saying that knowing ourselves and knowing one another can be a hundred wins. If I remember correctly, Miss Er very much likes some wonderful and mysterious things. According to the information I have learned, A strange sea appeared some time ago in Bermuda. This time is why I organized an expedition to Bermuda. I believe. Miss Tang will be very interested. "

Bermuda death zone?

Tang Xuanwei, the prince of the Great Tang Kingdom who had originally held a trace of the idea of ​​watching a drama, suddenly opened his mouth and became angry and angry.

"No, no, just kidding, dear friend Smith, if you go to some other place, I can still understand it, it is absolutely impossible to invite my sister to explore in Baimu. This is absolutely impossible. thing!"

What a joke, Bermuda is a well-known devil's land.

Letting her sister go so far away, and letting the second princess of the Tang Dynasty go to the devil's zone, this is simply an act of seeking death. Shook his head

"My dear friend Smith, if you have this intention, then I can only tell you that your intention must only fail. This is impossible. How could the second princess of the mighty Tang Kingdom go to the Devil's Land? It's impossible in such a dangerous place. "

As soon as Tang Xuanwei, the great prince of the Tang dynasty, heard his voice, he heard a clear voice.

"Brother, you're wrong. Is Bermuda the zone of death? I would be interested if I went to Bermuda for an expedition."

The pleasant voice sounded like a lark, graceful and luxurious, the tall princess of the Tang Dynasty, Tang Xuanyu, walked in slowly.

With a smile on his face, a delicate face, and a tall figure, he is full of grace and luxury.

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