Super Finding App

Chapter 1273: Jade (2)

"Boss, can you show me this jade?"

Cheng Yiping watched Qian Hongming, who had left 10,000 yuan in cash on his face and left with the color of hope, shook his head slightly, revealing the bitter smile of Yu Pei in his hand.

Well, I am really an enthusiastic. After opening this store, I did n’t do a business. I lost 10,000 yuan to go in. Although this jade pendant is worth 10,000 yuan, in the final analysis, it is worth 4,000 to 5,000 yuan. It's only a few dollars. Even if it sells for 5,000 yuan or six thousand yuan, you still have to lose half of it.

"Forget it, there is a way to spend money to buy a wish, this money Hongming does not seem to be a bad person. If Qian Hongming is true, everyone else is a pit father and a son, he is a pit brother."

"But think about how pitiful Qian Hongming is. He is only a teenager, and his parents died. She can only rely on her brother, who wants to support a family and raise him. A younger brother is not an easy task. "

"More or less, there will be some negligence. Twenty-year-old Qian Qianming was not very mature. Although the children of the poor were early in their households, they also needed the children to be poor, to understand the hardships of their parents. Otherwise, it would only be a child after all, but this time Qian Hongming pit and his brother Qian Hongguang pit cost some money. "

"Really big."

"I hope this 10,000 yuan will help him."

Cheng Yiping sighed quietly. Although he made a loss-making deal, he was still quite happy. Suddenly, a clear voice came from his ears, and he looked around, and two women and one man came in.

"Boss, can you show me this piece of jade?"

The tall Wang Zihan smiled and stretched out his jade hand, pointing at the piece of jade that Qian Hongming sold to Cheng Yiping.

"no problem……"

Since there are customers who want to see Yu Pei, Cheng Yiping, the boss, will not refuse, let alone Cheng Yi Ping has never thought about smashing this Yu Pei in his hands. He has already made a loss of trading. It can also reduce losses.

Thinking of passing Yu Pei

Wang Zihan took Yu Pei to play with, his eyes flashed with fine light and his eyes chuckled.

"I really like this jade pendant. I don't know the price?"

Do you like it?

How much will I charge?

As the saying goes, it will not open for three years, and eat for three years. Since the other party wants it, otherwise the lion will open the mouth?

Cheng Yiping set his eyes on Yu Pei's body, and wanted to say 20,000 to 30,000, but he couldn't hold it.

In the eyes of Yiping, you can clearly see the value of this jade pendant. This is the side effect brought by the super-hunting APP jade carving.

In Cheng Yiping's eyes, the engraved jade pendant's running-in and craftsmanship were worth at most 5,000 yuan, and it was really unspeakable for him to ask for 20,000 with a heart.

"6000 yuan."

Cheng Yiping for a long time, finally figured out the number 6000, his heart was bleeding.

Once again I realized that I was not born to do business.

There is a saying that there is no trespass and no business. When others sell things, they will only sell the price higher. If they get better, the price will sell lower. Who believes it?

But looking at the craftsmanship of this jade is really worth so much money at the most.

No wonder good people ca n’t make money this year ...


Wang Zihan looked at him for a moment, raised his eyes, and looked up and down with a beautiful smile.

"Are you sure? Is it really just 6000? If I heard right, you bought this piece of jade for 10,000 yuan when you came in. Now you sell it to me for 6000? Is it still doing business this year? Is there a loss? "

"You all heard me!"

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth, looked at the prince in front of him, shook his head funnyly, and sighed.

"Okay, okay, if you have heard outside, then you should know that the person who sold me this jade pendant was just the teenage boy Qian Hongming. Honestly, this jade pendant is in my eyes. It's only worth 6000 yuan at most, but since he needs 10,000 yuan to treat his brother for surgery, and I don't lack the 4,000 yuan, I buy this jade for 10,000 yuan. How can it be? "

"It turned out to be that way, but I bought it for 10,000 yuan. Now I don't lose 4,000 from selling 6,000 to me? Can I still make a loss by doing business?"

"No, no, it ’s totally different. First of all, you have to listen clearly. These are two businesses. It ’s my business to buy this jade pendant with Qian Hongming and me. Willingly, it has nothing to do with you. Now you have to buy this jade pendant. I have the final say how much it costs. In my eyes, this jade pendant is only worth 6000, nothing more. "

This boss is really a strange person

Wang Zihan, Zheng Qian, and a handsome man in a suit opened their mouths and shook their heads in a funny way. They went north and south and passed through many small shops. They have never seen such a loss-making business.

"I need this jade pendant"

Wang Zihan lowered his head, looked at the jade in his hand, raised his eyes and smiled.

"no problem."

Since one wants to buy and one to sell, the business naturally comes to fruition. Cheng Yiping received the other party's 6000 yuan and wrapped up Yupei and passed it on.

"Yes, boss, do you have any good goods here? I want to take a look again. Is your store new?"

If he bought something at the usual time, Wang Zihan would naturally turn away.

This store's store looks ok, but it's a little missing compared to the one next door. At first glance, it's a new store.

However, Wang Zihan looked at the boss in front of him to do business and even lost money. He wanted to see if he could have a satisfactory jade gift for his grandpa.

"Yes, my store only opened today. The three of you are the first customers. As for all the jade goods on the shelf, you can take a look. My store is different from other places. There are so many things sold, which are basically custom made, and of course the price is quite high. "

Cheng Yiping said truthfully that he had not expected that he would stay in it all year round. No matter what, Cheng Yiping's super-hunting app was the most important.

The best jade and jade works carved by Cheng Yiping's top jade carving crafts will naturally increase the price.

Cheng Yiping is definitely a high-end boutique line, not ordinary people can afford.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you are flat, this can definitely be done for three years without opening and eating for three years.

"Rest as long as your stuff is good, money is not a problem"

Wang Zihan didn't speak yet, he said to the handsome man in a suit behind him, his face full of pride

Well, it seems that these three people are a group of people who are not short of money.

Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders without any discomfort, but you do n’t understand the rich world.

Since the other party isn't too expensive, Cheng Yiping naturally doesn't think he has too much money to worry about.

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