Super Finding App

Chapter 1291: Lightness of Life (4)

"Good treatment? Treatment costs? My brother Qian Hongming is a child and he doesn't understand. Don't you know? How much is 10,000 yuan for treatment in a hospital now? Medical expenses are not enough at all"

"I need at least 100,000 for my two-handed treatment. Ten thousand yuan is simply a waste of money. I only did this to comfort my brother. I just wanted to help him, but I never thought he was real. I can sell this jade pendant. If I didn't guess wrong, this jade pendant should have been bought by you. Thank you very much, but all this is useless to us. "

Qian Hongguang raised his eyes and showed a bitter smile, and saw Cheng Yiping was about to speak, he shook his head and continued to speak.

"I know what you want to say. Like everyone else, you say that the world is beautiful. As long as people live, there will be hope. But this is all just dreaming. All this is just cheap love. , I ’ve heard before that the difference between the poor and the rich is the difference in thought. ”

Qian Hongguang did not listen to Yi Ping and continued to speak, but continued to speak as if he were talking about himself, and as if he were explaining.

"It ’s like a very hot post on the Internet. It said that a rich man saw a poor man very poor, so I was willing to help him, and gave him a chicken for him to raise, as long as he kept the chicken After feeding, the chicken can lay eggs and lay eggs, and eventually can change from the poor to the rich. However, when the rich came to the poor one month later, they found that the poor had already slaughtered the chicken. After the belly, Yangtian sighed and said, after all, the poor are just the poor, and there is no rich life at all, but this seems to me to be nonsense. "

"The reason why the poor are poor is not because they do not want to become rich, nor do they do not want to work hard, nor are they delicious and lazy, but that life forces them to do nothing, just like me, even if you give me What can I do for 10,000 yuan? In the end, nothing will change and nothing will change. 10,000 yuan will not cure my injury and will not change my current destiny. In the end, I can only spend this money. After the fall, there is no money, except for waiting for death, just like the rich man, he is a chicken for the poor, but he does not give the poor enough money to survive, nor does the poor have the resources to feed the chickens. The poor ca n’t even eat themselves. How can they have time and energy and ability to support themselves? The end result is that instead of watching the chicken die like this, it ’s better to eat it. This is the maximum benefit for the poor. So do you understand? It's not me and I want to die, but I can't help but die. I can only change if I die. This is my destiny. Only when I die can everything be better. I just died, to obtain a large sum of money, my brother was able to change the fate of this now. "

Cheng Yiping was silent.

There is a way for every family to have a difficult scripture.

You are not rich, so you do n’t know the pain of the rich. Similarly, you are not the poor, and you do n’t know the sorrow of the poor. You can talk about anything from your own point of view. The principle of the heap.

But in fact, if you change yourself to yourself, then it is completely unreasonable. This is the reality, the **** reality.

"But I'm really curious. How did you know that I bought an accidental life insurance? Such a thing, I didn't even tell my brother about it. How did you know?"

Qian Hongguang looked up at Cheng Yiping and asked in confusion, this was the strangest thing he felt.

How do I know you bought accidental death insurance?

Of course I saw it with my own eyes!

Of course, Cheng Yiping would never say this.

I'm afraid that even if you say it, you will only be treated as a joke or a neurosis:

Therefore, Cheng Yiping did not answer, but smiled slightly, lowered his head and drank the drink on the table again, the cold light in his eyes flashed.

Thoughts seem to be back when he was in the street of Jade in Jiangzhen City.

"I have pictures of my brother, I have, of course I have pictures of my brother, and of course I have pictures of my brother,"

Qian Hongming said that he stumbled for a long time from his arms and took out a mobile phone. This is a very honest mobile phone, but it still has a screen saver. When opened, it is a pair of brothers. It is Qian Hongguang and his brother Qian. Hong Ming.

Qian Hongming pointed at the album inside and said anxiously

"He is my brother, he is my brother, I beg you to help me find my brother, and to help me find my brother."

Just through the photos, Cheng Yiping can see that his brother is indeed a very generous and honest man, and that he can show that he cares about his brother.

Even when taking a photo, he still stared at his younger brother and nodded comfortably.

"Don't worry, since I promised you, I will definitely help you find your brother. Don't worry, first of all, please tell me how your brother disappeared for no reason?"

Cheng Yiping asked indifferently, and at the same time, he opened the Super Find App that triggered his mind.

Suddenly, the soul avatar in his mind suddenly appeared, and around him, a bright and rotating starry sky appeared.

[Super Finding App Finding Connection]

[Super Find Object APP Faith Find Object ...]

[Please seekers choose their targets ...]

next moment

I saw Cheng Yiping's two pupils, and an invisible light was emitted instantly connected to the overwhelmed Qian Hongming.

next moment

In the head of Cheng Yiping, Qian Hongguang's figure emerged in an instant.


Cheng Yiping's soul exploded in his mind. The bright and rotating starry sky formed a colorful channel. The soul avatar was instantly placed in the endless starry sky through the channel. In front of him was a blue star.

Next moment

Cheng Yiping, under the state of the soul, seemed to be guided by some kind of swiftly toward the azure blue planet, crossed the sea of ​​clouds, and fell into a house with a bang.

Looking up, this is an extremely simple ward. A young man lying on the bed with a bleak face on the bed, with a look of despair on his face, wrapped in his hands, entwined, face With despair.

Cheng Yi stood quietly and could clearly feel the despair of the young man.

This is a person who is also full of despair for life, and it seems from his body that it is clear what a piece of numbness is.


I saw the door of the ward creak open, a man in a suit walked in, saw Qian Hongguang's eyes on the bed in front of his eyes light up, quickly walked over, nodded, and pulled out a business card.

"Hello, I am an employee of Anping Insurance Company. My name is Zhenan ..."

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