Super Finding App

Chapter 1298: Boss (1)

For the entire entertainment industry, Xun Entertainment Studio is definitely a very strange and shocking existence.

Bai Qianwen, the head of Xun Entertainment Studio, was originally fired by a large entertainment company, a marginal figure who gave up.

No one expected that she had established this so-called entertainment studio in Jiangzhen City, which was in the third or fourth class, and then she was out of control.

Originally for the entertainment industry, a small studio like Xun Entertainment Studio, at best, was eating some rotten food, and it could be destroyed at any time.

The main thing is that these small studios generally tend to support a newcomer. Only when a newcomer is held up and popular, the more popular they are, the greater their income.

What makes the entertainment industry feel weird is that Xun Entertainment Studio did not attract any newcomers at the beginning, but sold a variety of songs, TV series scripts, and movie scripts.

What made the entire entertainment industry very shocked and surprised was that as long as it was a song produced by Xun Entertainment Studios, a TV series or even a movie script, every appearance was definitely a classic among the classics, all belonged to the explosion!

Over time, the reputation of the entertainment studio has become bigger and bigger throughout the entertainment industry, and even the famous singers dare not neglect the slightest.

Because they know exactly what the entertainment studio can bring them?

As a newcomer, once you have a relationship with Xun Entertainment Studio, as long as you can have a song that suits him, you can become a song.

As for the actors in the entertainment industry, once I got the script from Xun Entertainment Studios, they became famous.

Besides, the movies and TV series that I participated in were explosive every time.

No one in this world can go against money, and no one can go against famous works.

Therefore, in the case of the almost buggy existence of the new entertainment studio, it broke into the entertainment industry.

It can be said that it has its unique status in the entire entertainment industry. Whether you believe it or not, whether you feel dissatisfied with Xun Entertainment Studio, but it is undeniable that Xun Entertainment Studio is spreading at its crazy speed. .

Jiangzhen City Xun Entertainment Studio.

"Manager Bai, this is an invitation we have received from front-line stars to cooperate with us. I hope to get a song and the right to broadcast and adapt TV series ..."

Wearing a professional dress, the secretary was wearing glasses, carefully holding the thick document in front of Bai Qianwen, with a respectful look on his face.

She really respects Bai Xianwen too much, who can think of it. Bai Qianwen was just an exiled person before, but now she has set up an entertainment studio and has a great reputation in the entertainment industry.

Not to mention anything else, just this history of struggle makes her envious, with reverence.

"It's just some clichés. Our career in entertainment and entertainment should have reached the next stage. If we only sell songs, scripts and plots, our studio in entertainment and entertainment will only become a substitute and a logistical guarantee. After all, People are forgetful, they will always only remember the people walking on the stage, and they will never remember the people behind the scenes. They are mentioned at most once or twice. It ’s never just living behind the scenes, it ends up being a forgotten existence. "

Because of his high standing in the Xun Entertainment Studio all the year round, Bai Qianwen now has a little more breath of superiors than before, becoming more capable, possessing the posture of a strong woman, raising his eyes, and saying one word at a time

"Now it will be held immediately and I will be looking for candidates. We also need to sign new recruits in Xun Entertainment Studios. Only in this way can we earn more money for our Xun Entertainment Studios and promote our reputation. "

Bai Qianwen is very clear about selling songs, scripts, and plots. To put it bluntly, after all, it is just making a small amount of money. Want to make a lot of money for Xun Entertainment Studio to develop quickly.

The best way is to make a star. As long as you can win a new star and a star, the development of Xun Entertainment Studio will make rapid progress, and Bai Qianwen is quite confident about this.

He believes that with this large number of songs, TV series and movie resources in the entertainment studio, there is no problem if he wants to win someone. The question is whether this person is worthy of favor.

After all, in this weird entertainment circle, before you get purple and red, hello, hello, everyone, but once you get red and purple, all kinds of hairpins will follow.

Even if the popular star is not lacking, it will be stolen, even if it has a problem. Bai Qianwen has seen many things like this, and he has witnessed some small entertainment companies with great difficulty after they have a newcomer. It was directly digged by large companies.

Then, the small studio became more and more worn out, and eventually closed down.

After all, making a star is not an easy task.

You can't guarantee that every time you make a star, you can make it a success, you can make people like it, and you can make the new people you launch red and purple.

Some women in this world are beautiful and charming, some men are handsome and handsome, but they wo n’t be red, and some people look weird, but they can be red and purple.

This is a strange society.

The assistant, dressed in the secretary's clothes, nodded heavily. She was 100% agreeable with what Manager Bai Qianwen said, thinking about it while thinking, and took out a document from her arms and passed it.

"Manager Bai, by the way, we have just received the celebration cooperation plan from Jiangzhen TV Station."

TV station in Jiangzhen City?

Bai Qianwen slightly raised her eyebrows with a look of surprise, and reached out to take over the documents.

"Is Jiangzhen a TV station? We are looking for an entertainment studio in Jiangzhen City. After all, TV stations have the role of publicity and promotion. If I can, I don't want to be hostile to TV stations. How does Jiangzhen City TV Station want to cooperate with us?

Bai Qianwen is very clear. If Xun Entertainment Studio wants to develop and improve its reputation, it needs the help of all parties.

After all, Jiangzhen City TV Station is an official propaganda agency.

If you can't offend it, don't offend, after all, you don't know what will happen.

Bai Qianwen took the cooperation plan handed over by the assistant, took a slight glance, and shook his head slightly.

"Interesting, Jiangzhen City TV station is really official. I didn't expect that such a plan could be made. It seems that it is really an empty glove white wolf. Does Jiangzhen City TV station really think this plan, I Would Xun Entertainment Studio agree? "

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