Super Finding App

Chapter 1302: Turnip arrangement

"Zhang Xiaona, if I remember correctly, I have made it clear to you that this year's annual celebration in Jiangzhen City, we need first-tier or second-tier stars, only after having the stars can we improve The ratings and exposure of this celebration can make our celebration of Jiangzhen TV Station very beautiful. "

"But now you show me, what are the guests on the list you handed to me? They are all three or four tier stars, the highest is a little tier three star, what do you think? Even if the celebrities ask me to come, what effect can it have on our TV station? There is no effect at all. Is this your attitude towards work? For three days, you gave me such an answer sheet. Zhang Xiaona, you are so disappointing. "

The deputy director shook his head, and slammed his hands on the table, looking at Zhang Xiaona as if she hated iron.

"Deputy director, this is completely wrong. The funds you gave us for this celebration are already limited. It is already our best to be able to invite these three-tier stars. If they do, they will not agree. Deputy Director, you are completely difficult for strong men. "

Zhou Hui, hesitant, hesitated for a moment before speaking.

She really couldn't hold back anymore. The deputy director obviously deceives people too much. It is our ability to invite these third-tier stars to the money that we have entrusted to many people. Now the deputy director does not accept the disapproval, but instead says that Zhang does not do well. Well, if that's the case, then no one can do the job well. "

"Shut up, shut up, your own ability to do things is not good, you say that things can't be done, how can things not be done, indeed, the funds I give you may not be enough for hiring front-line stars, but to hire stars is to have funds Our TV station in Jiangzhen City rolls out. The ratings of TV stations are obvious to everyone. As long as we cooperate and think of a way, we will always be able to come up with a solution. Is it possible for a living person to suffocate urine? The solution is also to find a solution. If all things are simply solved with money and all are solved with money, then what else do you need? What else do the salesman do? Zhou Hui, Zhou Hui I used to think that your ability to handle things is quite good. Now how can you have such thoughts and ideas, do wrong things, not work well, instead of shirking responsibility instead of reviewing, Zhang Xiaona, how do you bring employees? "

Good guy.

The deputy director's opening was an absolute cricket, a whole bunch of crickets, saying that everyone was stunned, dumbfounded, but at a loss, unable to refute it.

Everyone can only keep their mouths closed.

One way is to crush people at the first level of the government, especially in the system of TV stations in Jiangzhen City. After all, it is the bureaucracy.

In the face of bureaucracy, there is no more use for it.

The leader said you can do what you do, or not.

Say no, no, no.

Of course, if you are truly capable, it's another matter.

After all, you say that the work arranged by the leader is difficult. The leader can say that this is to promote you. If you look at you, it means treating you seriously. This is training you.

"But, I'm telling the truth. We have been too busy for the past three days, and it is indeed impossible to invite first- or second-tier stars to our Jiangzhen TV station to participate in the celebration. "You ca n’t do it without enough money."

Zhou Hui gritted her teeth and said, her face beeping with a small mouth.

As soon as the voice fell, I saw Jiang Wenxin sitting underneath smiling slightly, and the corner of her mouth raised a little bit.

"You ca n’t say that. If you ca n’t do it, it does n’t mean that others ca n’t do it. The deputy director is right. The funds in the station are limited, and we naturally need to help the station to alleviate the problems. If you can go to the front line, The big stars can strengthen our celebration in Jiangzhen City, and it can also increase the reputation of our TV station in Jiangzhen City, and watch more people. This is one thing that kills two birds with one stone. If you ca n’t do it, you can let others do it. People."

Jiang Wenxin.

Although Jiang Wenxin's words are yin and yang strange, the meanings exposed in them are known to passersby.

It hasn't been long before the meeting, and Jiang Wenxin can't wait until now.

The deputy director coughed twice and looked up.

"Jiang Wenxin is absolutely right. Zhang Xiaona's work is not done well. This is Zhang Xiaona's negligence. Everyone, then, based on the agenda, we will once again discuss the celebration of Jiangzhen TV Station. Who are you willing to act like this? The position is the same as Zhang Xiaona's. Regarding the celebration, I must require at least one first-line or second-line star as a guest to increase ratings. As long as you can do this, the total of the annual celebration party in Jiangzhen City Do it for you. "

"Who can do that?"

This can't be done at all, okay!

Even the most famous desperate Saburo Zhang Xiaona of Jiangzhen City TV Station has returned home. How could anyone else?

Inside the conference room, many other people talked to each other with a smile of bitter smile.

For them, if there is a glimmer of hope, they will be the master plan of the annual celebration of Jiangzhen City TV Station. They will definitely fight for it.

But if you want to hire a star, it is definitely not just a matter of money.

Money is just one aspect, it depends on whether the other party has a schedule, there are no scheduled activities, there is no time, there is no relationship, it can be said that it is quite complicated!

The second- and third-tier stars can come over as long as they give money, but the international superstars and even the first- and second-tier stars are the businesses they choose, not the business that chooses them.

Jiangzhen City can only be regarded as a fourth-tier small city at most in the Tang Dynasty. If you want to hire first- and second-tier stars, you must use money to smash it.

Obviously, the Deputy Director has so far not wanted to smash money.

Under such circumstances, the rest of the staff in the conference room were sitting like old monks, and they closed their mouths wisely.

The cold light in the deputy director's eyes flashed, and he nodded with satisfaction. He knew very well that there were some things that were already settled, even the so-called radish recruitment.

But on the bright side, it can never be so insane.

At least it must be fair and just.

Of course, although it is a fair, just and open condition, some conditions that can be set by yourself can only be achieved by the talents you want to arrange, and it can leave other competitors with nothing to say. It is the strategy of those in power.

It's also what some people think of office culture.

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