Super Finding App

Chapter 1307: Theft

What's it like to have a beautiful girlfriend?

At least on the road, the return rate is absolutely high.

But if there is a more serious career, what will be the girlfriend of a strong woman?

That's like no girlfriend ...

Cheng Yiping wanted to cry without tears, although he said that he would occasionally be very busy after having a super-finding aPP. He ran everywhere, but when he came back in his spare time, he wanted to be with his girlfriend Zhang Xiaona.

But the two people seemed to be in conflict. Either Cheng Yiping was busy running with the super-hunting app, or Zhang Xiaona was so busy that she was so dark.

The main thing is that Zhang Xiaona works in Jiangzhen City TV Station.

Although Cheng Yiping didn't know much about the work in Jiangzhen City TV Station, he knew that the intensity of the work was quite large. Once there were any arrangements or tasks down, it was common practice to stay home for a few days and nights.

In contrast, Cheng Yiping runs north and south, but it can be considered a time limit. After all, as long as you use the Super Find App to help people find what they want, or people and things.

But even so.

Cheng Yiping didn't think about letting Zhang Xiaona quit from work in Jiangzhen TV station.

Cheng Yiping is very clear that everyone is personal and independent. Even if two people are talking about each other, even if they are married, they must have their own independent space or support each other.

Since Zhang Xiaona likes to work hard in Jiangzhen City TV station, there is no need for Cheng Yiping to force her to pour cold water, and Zhang Xiaona must resign and teach her husband at home

Cheng Yiping is not so masculine

But sometimes I do n’t see each other for a few days, and my heart is really itchy.

Fortunately, ordinary people in Jiangzhen City TV Station can go in, even if they can't go in, as long as they report Zhang Xiaona's name, they can go in and meet Zhang Xiaona. For Cheng Yiping, Jiangzhen City TV station has become familiar with it.

Even the security guard at the gate of the entrance knew Cheng Yiping quite well. After all, Zhang Xiaona was a celebrity in the TV station in Jiangzhen City.

Among the TV stations in Jiangzhen City, tall stature and full breasts, coupled with intellectual temperament, Zhang Xiaona has always been very marketable and has been peered by many men.

But what all Zhang Xiaona's suitors didn't expect is that Zhang Xiaona chose a man who was not a man in a formal TV station, but instead found a boyfriend from the outside, and even heard that he was looking for a man A friend's job turned out to be a security guard?

This is no less than a storm. In the instant, the monstrous waves set off within the TV station in Jiangzhen City, one by one stampeding their chests, feeling that only a flower had been inserted into the cow dung.

Originally, I just thought it was a rumor, but when Yi Ping first came to Jiangzhen City TV Station to pick up Zhang Xiaona from work, the news spread like a whirlwind in the entire Jiangzhen City TV station.

Cheng Yiping naturally became a celebrity.

"Cheng Yiping, you came to Zhang Xiaona again"

The guard at Jiangzhen City TV said that his face was envious.

He also often saw Zhang Xiaona come in and out, saying that it was impossible to dislike it. The tall body and temperament made him unattainable, but there was a person in front of him who gave Zhang Xiaona the same job as him. I can only say that it is quite awesome, so I really envy and hate it.

"Yeah, there is no way, it is rare to find such a good girlfriend, of course I have to pay close attention"

Cheng Yiping said with a bright smile

"It ’s true. If it were me, I would have to watch closely. Zhang Xiaona was busy in these TV stations for a while, but I heard the news and heard that your girlfriend was in charge of Jiang Zhen. The general plan of the annual celebration of the city TV station, but I heard that this time the position of the general plan of the celebration seems to have been taken down. At this time, I am definitely in a bad mood. Come here to comfort me and I will definitely give you extra points. "

I have to say that although security guards are envious of jealousy and hatred, looking at Cheng Yiping still gave good suggestions.

It can be seen that for ordinary people, although there is an element of envy, jealousy and hatred, it is more that they want the other party to be good, rather than conspiracy and trickery in the words of some so-called successful people. Able to get on first.

"Have you been robbed? The opponent's movement is really fast. OK, I know, thank you"

Cheng Yiping nodded a little, nodded slightly. Originally, after talking with Zhang Xiaona a few days ago, she learned that Zhang Xiaona would be responsible for the general planning of the annual celebration of Jiangzhen City within the TV station of Jiangzhen City. After being troubled by the deputy director, he needs to invite a front-line or second-line star as a guest

However, in the case of insufficient funds in Taiwan, such a thing is simply difficult.

Cheng Yiping was also planning to surprise Zhang Xiaona today. I didn't expect the other party to move so fast, so Zhang Xiaona was withdrawn from the general planning of the annual celebration of Jiangzhen City.

Sure enough, the workplace is like a battlefield, with horrible anomalies, and weird and changeable. If you are not careful, you will be stabbed with a knife. There is no room for remorse.

At this moment Cheng Ping really did have some distressed girlfriend Zhang Xiaona.

Inside Zhang Xiaona's office in Jiangzhen City TV, the group members who had been emotionally excited now felt a frost, and sighed, as if they had lost their spirit.

Anyone who has worked hard and intensively for a long time, and finally finds that there is nothing and has been taken over by others. This feeling is quite discouraging, as if all his efforts were in vain.

"Okay, don't be discouraged. It is a common practice in the workplace to win or lose. We are all very clear about this. You have worked hard for three or four days. I thank you all here. After work, then everyone will leave work earlier. Today I invite everyone to dinner. I hope everyone can enjoy the face. "

Full of knowledge, Zhang Xiaona raised her eyes and stretched out Jade's hand for a few pats. She is not the kind of leader who only squeezes workers to do things.

Zhang Xiaona is very clear that the art of dwelling is to be entrusted with enemies.

Everyone worked hard for three days. Although it was a shortfall until now, after all, everyone put in hard work and hard work. After working overtime for a few days and nights, even the family could not take care of it. It is also necessary for the members to have a meal, contact their feelings, and calm down their depression.

"it is good………………"

The group members headed by Zhou Hui replied weakly. If they changed to the usual time, they would definitely scream.

And now each one is downcast like a defeated soldier ...

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