Super Finding App

Chapter 1325: request

"Really, can I count myself as digging and jumping?"

Cheng Yiping bored a yawn, and walked out of the gate of Jiangzhen TV station alone, turned around and watched the towering Jiangzhen TV station shook his head with a grin.

Suddenly found that I really had a feeling of lifting a stone and smashing my feet. After all, if I didn't go and find Bai Qianwen of the entertainment studio to intervene in this matter, Zhang Xiaona would at least not become a member of the Jiangzhen TV The general planning of the annual celebration will not be too busy in the following days.

Now I definitely have time to go shopping with myself, watch movies, eat, date, and do what couples should do.

But now I am afraid that Zhang Xiaona will be so busy in this month.

And it was really a thing that hit a foot and rocked it.

But even so, Cheng Yiping thought for some relief.

After all, in the eyes of many people, the two people should be talking about me and me. They can get tired together 24 hours a day. Of course, this point is not denied.

When I first talked with Zhang Xiaona about the subject, the two people also wished that they could be together every day, but with the passage of time, since it was in love, they found that both parties also need their own space

The main thing is that Zhang Xiaona is not the kind of woman who is a small woman. She values ​​her career relatively well. It is understandable that Cheng Yiping, if it is herself.

Like Zhang Xiaona, she has a tragic past childhood, and even a homeless child. If she did not meet a kind-hearted grandma, I am afraid that Zhang Xiaona's fate will change dramatically at this moment.

But that's why. The children of the poor are headed as early as possible, and Zhang Xiaona has an aspiration for something different from ordinary people. Perhaps only in this way can she realize her own value.

A higher point says that you can realize your own value, and a lower point says that you can solve your own food and clothing.

There is a big difference between working and not working for a woman

Cheng Yiping didn't mean to keep Zhang Xiaona at home and become a bird in a cage.

Of course, if Zhang Xiaona is a kind of birdie, Cheng Yiping will not force Zhang Xiaona to go to work, but since Zhang Zhaona is a career-oriented strong woman, Cheng Yiping will naturally not bind Zhang Xiaona.

From Cheng Yiping's point of view, the most important thing is whether to talk to a person or get married, and trust is the most important thing. Once trust is lost and suspicion exists, the relationship will eventually come to an end.

"Well, I'm afraid Zhang Xiaona hasn't had time to accompany me this month. I should find something to do, so where should I go now? I went back to the street in Yushi Street, Jiangzhen City, and used some Jade carving to pass the time, or to help people find things through the Super Find Object APP to get a little faith points? "

Cheng Yiping touched his chin, considering that it was a serious question

“It ’s really a headache, after all, the other two faith fragments in the faith points of the Super Hidden App now need a million faith points to find one. The faith points I have collected so far I did n’t even collect 100,000. Honestly, how long will it take for me to collect enough faith points to find the other two pieces of the Super Find App, unless my luck is as good as before, helping people find things Just found the fragments of the Super Hidden App "

"Although the Super Finding App you have now, even if you do n’t find the fragments of the beliefs of the Super Finding App, it ’s perfectly fine. After all, for me now, money is enough. Using the Super Finding App helps people every day. You can also make a lot of money by looking for people and things, but are those people I met in the Devil Zone really the so-called new gods? "

"Is there a **** in this world?"

Cheng Yiping squinted his eyes. What's strange about Cheng Yiping all the time is what exactly is the so-called new god, and what exactly is the new **** said by the two people who met in the demon zone?

If there are really gods in this world, why hasn't anyone noticed them all along?

No, no, maybe there are really gods in this world, but now the rapid development of science and technology, a variety of special effects are endless, even if they are really photographed by gods on the Internet, they will only be people It's just a ps effect.

Cheng Yiping shook his head funnyly. With the rapid development of science and technology, special effects are becoming more and more realistic. Even if there is a so-called new **** in this world, I am afraid it has long been regarded as a computer special effect.

"Anyway, this matter is indeed going to be resolved sooner. After all, if there is a new **** in this world, after the other two pieces of faith in the Super Hidden App are completed, whether or not I can really become the so-called The new god, at least know what the origin of this super finder app is? "

"After all, this super finder app is too magical. Not only can it find people, but the vast professional skills within the finder help are absolutely shocking. As long as you can learn all the vocational skills in it, I'm afraid I can be 100% perfect. "

"It's also quite strange, what exactly is this super finder app?"

Cheng Yiping squinted his eyes and shook his head. For a time before Cheng Yiping had found the faith to find things, Cheng Yiping used the Super Finding App as a golden footstep to find people and find things by himself.

But with the passage of time, Cheng Yiping, who is more and more aware of the super finder app, felt the magic of this super finder app.

Never appear for no reason

Maybe there are reasons I don't know ...

"If you don't think about it, you don't need any more. If you really want to find the other two pieces of faith, you must get a lot of faith points ..."

"Originally, after uploading the backup system of Super Finding App to Aqua Blue Star, I hope that billions of people can use the Super Finding App to obtain massive faith points at the same time, but now I find that there are no more believers. No more than a believer, and no more believer than a mad believer. Even if the billions of people on Mercury Star each person can almost obtain 0.001 faith points, the daily income is only thousands of points. If you want to reach more than 1 million points of faith, there are really some salaries. It seems that in addition to slowly saving enough faith points in time, you can only find people to help people find things. "

"After all, the faith points are the same as those of the super-sense-seeking app of the super-hunting app, as long as people are more grateful. The more faith points they get,"

Cheng Yiping walked outside the Jiangzhen TV station, touching his chin, thinking about where he should go next.

I saw a click, a red sports car fell in front of Cheng Yiping, the door of the sports car slowly opened, a beautiful woman in a professional suit and long stockings and beautiful legs came up from the car, took off the sunglasses and exposed It is a delicate face.

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