Super Finding App

Chapter 1330: Past

There are stars in the sky, and night falls in this bustling city.

After a day of work, the people rushed back to their homes, or came to the city in the middle of the night looking for fun.

For a bustling city, day and night are two completely different worlds.

The city in the night has a kind of spooky, even degenerate, which is not found in the day.

After countless night owls rest during the day, they start to look for food at night, or look for their own fun.

"Liu Ting, don't you really go? Today, but the leader invites guests. If you don't, the leader will be unhappy, and this time, the leader particularly hopes that you can participate."

The men and women in Jining casual clothes talked to each other. One of them stood tall, and Liu Ting, a pair of slender legs, attracted attention, with a look of anticipation on his face.

"No, I still have something to go home tonight. You are busy and have fun."

Liu Ting shook her head gently, revealing a gentle but distant look, then turned around and walked to this underground parking lot, drove away in her own car, leaving a face of aggressive colleagues And a man with an obsessive look on his face.

"Okay, okay, do n’t watch, you are not unaware, Liu Ting is the famous iceberg beauty in our unit. The hardest thing to pursue is never to go out with any man for a date and dinner, so you Let's die this heart. "

"Where, where, I just see that Liu Ting is a colleague and does not make regular appointments with us. Will it affect the feelings of colleagues, so I will invite her."

"Less come, come less, look at you, just look at Liu Ting's expression, I almost swallowed her, but this is not embarrassing. When Liu Ting came to our unit, we can say that it was inside the unit 90% of men are obsessed with her, whether they are married or unmarried, there is no one who is unmoved from the leader to the security, but Liu Ting has never promised any man a date, and it has not been transmitted. Any scandal seems to return home immediately after work, and everyone will lose interest in her over time. After all, beauties like Liu Ting ca n’t even see and eat, what is the point? ”

"That's right, but then again, what do you say about Liu Ting? You will be rushed home every day after work. Would you say Kaneya Tibetan husband?"

"Forget it, forget it, what is Kaneya Tsaofu's word, how is this possible? Besides, I know, but there are a lot of people in my colleague who do not give up or want to chase Liu Ting, and go to her house to invite It turned out that Liu Ting didn't have any man at all. It is said that she was with her sister now, but her sister also heard that she was not in a normal state. Liu Ting went home to take care of his sister.

"It's really fake? Seeing it during your normal work, you can't see that there will be an insane sister. This is really a difficult story for every family."

"Okay, okay, do n’t say, do n’t say, if this Liu Ting ’s sister is really a mental illness, honestly, even if Liu Ting wants to talk to me, I have to think about it, after all, like this There is a mentally ill person in the family. Once married and taken care of, it is not only Liu Ting alone, but also her neurosis sister. "

"You guys, it's really too realistic"

"No, how can we men have your women's reality ..."

"Stop these, stop talking, go, eat and drink!"

Liu Ting, who was driving the car, naturally did not know her colleagues' comments on her after she left.

Even if she knew it, she didn't care at all, what she thought at the moment, as her colleagues said.

Only her sister.

The red sports car stopped with a click and fell into the parking lot of the community. Liu Ting got out of the car and picked up the food that had been bought in advance. He looked up at the high-end residential building in the dark. Walked in.

"Sister, sister. I'm back, I brought your favorite meal, let's go out for dinner, sister"

Liu Ting, who opened the door of the house, screamed with food, the room was still empty, and even the lights were not on.

Liu Ting sighed slightly, with a look of worry on her face. She hoped that her sister would watch the TV with the lights on at home as before and show a hearty smile instead of now. desolate.

Liu Ting walked into the house, turned on the light, placed the food in his hand on the table, turned around and reached a room in the room. He reached out and pushed the door slightly open. The inside was dim, Only the light of the slight table lamp shone.

A slender woman sits quietly on the bed in this room, her hair spread, her face with a numb expression.

Sure enough, this is the case.

Liu Ting had infinite sorrow in her heart. Who could think of the goddess who had been called at first, possessing noble temperament, the elder sister of the strong woman Liu Wanyu is now lying on the bed like a dead man?

Think about it, but there are excuses, who could have thought that such a terrible thing would have happened at home.

Now that I think of it, Liu Ting feels that this is an unbearable thing. If I change it to myself, I am afraid it will be the same as my sister.

Thinking of Liu Ting's gently moving steps here, she came to the bed and hugged her sister, mumbling to herself.

"Sister, it's okay, it's okay, let's eat out, let's eat out ..."

Liu Ting hugs her sister tightly, she doesn't care what her sister will look like.

It doesn't matter if your sister really has a mental illness.

She will stay with her sister forever, and she will never give up, even if it delays her happy marriage ...

"Sister, I will always be by your side and always be with you, you will be fine, you will be fine ..."


"I see, so the person you asked me to look for is your sister. If that's the case, what does it have to do with mirages? The main thing is why your sister became this way, your brother-in-law and your niece So what happened?"

In Guihua District of Jiangzhen City, Cheng Yiping sat in the co-driver seat within the red sports car. He lifted his eyes and looked at the full-bodied, slender legs in stockings attracting attention, tall and charming Liu Ting Word by word

Although it can be learned from Liu Ting's narration, Liu Ting and her sister Liu Wanyu's relationship is very good, but what does this have to do with the so-called mirage?

It seems that Liu Ting is not all ...

"Mr. Cheng, you just listen to it. Do you know urban legends?"

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