Super Finding App

Chapter 1346: Revenge (3)

"Revenge you, the so-called revenge is to spread the white bull drink everywhere and let innocent people die? Is this your revenge? Fan Qiang, even if everything you say is true, for the encounter between you and your daughter, we I feel so distressed, but what you do is heartbroken. You can't kill everyone else because of your daughter. You are just the idea of ​​a murderer! "

Wang Yuting, Group 6 of Jiangzhen City's serious case, bit his teeth and said, looking at the chubby Fan Qiang in front of him, saying that it is impossible without sympathy. If he is Fan Qiang himself, I am afraid it will also have tears Heartbreaking heartache, even endangered.

My only daughter who was relying on her was actually killed alive, and she died of a skeletal muscle fracture throughout her body. I am afraid no one believed it when she went out.

He will also embark on the road of revenge, but Wang Yuting knows that no matter how revenge he is, he will never make such a heart-breaking act like Fan Qiang. This is simply his dissatisfaction and his resentment. It was imposed on other innocent people. This was a murderous act. No matter how much pain it was, it was definitely not the reason for his crime. .

"So what? My daughter is dead, the life and death of others, do you think I would mind?"

Fan Qiang smiled coldly.

"Enough, Fan Qiang. If I didn't guess wrong, you are doing this to destroy the White Bull Group, but do you think it is worth it? Do you know how many people you will be buried with, and how many Death of Huang Quan "

"If I'm not mistaken, this white bull drink also has a mysterious liquid in it, but you have hidden the president of the white bull group by some means!"

Zhao Weiquan, from Binca City, Beizhou, stood up, his face became more and more ugly, with a little fear in his pupils, he said with gritted teeth.

"Do you already think?"

Fan Qiang chuckled.

"This is a very simple thing. Since you have turned your anger to the White Bull Group, compared to the White Bull Group, you are just an ordinary person. An ordinary person wants to destroy a group. This is simply difficult. Things like climbing the sky, unless the chain of evidence for the crime is found and the entire company is completely ruined, but this will not be possible for you at all "

"After all, you want to find evidence of a White Bull group's crime. It's as difficult as possible. Ordinary people are afraid that they can't even access the secret room, let alone collect evidence. So you made a No one can think of it, but it is also the most disgusting move. "

Zhao Weiquan gritted his teeth and said that his teeth were shaking.

"What do you mean by saying this? Couldn't Fan Qiang actually do it?"

Wang Yutinglu asked in doubt, with a look of panic in her eyes, she thought of a possibility, but he absolutely did not want this to become a reality, it was too horrible.

"Wang Yuting still doesn't understand? There is a puppet who is angry and blood splatters five steps, the emperor is angry, and the corpse is thousands of miles away. Fan Qiang is also the formulator of the mysterious potion of the White Bull Group. He wants to drag the entire White Bull Group into In the abyss of death, the entire White Bull Group is completely broken down, and even everyone has to pay the price. The best way is to use a mysterious liquid! "

"If I'm not mistaken, Fan Qiang pretends to agree to the order of the president of the White Bull Group to help him develop a medicament, but adds a mysterious liquid or a certain formula to the White Bull drink. After the promotion of White Bull Beverage, it was immediately sought after, and scientific instruments could not detect what the mysterious liquid actually belonged to at the moment. "

"But it is certain that Fan Qiang must have tampered with White Bull Beverage. If you think about it, once all the people who drink White Bull Beverage die, this will become a phenomenal disaster. We do n’t know how the result will be, but there is only one thing that is certain, the liquor group that made the white cow drink will definitely fall apart, and even everyone will be caught and sentenced up and down. After all, the diarrhea and will People kill people, these are two completely different concepts. "

Zhao Weiquan was talking with teeth trembling, which is a kind of conjecture that is extremely scary and fearful.

If it is true, it will definitely be thousands of miles away, blood flowing into the river, and purgatory on earth.

"Impossible, impossible, Fan Qiang, you answered me according to me. What he said was false, all false. You never did it, you absolutely couldn't do it!"

Wang Yuting in the sixth group of Jiangzhen City's serious case was pale and bloodless. Fan Qiang gave this white cow drink to Wei Fang and several other people. In the final analysis, even if something really died, it was only seven or eight people, although it was quite It ’s serious, but if you compare it with the amount of white cattle drinks that millions or even tens of millions of people distributed throughout the entire Tang Dynasty to the whole White Bull Group, it will be a sea of ​​panic.

You can think about it, if Fan Qiang really did such a thing, hundreds of millions of people in the entire Tang Dynasty took the 100 cow drink, even if only 1%, 1 ‰, 1 in 10,000 people died of poison. That was definitely a catastrophic event.

What will make Tiantang Kingdom into a **** river, a world of purgatory, and all this is done just to complete Fan Qiang's revenge plan and completely destroy the White Bull Group!

The White Bull Group that killed her daughter was crushed into pieces from top to bottom.



Wang Yuting looked at the chubby Fan Qiang in horror, a horrifying fear rushed from the back to the forehead, and she sat down on the seat with panic in her eyes, she would never think of it It seems that this chubby Fan Qiang wall would have done such a disgusting thing.

"Fan Qiang answered me, is everything you said true? Is everything true of Zhao Weiquan true? Do you really want to do such a heart-breaking thing? Do you know if all this is true? In truth, it will definitely cause a tragedy on earth. "

Wang Yuting couldn't wait to tell, shouting loudly, her voice was shaking, her face pale and bloodless

"What is it about me, tragedy?"

Fan Qiang cracked a smile, revealing a free and easy smile, but in this interrogation, the smile was scary.

"When my daughter died, did anyone care? When my daughter died, did anyone feel heartache for her? Did anyone care about me when I was bearing the name of a bereavement? Since they all treat me Don't worry at all, so what's the significance of their lives? "

"I'll just take revenge in front of me, which floods me after death!"



Fan Qiang in front of him is definitely a complete lunatic, a lunatic who has lost his madness after losing his daughter!

In order to get revenge, he is willing to drag the whole world into **** on earth!

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