Super Finding App

Chapter 1516: Break free (1)

The survivor tribe within the shipyard cemetery was responsible for guarding the two aboriginals' immediate aggression, and their mouths were wide open. Obviously they did not think that this would happen, nor did they think about what Yang Lao said. .

In their opinion, the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship has fallen into the ship's cemetery. The people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship must be as apprehensive as when they just entered the ship's cemetery. The original inhabitants of the ship's cemetery will certainly be sincere and even overwhelmed, and they will not know what to do.

I really haven't thought about this gap in strength comparison. One of the tall Aboriginal residents opened his mouth and shook his head greatly.

"Mr. Yang, are you kidding me? You must be scaring us. How is this possible? Anthony said very clearly that all the people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship live in the outside world. Peaceful people have already lost their blood. How could they have resisted, even if they resisted, they did not dare to desperate. As long as we start to completely deter them, the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise The people above did not dare to resist at all, and our winning percentage is very high. "

"Yes, yes, Anthony said that even the resistance on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship has nothing to do with it. After all, most of these women are women, and women can't beat us men at all. Moreover, women are inherently disadvantaged groups, and if they are scared a little, they will bow their heads, so Yang Lao's all these things have no use at all. "

"It's ridiculous, ridiculous, is it really ridiculous, have you forgotten it? Or have you lived in this ship cemetery for too long, so long that you have forgotten what the outside world looks like? Or, after living in the thug tribe ruled by Carter, you have become accustomed to the submission of force, but have forgotten that the outside world can be completely different from our ship cemetery. It is said that rabbits will be anxious and will bite People, do you think that under such circumstances, people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship will willingly bow down? "

"If Carter's initial intimidation is successful, it will make people on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruiser internal chaos, and it would be understandable to send out women and food by themselves. After all, not many women are sent out. The mob tribe is even Anthony Both can control these women, but the problem is that the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship has now completely rejected Carter's proposal. In other words, they have begun to fight hard. You also think that under the circumstances of their fight hard Will it be so easy to surrender? This is simply impossible, and you are trying to die. "

Yang Lao shook his head, a regretful expression appeared on his face, and said word by word.

"What's more, as I said, all the people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship are full of food and drink, and their health is very healthy, and the original residents in our ship cemetery are full of food and hunger. The body is very thin. When facing the youth on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, he was born at a disadvantage. Want to break it in one fell swoop, do you think it is really possible? "

"Don't understand yet? Don't understand yet? Now the main thing for you is to release me and stop Anthony. You must stop Anthony from attacking the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. Only in this way can you stay away from Shuiyue. The people on board the international luxury cruise ship can conflict with the people on the international luxury cruise ship Shuiyue and use our knowledge in exchange for food, and the women you call only want the people on the international luxury cruise ship Life in this ship cemetery will come into contact with us sooner or later. Naturally, there will be opportunities to pursue women and obtain women instead of using these tough methods. Is it not clear to you? Or is it in this ship cemetery? In the process, you have become conquered by violence. Do n’t forget, I have said many times that we are human and we are not beasts. "

"Do you understand? We are not beasts"

Yang Lao bitterly persuaded that the faces of the two original inhabitants in the camp of the survivor in front of them changed and twisted instantly, one of them said with gritted teeth.

"Mr. Yang, Mr. Yang, do n’t be fooled here. All you said is just your conjecture. You have to know that you are right. People on the Shuiyue luxury international cruise ship will desperately, but do n’t forget. The original inhabitants of our ship's cemetery will also desperately. Carter's thug tribe was originally a group of thugs who did not blink. When they fight for their lives, I don't believe that the people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship can still desperately win. Will make us a ship cemetery "

"We will get food and women."

A caretaker resident of one of the surviving tribes shouted aloud, and it seemed that only a loud voice could show that what he said was correct.

The other guard nodded heavily

"Yes, yes, you are completely correct, we do n’t listen to Yang Lao. Even if we listen to Yang Lao, we will definitely not even get a woman, just like Yang Lao said, even if this water The people on the Moon International Luxury Cruise Coexist peacefully with us and came out of this Water Moon International Luxury Cruise to contact us. Do you think these women will still choose us men? It is impossible, we are originally in this tribe. It belongs to ordinary people who have no money and no food to eat, and they are not handsome. Just like this tribe or the survivor tribe where we are now, after all, women are accurately following the strong. How is it possible? With those of us who don't want anything? "

"Old Yang, like Zheng Yingying, she looks so beautiful, but when did you see that she treated us and Yan Yueshen, when did you see that she was willing to accompany us, there is no such thing at all, and her vision is quite high, and The sight of the woman on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise is probably not much different from Zheng Yingying. The end result is that we will not get anything. In this case, I would rather attack the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise. As long as it is successful, we can get Food and women, Anthony was right, we have to fight for some things, not just want others to give. "

"Women are always a scarce species in the ship's cemetery. We can only use force to **** and pursue women. Are you in the peace era? Are you outside the ship's cemetery? This is simply impossible."

"Mr. Yang, do you understand? Stop telling us these big words, your big words are just because you are the leader in the survivor camp, so you can get more resources than we can say, and We have no resources "

"I've had enough of these days. I need food. I need women."

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