Super Finding App

Chapter 1546: Faith Searching (1)

"Is this true? Is it true? Mr. Cheng, can you really help me find where the testament is? Can you really help me find who was stolen the testament?"

"This so-called Super Hidden App is really so amazing"

As an old man who has been struggling for 20 years in the shipyard cemetery, Lao Yang has no idea that the outside world has reached such a level of technological development, and he has no idea that there is something in this world called the Super Hidden Object APP.

"Dad, dad, it's true, it's true, you have to believe in Mr. Cheng, the Super Hidden Object App is now all the rage in the entire Blue Star, as long as you have enough faith points to find people and find things, you can use it Super Find Object APP, I believe your will will be found and will be found back "

Yang Zi nodded and said as quickly as the chicken pecked the rice.

Now she really puts all her hopes on Cheng Yiping. Although she also has a super-finding app on her mobile phone, she knows that she is not a believer in the god-finding app.

The number of devout prayers for this Super Hidden Object app is very small every day. The entire Super Hidden App only has one or two points of faith. It is simply not enough to pay for suicide notes.

In contrast, it should be most appropriate to rest all hope on Mr. Cheng.

But Mr. Cheng helped find the Shuiyue luxury international cruise ship in the cemetery of the ship. Such a large-scale search of objects can be successful. Isn't it easy to find a suicide note?

At least Mr. Cheng must have enough faith index.

"Relax, rest assured, if you say something else, it will not necessarily succeed, but if it is only a testament, I don't think there should be much faith points, which is not a problem for me at all, so now you explain in detail What exactly does your posthumous book look like, how many copies there are, and probably who wrote it? "

Cheng Yiping nodded and said, calmly pulled out his mobile phone, and opened the interface of the Super Find App to ask pretendingly.

At the same time, the Super Find App in my mind was opened instantly.

In an instant

In Cheng Yiping's mind, a spinning and bright starry sky emerged, and a deep and distant one-eyed pupil emerged.

For Cheng Yiping, the super finder app in the mobile phone is just a display, and the super finder app in his mind instantly connects the super finder app in his mobile phone to transfer it all to the mobile phone. .

Only in this case, even if found by other people, they will only think that their success in using the Super Find App in their mobile phones to believe in finding things is exactly the same as ordinary ordinary people who have Super Find Apps.

What makes them stronger than them is that they only have a little more points of faith than they do.

"Safety first, safety first"

Even in this ship's cemetery, it is very clear that safety comes first. This is the most important thing.

Especially in Cheng Yiping, he now fully understands the terrifying power of the whole nation within the Aquamarine star. Think about his rescue of the Shuiyue luxury international cruise ship, and to find the second princess Tang Xuanyu on the Shuiyue international luxury cruise ship. The Tang Dynasty directly dispatched three warships, and the number on them reached hundreds.

Think about it, if you let them happen, God knows what the outcome will be.

Although it is possible that the novels you read or the things you think have delusions of the victim, no matter how you put your safety in the palms of others, it looks like a stupid act.

After all, you can't guarantee that the other party will really use other soft methods to win as you think.

You need to know that when you ca n’t win, you can use tough means.

What's more, for many people, the talent that cannot be used for me is the enemy, but this concept is deeply rooted.

So in comparison, safety is first.

Cheng Yiping definitely didn't want to cause others to doubt because of the carelessness of the moment, and it would be troublesome to make life unstable.

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, he took a long sigh of relief, and his eyes fell on the page of the rotating starry sky of the Super Hidden App in his hand.

In the deep and distant one-eye pupil, a beam of light was shot into Cheng Yiping's cell phone and then shot into Yang Lao's mind.

In an instant

In Yiping's mind, a pile of broken but surviving but neatly stored suicide notes, a thick stack of crickets, seemed to be no less than dozens of letters, even hundreds of them.

Each of these wills represents a person's death, and also represents a person's thoughts about his family and loved ones, which is proof that they are living in this world.

[Super Finding App Faith Finding ...

[Super Finding App Faith Finding Connection ...]

[12 points required for the super-hunting app] Tongtong's soul clone is located at the edge of the universe. Looking up, it is a blue planet.

The huge attraction from this planet attracted the soul to the blue planet, descending from the sky, and falling through the sea of ​​clouds into the heavens!


The soul clone sits among the survivor tribes in this ship's cemetery.

Still in the largest tent of the surviving tribe within the ship's cemetery, the soul looked left and right to see that the room was empty.

Walking slowly among the survivor tribes, it seems that there are only a few original inhabitants here. It seems that time has retrogressed to the moment when the survivor tribes went under the leadership of Anthony to enter the luxury international cruise ship.

next moment

Not far away came the sound of the horde fleeing of the original inhabitants of the tribe, and poured into the tribe of survivors.

When the soul clone frowned slightly, when there was some doubt, two ghostly figures were seen not far away, and quickly passed through the soul clone.

One of them easily passed through the body of the soul into the largest tent.

"Hurry up, do you know where Yang hid those things?"

John Jones looked around carefully, blowing the wind at the tent mouth and yelling at Anton inside the tent.

"I know, I know, and of course I know Yang Lao put these testaments there. I am very clear that he treats these testaments as treasures, rest assured, as long as we take all these testaments in our hands and escape, then we will The conditions for Mr. Yang's negotiations will not be discussed at that time, at least it will be no problem to save our life. "

Anthony said in a low voice, while rummaging in the tent.

Suddenly opened a box, opened the box, and looked at the thick suicide note, revealing a look of ecstasy.

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