Super Finding App

Chapter 1588: chat

Steam Cemetery.

"Great, great, you know? The warship has been completely repaired. It is said that we can leave the ship's cemetery in another three days."

"Of course I know. Of course I know. The warship has finally been repaired. We can leave here. This is really great. I do n’t want to come to a place like this where the birds do n’t shit. Why not take a steamer at home or where to play? "

"You ca n’t say that. In fact, luxury cruise ships are also quite good, but none of us knows whether we are lucky or bad, and we will encounter a ghost storm and be involved in this ship's cemetery. It's a bizarre experience, I think it's quite good. "

"Very good? Forget it, how could it be very good, you think it's very good, that's because the Tiantang National Rescue Team has arrived and can take us out of this ship cemetery. If there is no rescue coming, you think I want to see the two original inhabitants living in the ship's cemetery. If we become like them, do you think this day will continue? Do you feel that you are trapped in the ship's cemetery when you encounter a ghost storm? Is it a good thing? "

"No, no, I don't think I can say that. Can't you always think about bad things? To think about good things, at least now we do have the arrival of the Tiantang rescue team on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. It is a good thing to be able to take us out of the ship's cemetery. Why do you want to be a bad thing? "

"You are really quite cheerful, but you have thought that there is not a crucial question, is that the warship can really leave the ship's cemetery afterwards? If you cannot leave the ship's cemetery after three days, even What if the warship is repaired, have you thought about it? "

"No, no, don't lie to me, if I can't leave this ship cemetery, I won't be strangled to death?"

"If you are strangled, that's a good thing. If we can't leave the ship's cemetery, we will all go crazy!"

"Okay, okay, do n’t say it again, do n’t say it anymore, I think this is impossible. Since there is the arrival of a rescue team, they should have all-around measures. Even if the rescue team in Tiantang Kingdom failed, do n’t Forget that we have rescue teams from other countries. The rescue teams from the country can find us. The rescue teams from other countries can also find us. We must be confident. "

You are talking to each other with words and words from the officials of the Tangyue 3 luxury cruise ship on the water moon.

If Cheng Yiping heard here, he would definitely have a satirical smile.

For these dignitaries, there are fears, and they really want to leave the ship cemetery, and they will even feel fear about the ship cemetery, but there are also general dignitaries who just take this as their life. Just a pastime. Don't care at all.

It doesn't even matter if you stay in the ship's cemetery.

Even if the rescue team of Laiguo failed on this day, it didn't matter at all, it was just a game.

In their opinion, there must be someone to save them, and they just need to enjoy it before that. There are some wonderful ideas for the noble officials on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. Many sailors, service staff and even staff do not care.

Even the soldiers on the warship and the soldiers in charge of the warship did not care.

They were excited at the moment and wanted to be able to return to their home earlier.

"Great, great, the warship has finally been repaired, and it won't be long before we can return to reality and leave here. Honestly, although I have participated in many rescues. It is also very dangerous, but not like This is unusually difficult "

"That's right, that's exactly the right thing to say. Even before we were in danger of participating in the rescue, there were also storms and waves, and even some of the dangers of life, were hit by artillery shells, but at least they were enemies on the bright side. It ’s like this time, if we really get stuck in this ship cemetery, I do n’t know what to do. ”

"Yes, that is, but we have to trust the Ministry of National Security and we have to trust Assistant Tan Xueqing. She would never stay here, and then come back. I did not expect that this super-approved app would be so useful. In this case, we will also have the next super finder app "

"No, the Super Hidden App has already existed, but it has no use at all without faith points."

At the moment under the warship Tiantang-1, several members of the Ministry of National Security and the security soldiers on the warship talked to each other.

Even when talking, their bodies are standing upright, like pine trees.

The firearm in his hand looked around guardedly.

They care more about the warship situation than anyone else, hoping to leave the ship's cemetery without surprise.

"This is absolutely true. To be honest, although we belong to the rescue team and even to the soldiers, this time we were arranged on this warship to rescue the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. To be honest, order I was very surprised that I thought it was rescue at sea. I didn't expect to encounter so many things, and also entered this so-called steamer cemetery. "

"Isn't it? Who could have imagined that this Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship would be trapped in the ship's cemetery, and the way to enter the ship's branch factory turned out to be a ghost storm. Only by entering the ghost storm To the ship's cemetery, who would dare to enter the storm in normal ships and ships? This is not a matter of death. "

"Yes, yes, that is, but then again, thanks to Cheng Yiping this time, Mr. Cheng can take us into this ship cemetery. He can also lead us out of this ship cemetery, otherwise, if true Let's stay in this ship cemetery, God knows what I will do. Now think about the original inhabitants in this ship cemetery. They are really powerful and can live for decades. Really Is quite admired "

"Yes, that's right, not to mention that there are very few women in the shipyard cemetery. Outside, my parents have given me a blind date. I will be able to go back to the blind date during this annual vacation. If not, next year I can have children, and I don't want to stay in this ship cemetery. "

"Haha, is that right? Then I really want to congratulate you"

"thanks, thanks"

The two soldiers talked to each other.


The eyes narrowed slightly.

I saw a group of indigenous inhabitants of the mob tribe on the horizon not far ahead:

In front of them, the two immediately approached the enemy, took up the weapon in their hands, and the other blew the trumpet.

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