Super Finding App

Chapter 1605: blasting

The face of the technician wearing the peaked cap changed significantly, hesitated a bit, and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"I know I know that these manual enlightenments require a lot of money, but the problem is that if you ca n’t excavate them manually, the use of detonators and explosives alone will damage the mountain, and even the entire collapse with Zishan will occur. But it ’s very dangerous, maybe we all have to be involved. It ’s the safest way to do it manually. ”

"Safe? I want to be safe. I still need to come over and do what you want. I only know one thing. I can't determine whether there is a mine in Zishan or not. If there is no mine, I ’ve spent so much energy, are n’t all of my manpower wasted? In short, without seeing any mines, it is absolutely impossible for me to spend money to excavate by hand, use a detonator, if you are really afraid , Then give me the exact location where I found the mine and blast it out. If I can be sure that there is a mine, then I will consider thinking about manual excavation instead of using detonator blasting. "

"So the main thing you do now is to find me the exact location of the mine,"

"If there is no mine, all Jiexiu, everybody goes to each house and finds his own mother, and I am equivalent to this money spent in vain"

The boss sneered.

What a joke, he finally heard that there was a rare mineral deposit in Zishan, and he couldn't wait to find someone to come and dig.

Now he told him that the mountain body with Zishan is very dangerous. Blasting is prone to accidents and requires manual excavation?

Just kidding, how long does it take to dig manually and how much labor does it cost?

Is it true that you can't make big money?

What's more, even if it is a big money, it is not so expensive.

With a little less work, he can make more money.

Capitalists are always bloody.

The technician was hesitant and nodded heavily.

"If this is the case, then blasting, the effect must be strictly controlled, within the range that can be tolerated, otherwise, once the mountain collapses, it will be a big deal."

"And if the collapse would be known by the village committee, we might have to go to jail at that time."

The technician wiped the sweat from his forehead and said carefully

The boss shook his head and scoffed.

"Okay, okay, I know this, I do n’t want you to have such an idea, tell you that you have power in the village, and I do n’t say anywhere else. I have the final say, so is there any mine in the mountain? "

The boss shouted loudly, revealing the attitude of the upstart. For him, in the whole small mountain village, he is the uncrowned emperor within three inches.

In the backcountry, basically, as long as there is a relationship in the village, you can do well and be a big family.

"Okay, okay, boss, I know how to do it. In short, you must listen to me. Do not increase the dose of this detonator, do not handle it brutally, otherwise it can be really dangerous."

The technician sighed a sigh of relief, and righteously instructed, but it was the boss' disdainful expression that responded to him.

"Okay, okay, hurry up, hurry up, to be honest I have spent a lot of time here now. If there is no such thing as a mine, we will leave earlier and stop running here, Wasted so much manpower and resources and resources, I have given you quite a lot of money. "

The technician smiled bitterly.

There is a way to die for the sake of wealth and death. If it was not because the boss gave enough money, he would definitely not help the boss to do such private work.

After all, mining privately, legally speaking, it is illegal.

But in this backcountry, to some extent, this boss also represents the so-called law

After a while

The technicians controlled the workers to quickly place the detonators within half of the mountainside of Zishan and Zishan. They have calculated the number and carefully placed them.

As soon as one of the workers set up his detonator, he saw the boss come over and told him

"Doubled all the doses again"

The worker stood for a while. With a look of astonishment on his face, he quickly said

"No, no, the technician said that this mountain is not very good. If there are too many detonators, it may knock the mountain down, which is not easy to handle."

"No? What's wrong? These so-called technicians are too brave. When will a little bit of blasting like this be blasted? You want to get money home earlier, the main thing is It ’s my boss, you do n’t listen to me, do you listen to him? Or do you think this technician will pay you money, so, to get started, you need to know who you are working for? ”

"When I say let it go, let it go. If something happens, I will be in charge. Who will play with him slowly and bit by bit here is a waste of time, not to mention this is a mountain, do you know what a mountain is? The mountain is very strong and solid. How could it be so easy to slam all at once, but it is just some of their boring words, they don't believe it at all. "

"So listen to me, hurry up and increase the dose."

Obviously the chubby boss and the little bit of exploration of this technician felt very impatient with the so-called critical point, saying word by word

Increased the number of blasts and the number of detonators.

He wants to blast it all at once.

At that time, we can know if there is any mine in this.

The technician wearing the peaked cap was obviously unaware that the boss had increased the number of detonators on his back.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead. Beating the computer in front of you, the computer is simulating the entire blasting situation of Yushan.

He will adjust the number of detonators according to the blasting situation and data, and eventually he can carry out with his absolute safety.

It can blast without harming the mountain, after all, you can only have one life.

Looking at the simulation results on the computer, the technician took a long sigh of relief and nodded heavily.

Then all the workers were evacuated, and the initiation button was solemnly pressed.

Only a deafening explosion was heard from the sky.

The huge shock wave turned from a blast to a tornado spreading wildly around, the mountain began to make a crunching sound, and the earth began to shatter continuously.

With the sound of the explosion and the range technicians immediately frightened, what do you seem to understand? Turned his head, grabbed the boss's corner of clothing and reprimanded

"What the **** is going on, did you increase the number of detonators, did you increase the number of detonators?"

"What's the matter, what's the matter? I just increased the two or three detonators. There is no problem at all. Just a little bit of blasting like you. God knows when the blasting is going to happen. I ’m doing this for your good.

The mindset of the boss's upstart is clear.

next moment

The whole mountain shook violently.

Rocks under his feet shattered, collapsed, and landslides cracked.

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