Super Finding App

Chapter 1611: Inner concubine (2)

Between the talking girls Wang Yueshi, Zhao Lu and Liu Wei, they all set their eyes on Zhao Qian with a broken leg at the same time.

Zhao Qian showed a miserable smile, and the strong squeezed-out smile revealed the mobile phone.

"Since the advent of the Super Hidden App has appeared on this phone, I have been praying every day. I am a climber, maybe I will encounter danger and get lost, so I do Faith Points, but I used them when I climbed the last time, and now I do n’t have any Faith Points in my phone "

"What? Just kidding. No belief points?"

"Zhao Qian, how can you not have any belief points, what do you mean by this, are you intentional, are you intentional?"

"I know. I know. You must like Zhao Lu, so you hate me for taking Zhao Lu, did you deliberately choose to be with Zishan and let me and Zhao Lu be buried with you?"

"Did you really think this? Didn't you think of this idea? Your heart is so poisonous, and your heart is so poisonous."

When Liu Wei heard it, he shouted in anger and angrily, his face with an unusual hatred, and even with anger and hysteria between the words, the usual gentleness disappeared instantly, Zhao Lu's face became abnormally ugly And reprimanded

"Liu Wei, what do you want to say? Is it time to say this? We should cooperate with each other now. It is the main thing to escape from here, not everyone to blame each other."

The slightly fat girl Wang Yueshi also ordered the rattle.

"That's right, that's it. That's why, Sun Wei, why do you say these things? Now it's not like when you say these things, okay?"

"Shut up, shut up. Shut me up. Is it true? What I said is true, what I said is true, Zhao Lu do n’t tell me you do n’t know this Zhao Qian has always liked it For you, how could you come to the mountain this time if it weren't for your opening, how could you choose this and Yushan? "

"I said he did it on purpose, he did it on purpose, and you wanted to protect him, it was ridiculous"

Liu Wei grunted his teeth. The more he talked, the more he talked, and the farther he said, the more angry he became.

"Enough. Enough, Liu Wei, Liu Wei talks well, you talk well, don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense"

"Yes, yes, don't make nonsense, your words are very bad."

For a while, the crowd made a mess, but did not find that all their conversations and reasons were clearly understood by the soul avatars, or transmitted to Cheng Yiping's mind.

"It turned out to be a group of climbers, and then there was a minor accident?"

"No, this mountain should not be blasted for no reason. No, this is not true at all. This mountain cannot be slammed up for no reason, and according to the signs seen by this soul avatar, this is not an ordinary mountain at all Landslides and collapses, what exactly happened in this mountain? "

Cheng Yiping frowned slightly, feeling something wrong, but with his doubts and puzzlements, he saw the soul raise his hand gently:

The surrounding rock cliffs even Zhao Qian, Sun Wei, Zhao Lu, and Wang Yueshi's projects turned into a little bubble disappearing.

Everything around was restored to its original condition.

Immediately afterwards, everything that happened in this mountain was taken into account by the soul.

, The landslide broke, the sound of blasting rang through the clouds.

Half of the mountain collapsed with Zishan, Zhao Jian Wang Yueshi, Zhao Lu and Wei Liu Wei frantically fought desperately with Zishan, then fell into the gap and were trapped in this gap.

Man is really a very crazy creature.

Anything that can be done is simply creepy.

I'm afraid this cannot be called a natural disaster, and more should be called a human disaster.

In this case, it's a matter of human life, even if you help them?

What's more, the light of Zhao Qian's belief has become a pillar of my belief.

What's more, as long as it involves human life, even if it is expensive?

Cheng Yiping sighed quietly and closed his eyes. He knew that he couldn't bargain like a real businessman after all.

Really indifferent and ruthless like a businessman, for Chen Yiping, if it is really about human life, even if he is guilty, even the loss-making business is completely without any problems.

next moment.

Raise your eyes gently to control the personal interface of the Super Hidden Object app in your mind.

The rotating and bright starry sky appeared, deep and distant as if emerging.

At the same time, a golden brilliance erupted in the eyes of Zi Shan's soul. A third eye appeared on the forehead

Amazingly the only one pupil.

An invisible Guanghua did not get into the eyes of Zhao Qian, who had broken his leg.


Cheng Yiping heard what Zhao Qian was looking for and left the road here.

[Starting Super Finding App ...]

[Super Group APP Faith Searching]

[Super Finding App Belief Finding Things Ends ...]

[Become the Super Hidden Object App! 】


next moment

Cheng Yiping's pupils contracted sharply, his face became more and more low and ugly and extremely complex, and he sighed sighfully.

"Sure enough, the super-hunting app believes that finding things is not a panacea after all. The main role of the super-hunting app is to find objects and find lost things. It can also find ways to get out of trouble."

"But. After all, it's just a method. Whether you can hold it, whether you can be found, whether you can leave, there is no guarantee at all."

"Just like in a ship's cemetery, although the Super Hidden App can tell me how to leave the ship's cemetery, but without three warships, I can't leave this ship's cemetery at all, and the same is true now. "

"The Super Hidden Object App can tell the victims how to leave this gap, and even how they can leave the trapped Yuzishan, but can they leave, can they have the physical strength and the ability to leave, this It's not in the consideration of the super finder app "

"Super Finding App is after all just a way to find items"

At the same time, Zhao Qian, Liu Wei, Zhao Lu and the slightly fat young Wang Yueshi who were trapped with Zishan had a tangled look on their faces at the moment.

The atmosphere is depressed.

People become hysterical in despair. Liu Wei is in this state at the moment, and even has some madness.

"How long will it take? How long will it take? How long will we be able to leave here? We have been trapped here for a whole day, it has been a whole day, has anyone come to save us?"

"We are here, we are here, come and save us, come and save us"

Liu Wei growled hysterically, beating his hands against the icy wall, his face gaunt.

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