Super Finding App

Chapter 1645: ghost

Although it feels unusual for the 503 house, since Zhang Xiaona has already settled in, Cheng Yiping naturally will not leave because of fear of turning:

Talked a little with Zhang Xiaona

"Contain security, after all, this 60-square-meter house belongs to a two-bedroom, one-living room." Zhang Xiaona slept on a large bed, and a flat bed naturally was a small bed. He could not compete with Zhang Xiaona for the right to use the large bed.

Although Yibing also thought of some ideas that were close to Zhang Xiaona's, if she could break through the last step, she was finally solved by Zhang Xiaona's twists and turns. Depressed Cheng Yiping returned to the small bed and shook his head with a bitter smile.

"I thought I had come to Xinglong Station and followed Zhang Xiaona to be able to live a two-person world. I did not expect Zhang Xiaona to work and it was just Saburo Saburo."

"Working till eleven, no rest at twelve"

From this aspect, Cheng Yiping also finally understood why Zhang Xiaona quickly appeared on the TV station in General City.

In addition to her ability to work, the intensity of the work does have a side-view. Looking at Zhang Xiaona so desperately, Cheng Yiping really had some heartache.

Time passed by little by little, Zhang Zhaona, who was still busy on the sofa, or yawned, checking the information.


There was a jingle of jingle bells in the room, and he looked up, and it was 12:00 midnight.

Zhang Xiaona stretched a long waist and yawned.

Is it already 12:00 midnight?

Zhang Xiaona is going to take a short break and prepare to sleep. After all, she will get up to record a program tomorrow morning. She will be very busy, and she will get up and put away her laptop before turning off the light. "


I saw

The lights in the entire room were constantly flashing, and then a whistle went out, Zhang Xiaona felt the cold hair burst instantly, instead of not having any fear, she was eager to try.

Is it really impossible for ghosts to appear?

Zhang Xiaona looked around Dead Week. The pupils shrank sharply, and he could clearly see a sloppy female ghost on the ceiling staring at her, then opened his **** mouth and swooped towards Zhang Xiaona.


Even if no matter how scared and pretended to be strong Zhang Xiaona, he even made a frightful shout. The door of the self-built house was pushed open, and rushed in in a hurry.

"At the moment Yiping walked in, the room was bright again, and I saw Zhang Xiaona fell from the bed to the ground with a trembling sound, and she stretched out her hand and pointed at the ceiling."

Cheng Yiping rushed over. Holding Zhang Xiaona and looking up, there was nothing on the ceiling. This is the ordinary ceiling 20 years ago.

Cheng Yiping didn't know what Zhang Xiaona saw. How about Zhang Xiaona, who was frightened?

"Are you okay, are you okay, what did you see? What happened?"

"Ghost? Ghost, I just saw a spooky ghost rushing at me. Zhang Xiaona's teeth were snoring. Although he said he never believed in ghosts, he suddenly saw that everyone accepted it."

"No, have you seen ghosts too?"

Cheng Yiping blurted out, Zhang Xiaona panted vigorously, and it took a long time to reply to her panic.

After receiving the water from Cheng Yiping's hand, he looked up and asked after a few sips.

"Cheng Yiping, have you encountered a ghost? Is it in this 503 room?"

Zhang Xiaona calmly came over quickly. Looking up at the ceiling, there are still no problems. There are no so-called ghosts at all.

Looking down, Cheng Yiping asked.

"It's not me, it's my original room 403, but it's not a ghost, it's the lights flashing on and off. The TV lighted up for no reason, and it didn't work with the remote control. Finally it was on the TV A weird figure popped up, to be honest, it really scared me. Could it be that what you just saw was not as good as what I saw! "

Cheng Yiping said, his face was full of doubt.

Zhang Xiaona shook her head gently and raised her head.

"I absolutely don't believe that there are really ghosts in this world, and even if there are ghosts, Cheng Yiping, don't you think this world is too coincidental?"

Zhang Xiaona thought for a moment and then said,

"You met a ghost when you entered your room with your front foot. It's a coincidence."

"Indeed, I think it's very coincidental to say what you said. After all, we can meet ghosts on the front and back feet, and the main thing is that the ghost did not hurt us, just to scare us, like It ’s just for scary, it ’s really weird. ”

"Don't you mean that this ghost doesn't exist at all, and the boss's hands and feet make the boss really able to summon the ghost?"

"Of course it is possible, don't forget that the current technology is so advanced, even if you make ghosts or use some methods to make ghosts, the effect is perfectly fine."

Zhang Xiaona shook her head gently, saying

"I was scared by the ghost just now. If I come back next time, I will be able to find out what happened to this ghost?"

Cheng Yi nodded solemnly, biting his teeth for a long time and thought to speak

"It's true. I'm also scared by ghosts. Now think about it. Ghosts do not necessarily exist in this world. Most of them are made by man. If you say this, the next time you see this ghost, it is true. You can find it out and see what is going on, true or false. "

Man of few words.

Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona did not feel sleepy either. They turned on the lights and talked to each other in the room.

Time passed little by little, and at one or two o'clock he finally couldn't carry it.

Zhang Xiaoxuan fell asleep on the big bed, Cheng Yiping returned to the small room, closed his eyes in the bed


There was a sound like a ghost in his ear, and the unusual quietness of the sound penetrated into a flat ear.

There is a word in the sound

"Kill, kill, kill ..."

Cheng Yiping's abnormal irritability, the whole person kept rolling in the quilt, but no matter how it is, even if you accidentally hold your ears, the sound seems to come out.

Sitting fiercely from the bed, sweating heavily, looking around.

This weird voice still came from all around the room.

Like from the ceiling, from the wall, and from the ground as if coming from all directions, I don't know the right sense of direction at all.

"Damn, what the **** is going on? What the **** is going on? Hearing this voice in the middle of the night really makes people feel very irritable."

Turn around

Suddenly the legs contracted sharply.

On the wall on the right, a black figure slowly appeared, slowly piercing through the soil from the wall little by little.

Yes, it really penetrated through the wall.

This is a pale ghost, opened his mouth and opened his mouth and snarled with a sharp dagger in his hand.

"Kill! Kill!"

Cheng Yiping was so frightened that he took a step back, quietly watching the ghost pass through his body before disappearing.

Cheng Yiping sweated and turned his head. Looking around, there are ghosts in the room.

Even the killings from around the place have disappeared

What exactly is going on?

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