Super Finding App

Chapter 1654: Pretend to be a ghost

"Weird, weird, really weird, what's going on?"

"Police Officer I just came to retrieve the video above this aisle. I did find the video on the video. Please take a look."

The murder case in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, caused Zheng Guoqiang to have some headaches, and even some frightened fears. I don't know what happened.

But fortunately, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, there is a camera on the first floor in the Xinglong apartment, and this time the camera was not damaged.

"How could the camera be so easily damaged? You also know that here I am, but the first mansion who came to me has some excitement, but there are also many people who really want to commit suicide and death, if not With the camera, God knows what will happen, so I have cameras in all public places in this Xinglong apartment, and I watch and find it every day. If there is any damage, I will contact the repair immediately, so absolutely No problems, guaranteed to be seen "

The owner of Xinglong Apartment patted his chest proudly.

Honestly, this is also an experience of his, after all, the so-called fierce house of the business he is doing involves human life.

Some people really inexplicably killed themselves in the haunted house of this Xinglong apartment, and their family members would naturally make trouble when they saw their family members die. Under such circumstances, the owner of Xinglong Apartment had already installed a camera in the public area. In this case, unless the other party died in the room, it can be seen in the public area at a glance.

Zheng Guoqiang nodded heavily, and then went straight to the monitoring room on the first floor to check the monitoring. In the monitoring screen, you can clearly see that Gao Qiming and Lu Weiliang talked to each other, and then went into the bathroom.

After a while, Lu Weiliang came to the door of the bathroom and waited quietly. After a while, Lu Weiliang in the picture seemed to hear something rushing into the bathroom, and after a minute or two, Lu Weiliang rushed out quickly.

"Lu Weiliang and Zhou Qiming entered the bathroom at the same time. The time it took for Lu Weiliang to go out to the toilet after entering the toilet for the first time was only two minutes. The time for committing the crime was not enough. The second time I heard the so-called voice rushed in and brought it out. Time is only about one or two minutes. Adding up three or four minutes, there is no time for this crime. After all, if you want to kill someone and drown in the toilet, three minutes is not enough. Is it true that Lu Weiliang did not do it, then who would it be? "

Zheng Guoqiang really felt very strange.

"According to the surveillance video, during this period no third person except Lu Weiliang and Zhou Qiming entered the bathroom."

"And Lu Weiliang really doesn't have any time to commit a crime, let alone a big man. Even an ordinary person, you need to drown him in the toilet for at least a few minutes."

"After all, people can struggle desperately to breathe and hold their breath. It is absolutely impossible to kill someone in three minutes."

"Of course, unless it is the other person who uses the drug to make a person unconscious, and then directly puts the person in the toilet and is drowned. If so, then Lu Weiliang is indeed a possibility. After all, the bathroom The time inside is invisible, but if you really want to determine if this is the crime, you need to perform an autopsy to check whether the body of the deceased Zhou Qiming has any anesthetic and dizziness. "

Zheng Guoqiang carefully analyzed, but his brows frowned tightly.

"It's a ghost, it's a ghost, it must be a ghost, it must be a ghost"

Inside the surveillance room, the owner of Xinglong apartment in Fuzhou's first fierce house can't wait to say

"Police Officer Zheng, this surveillance video shows very clearly. Only these two people entered the bathroom, and no one entered at all. If the murderer is not Lu Weiliang, it can only explain that it is a ghost. So, otherwise, how could a normal person drown himself in the toilet at once, which is really strange. "

The owner of Xinglong Inn was getting weird as he talked.

"I've seen a lot of people who committed suicide in my Xinglong apartment, some were hanging, some were taking poison, some were taking sleeping pills, some were cutting their wrists in the bathtub to bleed blood, and some were using charcoal to kill themselves, but they used toilet bowls in the bathroom. I drowned myself, I really saw it for the first time. "

Zheng Guoqiang listened to the words of the owner of Xinglong Apartment and couldn't help but rolled his eyes, not to mention him. Even after doing so for so many years, he didn't see anyone drowning himself with toilet water in the bathroom.

Maybe in comics and novels, but in reality this is simply impossible!

Thinking of this, Zheng Guoqiang suddenly turned his head and looked at the owner of Xinglong Apartment in a word.

"Really? But before that, I have to ask the boss, do you have anything in this bathroom, or are you pretending to be a ghost?"

When the boss of Xinglong Inn shook his head and rattle, he usually said quickly

"Police officer, sergeant, don't frame people randomly, don't frame people randomly, don't talk nonsense when there is nothing, the monitoring probe shows very clearly, I was not in the bathroom at that time, you can Do n’t put the crime of murder on my head. ”

The owner of Xinglong Inn quickly said with wide eyes, and responded, but Zheng Guoqiang shook his head gently. I did not say that this murder case was yours, but the ghost in your Xinglonglong apartment. Have you done anything else? "

A ghost in Xinglong Apartment?

The owner of Xinglong Apartment turned his eyes, his innocent look said

"What the **** are you talking about? I don't understand at all, I don't know at all, am I not at all clear?"

"Is it really unclear?"

Zheng Guoqiang shook his head gently, hit a ring finger behind him, and saw a police officer come out, search for something from his hand, hand it to Zheng Guoqiang, and said

"Police Officer, this is what we found in the several rooms of Xinglong Apartment. A specific program was installed in the TV, and this light will change according to our detection voltage. In other words, in Xinglong Apartment All the residents inside think that the lights are constantly flickering, and the snowflakes and ghosts appearing on the TV are completely artificial! "

Zheng Guoqiang nodded, and looked at the boss of Xinglong Inn and said

"Boss, do you have anything to say now? Why are you doing this? Now you still admit that there are ghosts in your Xinglong Inn?"

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