Super Finding App

Chapter 1675:

"It ’s really not oil and salt. This Liu Kexin is really very strange."

Zheng Guoqiang, who came out of the interrogation room, became unusually ugly, and returned to the position to read the case.

Aside from the young police officer, Zhou Hua, Fang Bid, ran over, and said inexplicable Guanghua in his eyes.

"Police Officer Zheng, Officer Zheng, is this Liu Kexin still dead and not admitting it? What if she admits it? After all, the death of Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming has too many unexpected elements, even if she summons with an instrument I ’m afraid I can only say it ’s a joke. ”

"Joke? If anything can be explained with jokes, then what else needs to be said accidentally, what else do you need to murder? This Liu Kexin is definitely more than just a joke."

Zheng Guoqiang pointed his finger slightly at the desktop and said,

"According to the information I have now, Liu Kexin and Wang Jun did have a relationship before. Wang Jun was killed by accident because he was accidentally jumped out of the rooftop after being killed by a ghost. It is now Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming. It was the death scared by ghosts called by Liu Kexin's so-called instrument. But do you think the two are coincidental? Is there no relationship between the two? "

"The most important thing is that Liu Kexin was willing to spend a year, and even posted hundreds of thousands of dollars to decorate the apartment of the first murder house Xinglong, placing the so-called projected ghost instrument. Do you think this can be explained just as a joke? "

"This is a premeditated murder!"

"Murder, no, how is this possible?"

The young police officer, Zhou Hua, shook his head and said like a rattle.

"This is simply impossible. According to the monitoring system at the time, Liu Kexin was really not on the scene. Even Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming were cast by ghosts. It can only be considered an accident."

"It does n’t matter if you need to investigate before you can know. What I suspect now is that Liu Kexin did all of this with Wang Jun. If we can know what happened to Wang Jun ’s death and suicide at that time, what happened? , Maybe everything will be revealed "

Zheng Guoqiang nodded slightly with his fingers, and frowned.

After all, it is urgent to investigate Wang Jun's death and suicide two years ago.

"Police Officer Zheng, Officer Zheng, in fact, we have to know what happened to the case of Wang Jun's death two years ago, and it is not without any method. Although it is quite difficult for us to find it now, and the location between them It ’s not in our Fuzhou city, but if we use the super-hunting app, we may be able to clearly understand what happened to Wang Jun two years ago. "

"Super Finding App, but very amazing"

"Super Finding App? Absurd and absurd, this is really too ridiculous. You are the people's police, remember that you are a police officer, everything must be based on the evidence, trust a so-called Super Finding App, you Do n’t you think this is too ridiculous? Even if you find your so-called murderer with Super Find App, do you think the court will sentence you without evidence? Did you tell the court that this is the killer found by Super Find App "If so, what else do we need to do by law? What do we need the police to do? What do the judges need to do? Can everyone use the Super Hidden App?"

Faced with this suddenly exposed and scolded Zheng Guoqiang, Zhou Hua shuddered, and his head was as overwhelmed as Xiaomi pecked.

Seeing that he left Zheng Guoqiang in anger, Zhou Hua was relieved.

On his side, a police officer who was obviously an old churros came over and patted Zhou Hua's shoulder heavily.

"Okay, okay, young man, you don't need to care too much. Zheng Guoqiang is such a bad temper. If his bad temper doesn't change, it is estimated that few people can bear it, but what Zheng Guoqiang said is completely correct, after all We are the police. Everything we talk about is law. Everything is based on evidence. If there is no evidence, then it ’s useless to say anything. I ’m not sure if the Super Find App is amazing, but I only know If there is no evidence, it is useless to say anything "

The old police officer's voice had just fallen, and he chatted with other colleagues aside, only one of them laughed.

"Lao Wang is wrong, I want to say that the Super Find App is really very useful. If it is really like Zhou Hua said, the Super App can find the killer, then we are all It can be closely investigated and visited based on this murderer. As long as I can be sure that the prisoner is a perfect criminal, he will leave vital flaws "

"But it's a pity. Oftentimes, it's often impossible to find out who this criminal suspect is. Every time I find it, the suspect cannot be determined at all. If it can be determined, it will be much better. , The speed of handling cases will be greatly improved. "

The speaker is unintentional, and the listener is attentive.

Zhou Hua Yin Zhuzi suddenly lighted up. Listening to my colleagues, the sound of your conversation with each other, I have a decision in my heart.

"Yes, yes, what is said is really very correct. Although the Super Finding App cannot be used as evidence to directly identify the killer, but if the Super Finding App can know who the killer is, then it will be a big deal. It has reduced the difficulty and direction of handling the case, not to mention, police officer Zheng Guoqiang just said and said that if you can know the real reason for Wang Jun ’s death and suicide two years ago, it may be possible to reveal whether the case that appeared in Liu Kexin was what happened?"

"Although I find it very strange, but if the case of Wang Jun's death two years ago can be related to the current case, maybe I can really use the Super Find App to find things."

"Who killed the murderer of Wang Jun two years ago, or the so-called homicide?"

Thinking of Zhou Hua's eyes suddenly lit up, raised his head, looked around carefully, then turned and ran to the toilet of the Public Security Bureau, entered the toilet, found an empty one, walked in, and sat down. Above the toilet, he took his cell phone out of his arms, but his face was revered.

Gently open the interface of the Super Find App on the phone.

next moment

The rotating and bright starry sky emerged, and the deep and distant one-eyed pupil emerged.

On the screen of this mobile phone, faith points are displayed, 320 points!

If Cheng Yiping saw it at this moment, he would be surprised that his eyes were widened, and having 320 faith points is enough to show that Zhou Hua is definitely a devout believer on the Super Find App.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to have so many faith points.

At this moment, Zhou Hua bit his teeth lightly. Clicked on the Super Find App.

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