Super Finding App

Chapter 1683: Massacre

20 years ago a technology company

"Mr. Wang is really too powerful. Mr. Wang is really too powerful. This time the problem was solved by Minister Wang. I heard that this time Minister Wang not only solved the big technical problems but also won one. The big list also made a lot of money for the company. I heard that the boss looked at Minister Wang quite differently. The position of the next director asked me to say that it may be Minister Wang. "

"Do you still want to think about this? Do you still want to think about it? This is for sure, who doesn't know that Minister Wang belongs to the pillars in our company. Honestly, if it wasn't for Minister Wang to marry, I really want to marry Minister Wang Together "

"Come less, come less, just you, Minister Wang doesn't look at you at all, okay? I know that Minister Wang's wife is quite virtuous and beautiful, and now she has a pair of children. Happy. Who will look after you when you have both? "

"That's what I said, was that what I said?"

Many beauty workers at the front desk of the technology company talked to each other, showing bright smiles, and looked at a man who was tall and straight with glasses obviously intellectual-like.

No one noticed that in the other corner of the office, a man with glasses became extremely ugly, his teeth creaked.

"Zhou Jian, are you okay? I'm sorry, this month's sales champion is me again. I originally just helped Boss Zhang to solve the problem on his computer. I didn't expect Boss Zhang to give me a thank you. A big list, sorry, otherwise this time the sales champion is you. "

Wang Gang came to Zhou Jian in two or three steps and showed a hearty smile, saying a little embarrassingly

Zhou Jianyi quickly got up and nodded his head.

"No, no, where's the matter, where's the matter, everyone is for the company, all of us are for the company's benefit, I'm fine, I'm fine, and the commission will not be less mine, right?"

"Yes, yes, the most important thing is the commission. We come out to work to make money. As long as the money is in place, everything is easy to say."

Wang Gang said with a bright smile, and did not notice that Zhou Jian looked at him abnormally coldly.

The soul is standing quietly in this company, watching everything in front of him

The next moment, the scene was transformed into a bubble again and transformed into a boss's office.

I saw the boss smiled brightly, and stretched out his hand to slap and worship Wang Gang's shoulder.

"Wang Gang is doing a good job, and it looks good that the board above trusts you very much. This time the company is going to promote a position of director, and it is ready to choose between you and Zhou Jian. Don't be discouraged either. This time there is no chance. If you have another chance to consider your next time, you should cooperate with Wang Gang's work well and don't have any thoughts in your heart. "

When Zhou Jian heard a snoring, he quickly said

"Relax, rest assured, boss, so that Brother Wang can be promoted to the position of director. This is really deserved. I will obey and help Director Wang Gang's work."

"It ’s good, this is good. The two of you are the left arm and the right arm of our company. They are both our technical backbones, we work hard, but we have great prospects waiting for you."

The boss gave a hearty smile and laughed.

next moment

People throughout the company immediately cheered, ganging Wang Gang together and encouraging each other.

As for Zhou Jian, he was completely forgotten.

The soul clone has always paid attention to Zhou Jian, clearly seeing that Zhou Jian's face was looking at Wang Gang with great hatred and resentment.

And all this was passed into Cheng Yiping's mind through the soul avatar.

"Strange, weird, there are really some weird things. If it is Zhou Jian's words, why did Zhou Jian do this? No, it should be said that the most important thing is how Zhou Jian did it?"

Cheng Yiping's frowned frown felt very strange.

After all, the situation is quite clear now. It is nothing more than two people in a company competing for the position of a director. Wang Gang's acquisition of the position of director will naturally cause dissatisfaction with Zhou Jian.

But the question is, how did Zhou Jian resolve Wang Gang and even caused Wang Gang to have a massacre?

This is too strange.

Cheng Yiping felt very strange. Even if there was a conflict between Zhou Jian and Wang Gang, there really was a conflict. It should be that Wang Gang took the knife to destroy Zhou Jian ’s family, and it would never be Wang Gang himself who killed all his wife and children. Suicide after hacking!

Cheng Yiping doesn't think that the police will make mistakes in such investigations. So what happened during this period?

Cheng Yiping was puzzled, and continued to watch the soul clone in his head followed Zhou Jian's side and returned home.

After returning home, Zhou Jian touched a room, his eyes were polished, and he was sitting in front of a laptop computer constantly patting and making programs.

After a while

I saw Zhou Jian fiddle with something and took out an instrument, which fell into the eyes of the soul clone and instantly contracted.

Because Cheng Yiping, who saw this instrument through his soul avatar, immediately understood it. This is a projector.

Could it be ...

as expected!

Just as Cheng Yiping thought, under the gazing of the soul, Zhou Jian was constantly fiddling in the dark room, and after a while, his fingers were slightly on the computer, and a ghostly appearance instantly passed the desktop. The projector appeared instantly

Zhou Jian's face became abnormally ecstatic, his teeth grinning and his sinister look revealed.

"Wang Gang, don't you say that your technology is very good? Then I will give you a great gift to see if you can afford it?"

That's it.

That's it.

That's what happened

Seeing all of this through the soul clone stood up from the sofa with an ugly moment on his face.

He finally understood what was going on, and the soul in the next mind followed Zhou Jian.

The development of the situation was exactly the same as expected by Cheng Yiping. I saw that Zhong Zhoujian had an excuse to talk to Wang Gang and the business relationship came to Wang Gang's home.

Secretly entered Wang Gang's bedroom and placed instruments that could project ghosts in the dark corners.

Not only that, but also voice, able to sing the wailing voice of ghosts and wolves.

These are through special settings.

And after a long period of torture of ghosts and the sound of opinions crying, how can Wang Wang Gang who can't bear it all hold his axe to his family and children. After the massacre was over, he committed suicide.

In this room 503 of Xinglong Apartment, a tragic massacre happened 20 years ago!

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