Super Finding App

Chapter 1717: stranger

Wei Qing is a student of photography at Xizhou University. At this moment, he is busy sweating, raising his head to see, only a hawk in the sky is passing by.

This is a very beautiful scenery, but for Wei Qing there is no feeling of appreciation at all

At this moment he's burned

"Brother Wei, Brother Wei, what are we going to do now? Our car has been caught in a swamp, and it seems that it will completely sink. What can we do?"

The woman who was talking was a woman with glasses, and tears ran down her eyes.

"It's okay, it's okay, aren't we pulling on the rope now? As long as we can pull the car up, we can leave here"

"Damn, if you knew it early, you should find a guide. Now that the car is caught in it, it is simply a dilemma."

Wei Qing bit her teeth and was extremely depressed.

Three off-road vehicles in front of him have been plunged into the swamp ahead. If one is still excusable, but who knows that all three vehicles are caught in it.

"Blame you, blame you, it's all blame you, what are you doing so tightly? Don't you know what the so-called safety distance is?"

"Just, you blame me, you blame me, this is the way you took, OK? You took us into the swamp, I see what you are comfortable with, but you said that you know this area well

"Can this blame me? Can this blame me? I know everything that was before, that was 5 years ago, and the ghost knows what will happen after 5 years, and it does not reach the swamp area completely, The ghost knows why there is a swamp out there, do you blame me? "

"Well, let's stop arguing. I think we'll pull the car out first. This is the most important thing. After all, no one wants this to happen."

"Enough. Enough. Don't make any more noise. What's the point of making another noise? If you make another noise, it is estimated that all of us are going to die here, or just pull the car up first the most important"

Wei Qing looked at her classmates with a headache, but did not expect that at this time everyone was still complaining with each other, which also shows that everyone's ability to handle things really needs to be improved

"Brother Wei, we know, but it's really very heavy. I didn't expect that the car would be so heavy. I'm afraid it's really difficult because of the 7 of us."

Liu Wei said, with a solemn look on his face, and sighed quietly.

Who can think of a rear-end collision? The leading car was plunged into the swamp, and the two cars behind did not have enough time to hit the brakes directly, and all three cars were hit into the swamp.

"Fortunately, we were all able to jump out of the car and into a safe area. It would be really dangerous if we stayed in the car."

Li Jun nodded.

"That's it, that's it, it's too dangerous"

"I say, everyone, don't make any more noise, you should pull the car up earlier. This is the main thing. This is related to our graduation work."

"That is, I thought that if I took some landscapes and wild animals on this plain, I would be able to make a realistic work and be able to participate in graduation work. As long as the graduation work passes the qualifications, we can graduate. What will happen? "

Talking is a woman with long hair with a shawl, looking young and invincible, full of girlishness, Liu Ting.

"Okay, okay, what is the use of Liu Ting to say these now? Everyone start to pull harder, everybody start to pull harder to pull the car out."

Wang Yan shook her head with a bitter smile and said

As a girl, where does she still think of herself as a woman at the moment, she rolled up her sleeves and directly took the rope and pulled back desperately. The other people looked at it, what are you waiting for?

The girls were all on board. How could they be weak as men, one by one, pulling the rope and trying to drag the vehicle out.

But in the final analysis, the seven of them are just college students, especially in the swamp land, which is quite hard work.

With a thump, Liu Ting fell to the ground with his buttocks, his hands were rubbed out of blood by the rope, and one person was lost. The other people fell to the ground one by one. Slowly got stuck again:

Everyone suddenly cried without tears

"What to do? What to do? What if the car door is gone?"

"Not only will the car be absent, but the supplies in the car will disappear at that time. Without the supply, we will not be able to walk at all, and we will not be able to get out of this plain.

Liu Wei said angrily and anxiously

Although they are now spreading plains, they are not in no man's land.

But after all, they also arrived here after driving for a long time. If there is no off-road vehicle, walking back with only two legs will definitely be exhausting. It is entirely possible that they will die halfway.

The main thing is that he really was reluctant to get these cars and supplies, these were all money.

"Don't give up, don't give up, we still have a chance, we still have a chance"

Wei Qing, as the leader, although cheering everyone out loud, the effect is not too good.

Suddenly, the sound of a car whistle came from behind them, and everyone turned their heads and suddenly expressed a look of joy.

"Look at it, look at it. Someone is here, somebody is here. It ’s great, it's great, there's a rescue, there's a rescue.

"Someone came, great, great, there was a rescue, there was a rescue."

As soon as Wei Qing's words fell, the other six students immediately showed surprise, and their eyes widened, and they said

"A car came over, a car came over, we got saved, we got saved"

"What are you waiting for? Come and hurry up and stop the car. It will be bad if the car leaves."

"Yes, yes, everyone hurry up the car, everyone hurry up and stop the car"

Between words

Wei Qing took Liu Wei and six other students with open hands and immediately waited for the middle of the road:

Although they are in the plains, they can leave even when they turn, but they still yell loudly

"Request help"

"Request help"

Only three high-end off-road vehicles were seen and stopped at their door with a click.

Wei Qing had a look of joy at first glance, as long as she was willing to stop, there was still hope.

As long as you stop, there is hope.

Quickly ran over, came to the edge of the co-pilot of the leading car, choked the window with both hands and said excitedly

"Sorry, sorry, everyone, our car is stuck in the swamp. Can you help us, can you help us?"

"It really bothers you, it really bothers you"

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