Super Finding App

Chapter 1722: Spare tire

Fu Yongan gritted his teeth, but he was helpless. As the top adventure treasure hunter in the Exploration Club, he has always been capable of taking on tasks by himself.

In other words, for Fu Yongan's connections and children in the adventure world, he can take on some tasks in private, and does not necessarily have to take tasks in the exploration club.

The main reason why he has stayed in this exploring club is for manager Bai.

Ever since seeing this charming and charming Manager Bai at first sight, Fu Yongan has loved Manager Bai, and it can be said that he has been violently pursuing.

This is no longer a secret in the Explore Club, but unfortunately, even with such a violent attack by Fu Yongan, it was still useless to meet Manager Bai.

Although Manager Bai did not expressly refuse, but he did not accept Fu Yongan, which made people have the illusion that they still have hope.

Fu Yongan was just shy, and now he saw Manager Bai and Cheng Yiping alone in a night's retreat.

This made him grit his teeth.

"Let ’s stop talking nonsense, and do n’t think wildly, think about it this time, we are looking for this one-eyed temple, but Manager Bai asks Cheng Chengping to come here to help, then there must be something between Manager Bai and Cheng Yiping, this It ’s completely past, so do n’t stir it up here ”

Zhou Guoqiang raised his eyebrows, extended his fist, and struck Fan Gang's body all at once. Although he looked heavy, he did not have any strength. Fan Gang said, loosening his shoulders.

"Clear, white, of course, I don't mean to adjust the atmosphere."

"Adjusting the atmosphere. Is this the way to adjust the atmosphere? This is simply to provoke alienation."

Zhou Guoqiang could not help but rolled his eyes, and when he was about to speak, he saw Fu Yong'an booming, stood up, stepped out of the tent, and headed towards Cheng Yiping and Manager Bai.

Zhou Guoqiang suddenly hesitated. A thigh road

"No, no, hell, something is going on, Fan Gang, I already told you, do n’t talk nonsense, once something goes wrong, what do you do now, do n’t forget that our one-eyed temple has n’t If you find it, if you do n’t find it, you will be instigated. This is a taboo for adventure treasure hunts. ”

Fan Gang opened his mouth and watched Fu Yongan going out crying without tears.

"How do I know? How do I know, I was just kidding, I never thought that Fu Yongan was really so anxious to Manager Bai"

"No, let's follow it quickly. If something really happens, it's troublesome."

Having said that, Zhou Guoqiang and Fan Gang followed up quickly.

Cheng Yiping collected his eyes from under the bright starry sky, turned his head and looked at the charming and charming White Manager under the bright moonlight and smiled.

After thinking for a while, I took a photo from my arms and handed it over to ask

"Manager Bai, this is a photo I found in the information you gave me. Is the person above this one in your exploration club? Look at the picture in them, you should have found the one-eyed temple, Just why didn't you come back? "

Manager Bai froze, she naturally knew her charm

But she did not expect that Cheng Yiping would be able to resist his charm, and shook his head with a bitter smile when thinking of it

Is he really old and has no temptation to young guys?

Cheng Yiping is naturally not aware of the cranky thoughts of Manager Bai at this moment, and frowned slightly, coughing for two channels.

Manager Bai understood it instantly, his face flushed slightly, and he reached out to take the picture, looked carefully, and said

"They are indeed treasure hunters like my explorer club, and one of these dozen waves of treasure hunters. They did find the one-eyed temple, and this picture was sent back by satellite. Originally, we always thought that now that we have found the one-eyed temple, we only need to return the line to Li An and others after we return, but we did not expect this group of people to have no news after sending this photo. No contact at all. After that, we also arranged more than a dozen waves of adventure treasure hunters to look for the one-eyed temple. All of them were silent, but one thing is certain, it should really exist in this wild swamp One-eyed temple, this photo is proof! "

It turned out to be exactly the same as I thought.

Cheng Yiping slightly buckled his head, the light in his eyes flashed, and he lowered his head to look at this photo.

On the photo, a group of seven or eight boys are wearing adventure clothes, carrying various equipment and equipment, and a bright smile on their faces.

Behind them was a stately and ruined temple.

What is striking is that this one-eyed logo is at the center of this temple. It seems to have a long history, but it is broken.

"That ’s the case, so I ’m assured. At least this photo can show that someone has found this one-eyed temple, and this one-eyed temple is indeed in this wild swamp. Since they can find this one-eyed temple, then we The same can certainly be done. "

Cheng Yiping naturally did not tell Manager Bai the real thoughts in his mind, but he already had a hint of thoughts and said


Feeling that someone was coming behind him, he turned his head, and in his eyes was Fu Yongan, who was full of face, and frowned slightly.

"Fu Yongan, you haven't slept, have you come over here?"

Fu Yongan rushed over in anger, but when he was approaching Cheng Yiping and Manager Bai, he slowed down and stepped forward, hoping to be able to hear two people talking behind them. What.

If he really hears something that he doesn't want to hear, he will definitely become embarrassed and angry. Where can I get a one-eyed temple or a one-eyed temple, he will directly solve Cheng Yiping.

I already have a huge piece of green on my own head, who cares about the so-called one-eyed temple?

Even if it failed, there was no loss to Fu Yongan at all.

But just walking into the manager behind Cheng Yiping and Bai, they heard that they were discussing about the one-eyed temple, which made Fu Yong'an calm for a while.

Is it because you think too much?

Is it because you want to be crooked?

When Fu Yongan had some guilty confusion and was at a loss, a voice of inquiry was heard in his ear.

Cheng Yiping turned his head and looked at him. Fu Yongan was suddenly shocked in his heart, and he quickly struck a haha.

"Yes, yes, I can't sleep, after all, I will enter this wild swamp area tomorrow, there is some tension, yo come to arrange the equipment a little, and see if there is anything missing or forgotten, You are busy, you are busy, hahaha "

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