Super Finding App

Chapter 1724: follow

The next day, when Yang rose, Cheng Yiping stretched a lazy waist and walked out of the tent.

Li An and the three top adventure treasure hunters Fan Gang, Zhou Guoqiang and Fu Yongan have already started packing and preparing in advance, and everything is ready for the Ministry of Security.

"Mr. Cheng, did you sleep well last night? Today we are entering this wild swamp land"

Manager Bai came out after half-washing. Although she is not as amazing and beautiful as she was in the city, it is undeniable that she is born with beauty.

Even if it's just a simple dress, don't have a flavor.

Cheng Yiping nodded slightly, looked up at the wild swamp in front of him, and the haze flashed in his eyes.

After all, this time you will enter a no-man's land, even if you have a super finder app.

The Super Hidden App can find some things you want to find, but if there is nothing to find in the no-man's land, then you can only wait for death.

Through such a long time, Faith-Finding by Super-Finding App has been used by Cheng Yiping. It is clear that Faith-Finding by Super-Finding App is very amazing.

But again, he is not foolproof, losing 100% of his success.

After all, even if it can tell you where things are, whether you can find them is another matter.

Many times, even if it tells you where the goal is, and whether you can reach the goal or not, it is quite difficult.

Especially in this uninhabited area, after all, no one knows what kind of things will be in the uninhabited.

Not to mention others, dozens of adventure treasure hunters before the Discovery Club went to look for the one-eyed temple, and in the end none of them could come back alive to explain the problem.

Although they may have found the one-eyed temple, it is very important why they did not return alive.

Thinking that Cheng Yiping raised his head and looked up, everyone in the camp was already busy. It can be said that everyone had their own ideas.

Except that Li An and his seven bodyguards seemed to be protecting Cheng Yiping and others, but no one knew what they really wanted to do.

In contrast, the three top adventure treasure hunters of the Explore Club may be the purest goal of this group of people, which is to find a one-eyed temple and make money. If there is some treasure in the one-eyed temple, then But it couldn't be better.

In contrast, Manager Bai is to survive for himself. After all, he meets a man who is unreasonable and has a lot of financial resources, ability and resources. He is indeed very passive. Besides obeying, it is estimated that there is no Two ways are available.

As a guide Jiang Ting, her goal is to find her sister who was a guide before. It can be said that everyone has a reason to find the one-eyed temple. It is clear that everyone can live in peace before the one-eyed temple is found. But what will happen when you find the one-eyed temple?

The crowd prepared a little, and after breakfast, they were ready to go to this wild swamp.

As a guide, Jiang Ting's face became abnormally dignified and carefully, the team just started to move forward, and suddenly saw the sound of a car passing by behind him.

The car was rattling, a roundabout docked in front of the flat man.

How is this vehicle so familiar?

Isn't this the group of college students we met before?

Cheng Yiping looked at the familiar car and frowned slightly.

I did not expect this group of college students to come along, but this group of college students originally had seven people, but now there are only four people left.

"Hello, hello, everybody, everybody, hello, hello, it's great that you haven't entered this wild swamp land, it's really great"

The leading university student Wei Qing came over with a bright smile, and the smile was quite enthusiastic. He suddenly came to Cheng Yiping and grabbed Cheng Yiping's hand and said excitedly

"Hello, what do we want to go into the wild swamp with you"

"You're going into the wild swamp with us. What a joke?"

Cheng Yiping apparently froze. He did not expect that these college students would say such things.

Jokingly, the barren swamp area belongs to the uninhabited area. It is very dangerous. If it is not this time, Mr. Bai will definitely enter this southern marsh area.

But now this group of college students should go in together?

This is too strange.

"Yes, yes, do n’t get me wrong. That ’s why you also know that we are college students at Xizhou University. This time, we are here to shoot our graduation movie works. We originally wanted to shoot some wild animals and the like. Things, but it did n’t have a good effect, but this time you have to find the one-eyed temple and entered the wild swamp area. This is a very good experience and opportunity for us. ”

"So I have no other requirements. I just want to follow you into this wild swamp, record the journey, and make a documentary after I go back. I beg you, I hope you can bring us "

"No, no. Absolutely not"

Manager Bai came over and said ugly

"Mr. Cheng, you should be very clear. This time, we are very dangerous in the barren swamp. Even if we can come back safely, we are not completely sure. We still take these four college students with us, which is basically A cumbersome, I do not agree with such a request "

Zhou Guoqiang, Fu Yongan and Fan Gang, the three top adventure treasure hunters of the Discovery Club, hesitated and said

"Yes, yes, when is it now, who would be willing to take these four people, these four people are obviously college students, without the power of chickens, and do not have much ability to survive in the wild. They are simply a burden, not to mention the one-eyed temple but a historical monument. What do they take them to, do we want to share our treasures? This is absolutely impossible. "

Jiang Ting didn't say anything, only a look of hesitation appeared on her face, and she shook her head slightly. Obviously, she was also very clear that carrying a few cumbersome things was very dangerous.

Li An's eyes flashed inexplicable Guanghua, but did not say a word, but his eyes turned constantly on Shang Cheng Yiping.

"No, no, you guys do n’t get me wrong, you guys do n’t get me wrong, we really do n’t have other malice, we really just want to find the one-eyed temple, we just want to find the one-eyed temple, we really just want to take a record, there are no other ideas . "

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