Super Finding App

Chapter 1743: Do you want to find your sister?

Li An raised his hand and patted it a few times, listening to Cheng Yiping's words, which was all he had in mind.

Although he didn't know what kind of ability Cheng Yiping had, he could find this gas station with no surprises. It is obvious that Cheng Yiping really has some talents, and it is indeed the person that Mr. Bai values.

As long as he is willing to continue searching, the hope of finding the one-eyed temple is very great.

Li An will never allow anyone to prevent the one-eyed temple from being found, which is a vital part of their plan.

Thinking of here, he clapped his hands while looking at the three top adventure treasure hunters Zhou Guoqiang, Fan Gang and Fu Yongan of the Exploration Club, showing bright smiles, saying word by word

"As for the three of you, the development of the matter is indeed beyond our expectations. No one expected to encounter such a thing. If there is no danger, it is impossible, so I decided to raise all the rewards of this task to three. In other words, as long as you are willing to continue to search for the one-eyed temple and find what I want from the one-eyed temple, then I will triple your reward! "

Li An considered very clearly that what he needed was the three top adventure treasure hunters Zhou Guoqiang, Fan Gang and Fu Yongan who have rich experience in adventure treasure hunting, while Cheng Yiping and Bai Bai are the guides.

The only useless thing is the four college students of Xizhou University. They originally wanted to keep them as cannon fodder. Now it seems that their value has been almost squeezed.

After all, one of them was infected with A. elegans, and the other three had completely frightened their courage. Even if they were forcibly left by their side, I am afraid it would have no effect.

The one-eyed temple is strange and unchanging, and no one knows what will happen in the one-eyed temple:

Sometimes bringing a burden can cause a total collapse.

Obviously for Li An who is proficient in calculations, the value of the four undergraduates of Xizhou University is not worth mentioning at all, and it is not much different from cannon fodder.

"Three, three times, three times, Mr. Li, are you saying that is true, as long as we find the one-eyed temple and successfully find what you want, we will be able to pay us three times as much, but it ’s true, not You're lying to us. "

Zhou Guoqiang's eyes lit up suddenly, with an excited look.

There is a way to seek wealth and wealth.

Since they were able to participate in the one-eyed temple mission this time, it was for a generous reward. Otherwise, this one-eyed temple would not have attracted a dozen waves of adventure treasure hunters to find the one-eyed temple.

"This is of course. As the saying goes, a gentleman can't chase a word, as long as I can get what I want, a triple pay is not too much for me."

Li An laughed lightly, a gleam of cold light flashed in her eyes.

Sure enough, there must be brave husbands under the heavy reward, and money can make ghosts grind.

"Wait, wait, Mr. Li's triple pay is indeed quite a lot, but we still need to think about it. After all, if it is to find other adventures and treasure hunts, there is no problem at all, although there will be danger to life, but also You will never encounter something very weird like A. elegans. This is just an A. elegans. We don't know that there will be other weird things in this one-eyed temple. Money is a good thing. But if you do n’t spend your life, you will lose more than you pay. We really need to consider these three times the remuneration. "

What is different from the excited Zhou Guoqiang is that Fan Gang suddenly said, preventing Zhou Guoqiang from continuing to speak, his face became a little tangled.

Zhou Guoqiang's eyes were all glaring up, joking, it was already worth them to go to the one-eyed temple three times the remuneration for double the remuneration. But that was a threefold increase. Is n’t that satisfactory? After opening his mouth, he was about to speak, but was pulled by Fu Yongan on the side. He looked up at Fu Yongan and blinked at him with deep eyes, Zhou Guoqiang instantly understood.

These three people are the top three adventure treasure hunters belonging to the Discovery Club, and they are usually together for a long time and naturally understand each other.

Zhou Guoqiang closed his mouth, raised his head, and stared at Fan Gang.

"Oh, do you mean you want to retreat?"

Li An's face became a bit ugly, and his fingers rubbed a few times on his trouser legs, showing that his mood was somewhat bad.

Fan Gang quickly shook his head and grinned.

"No, no, as the saying goes, it ’s a natural thing to use people ’s money for disaster relief. When we were looking for a one-eyed temple, we thought we would be in danger, but after all, we are a life, and we have to I do n’t think about my own life. If I know that there is danger, and I know that it is dead, I am afraid that this money will not be used to make it ... ”

"Ten times, if you are willing to continue, I am willing to pay ten times the price."

Li An directly interrupted Fan Gang's words, raised his head, and played a funny light in his eyes.

"I can pay 10 times as much. Not only that. In addition to what I want in this one-eyed temple, if there are other treasures, all of them belong to you. I do n’t take any money. How about such sincerity? Is it enough? "

"Enough. Enough. Of course. Enough. Of course we can. We are willing to go."

Zhou Guoqiang's eyes suddenly lighted up, and at this moment, where can he take care of Fan Gang and said quickly.

Ten times, from three times to ten times as much as the reward, suddenly the three of them were shocked, don't be unnecessary, and a greedy look appeared on their faces.

It can be seen that Li An has become an injustice in his eyes.

Looking at the greedy look of the three top adventurers of the Exploration Club, Li Anfei was very satisfied without any disgust.

In his opinion, as long as people are greedy for money, this is a good thing, because they can do everything with all their heart.

Thinking of turning around and looking at Manager Bai and Cheng Yiping, his eyes fell on Cheng Yiping and he said.

"Mr. Cheng, you are the same. As long as you can show us where the one-eyed temple is, I will also increase your reward by 10 times. You can take all the treasures in this one-eyed temple at will. I only need What I want is all you need "

The atmosphere, the atmosphere, is really very angry.

Cheng Yiping's eyes took a sigh of cold air. Instead of having any joy, he was even more nervous.

Being able to increase Li An's salary tenfold at a time is enough to show that Li An is indeed wealthy, but from the other hand, it is also sufficient to show that Li An is determined to obtain this one-eyed temple, regardless of any danger.

Thinking of Cheng Yiping, he looked up and said

"Thank you very much, Mr. Li."

Mr. Li laughed

"Money is just something out of the body, and it's enough to make more money. I wonder if Mr. Cheng can help us find the one-eyed temple?"

Cheng Yiping laughed and turned to look at the guide Jiang Ting with a bright smile.

"No problem, but then look at our guide Jiang Ting, do you think, your sister?"

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