Super Finding App

Chapter 1748: wetlands

"This is exactly the right thing, as long as this leveling can take us to where the one-eyed temple is. As for how he finds the one-eyed temple, this is his ability and has nothing to do with us at all."

Fan Gang shook his head with a smile and said

"Although we all know that this super finder app is very magical, but this faith point is really very difficult to obtain. Like Cheng Yiping, he has a lot of faith points, either he is a loyal believer or he has Other ways to get faith points, but then again, there are dragons and dragons, and rats and rats. Since he has this ability, it is perfectly reasonable to be able to mix and eat. Why do you mind so? "

"If it seems to me, this manager Bai has nothing to do with Cheng Yiping. They are not all the same."

"What Fan Gang said is exactly the same. It ’s a little bit different between men and women. It ’s okay if you just talk about the subject. It ’s okay to just look at it, but if you want to talk about marriage, That ’s completely different. Whether it ’s from the family or personal learning, even the three views must be matched, otherwise, even if it is a marriage, it is only a divorce. I say Fu Yongan, you do not need to So nervous, as long as you show your ability in front of Manager Bai this time, you can naturally attract the attention of Manager Bai, why should you be as deadly as Bailai to follow behind Manager Bai, as the saying goes OK, licking dogs, licking dogs, licking them at the end is nothing. "

Zhou Guoqiang laughed lightly, and seemed quite happy.

Talking and looking at Fu Yongan.

Fu Yongan's complexion became more and more low and ugly gritted, taking a deep breath

"Of course, what you said is clear, but I just saw it as unpleasant. To be honest, I have known this manager for a while and have never been so kind to me. This time I participated in this one-eyed temple. I just want to let Manager Bai know about my ability to be Fu Yongan, and at the same time get a lot of money through this one-eyed temple. As long as you have money, are you afraid that Manager Bai will not give up?

Fu Yongan gritted his teeth and said.

As he talked, he set his sights on the barren swamp.

Watching the jeep meandering and driving forward, the nose smelled the smell of the swamp, and you can even see the gurgling bubbles in the swamp not far away.

There was a hint of haze in Fu Yongan's face. Although he did not admit it, it is undeniable that if no one led the team, it would be really difficult for him to go to this wild place.

Although it will not be said to be life-threatening, it will definitely be much slower than it is now.

After all, danger is everywhere in this wild swamp.

"Mr. Li, this is the wild swamp land. It seems that this is just the case. All of us along the way have been shocked. It seems that we are too high on this wild swamp land. Here At best, it can be considered inaccessible and should not be considered dangerous. "

In the second jeep, Ang was leisurely sitting in the back of the car. The medical staff beside him carefully manipulated a glass bottle. This small glass bottle was filled with water. A long wire worm is wandering in the water.

He looked up carefully, looked up, and looked around and said.

"Calm down, we feel shocked now, it's just that someone is leading the team. If no one is leading you, do you believe it? Even if you know some medical knowledge, you will not live here for three days."

Li An shook her head slightly and smiled.

He became more satisfied with Cheng Yiping now.

Although I don't know what kind of magic is Cheng Yiping, whether it is the use of super finder app.

But it is undeniable that he can bring people to their destination safely.

The medical staff nodded, he had some hesitation under the white shirt, carefully held the glass bottle and put it in a special earthquake-resistant and drop-proof box.

"Mr. Li, I do n’t understand. This mutant clematis is really very dangerous. Why do you want me to take this mutant clematis back for research? Once this clematis is leaked out, it will definitely cause panic. of."

"It was just because the worm was so scary that it caused panic.

Li An laughed lightly, slowly raised her head, and said

"Of course for our dust, this A. elegans has no value, but if we give this A. elegans to the soldiers, then it will be completely different. In addition to the soldiers, the red soldiers Is the most powerful in making money "

"This is the case with the red powder some time ago, but if you really talk about making money, medical treatment is the most profitable. You don't think that if we have a way to control this mutant A. elegans, there is a way to make this A. elegans completely If you clear it out, isn't this A. elegans a perfect weapon? A perfect money-making prop? "

Li An said with a light smile, the smile became more and more brilliant, but the smile fell into the eyes of the medical staff was extremely cold, and even felt creepy.

Shocked all over, opened his mouth and said

"Mr. Li, do you want to ..."

Li An nodded his head slightly, and tapped his finger on his thigh, raised his head, exposed the cold eyes like a knife, and watched the medical staff word by word.

"You just have to do what you should do. The next thing you do n’t need to ask is irrelevant to you. One way is to use people's money to help people to deal with disasters. If you want to return home safely and meet you For your wife and child, you should know what to do. "

The paramedics were trembling with consternation. When was he aggrieved as a highly educated person?

But he knew that this man who seemed harmless to humans and animals could definitely do it.

He is a cruel man and nodded.

"Mr. Li, I know what to do. I don't ask if I shouldn't. I will only do what I should do."

Li An was so satisfied that she lay slightly on the back cushion of the jeep, closed her eyes and said

"You know what you have to do, you know your duty, then it ’s best. If you want to go back safely, then this time we enter the one-eyed temple. If we encounter some danger, if we are injured, we still have more. Need your help, as for the others, you don't need to ask more ... "

"Yes ... yes ... I understand ..."

The medical staff quickly nodded respectfully and nodded and raised their heads again, only to find that they were sweating and their backs were cold ... the hands holding the box with the worm were shaking and shaking.

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