Super Finding App

Chapter 1752: communicate with

"It's delicious, it's delicious, it's so delicious, it's so delicious, I never thought that instant noodles would be so delicious, I decided to wait until I return to the city, I must approve 10 8 boxes of instant noodles are so delicious at home. "

In the barren swampland, within the small tree caves, Jiang Wei and Jiang Yan were each holding a large bucket of instant noodles and eating at the sea.

While eating, Jiang Wei showed a happy look. For him, this instant noodle used to be junk food and never eaten, but now feels that this instant noodle is really delicious. If you lose it, you wo n’t cherish it. If you do n’t feel the lack of food, you wo n’t be able to understand how scarce and how precious the food is.

Even the instant noodles that are usually considered junk are now very delicious, and they are quite delicious.

"Okay, okay, eat slowly, eat slowly, Jiang. If I remember correctly, you used to be called an adventure foodie. Even when you are hungry, you are always very picky about food. , I have a high-handed craftsmanship, how has it become like this, the instant noodles are so fragrant, which is completely different from you before

"Three top adventurers Zhou Guoqiang of the Explore You Club laughed lightly, looking at the hair in front of him, and Jiang Wei, who had been hungry for a long time, laughed.

After all, Jiang Wei is known as a gourmet in the Discovery Club.

"Okay, okay, do n’t say it, do n’t say it, Zhou Guoqiang, if you continue to talk like this, I am afraid Jiang Wei will be complacent, and you do n’t want to think about it, Jiang Wei has had a long time now Without a good meal, even if Jiang Wei's cooking is too clever, if there is no ingredients, it will have no effect on him, will he? "

"There is a way to make a clever woman without rice"

Fan Gang laughed lightly, but gave Jiang Wei a round game.

"Sister, sister is enough? If there isn't enough, I'll have it here, if not enough, I'll have it here."

Jiang Ting carefully stayed beside her sister, holding a few buckets of instant noodles in her arms. After seeing her sister finished eating, if not enough, quickly took out a new instant noodle bucket and passed it.

"It seems our luck is good, at least we can meet two survivors."

Cheng Yiping and Manager Bai and Li An stood side by side, watching Jiang Wei and Jiang Yan, who were eating Hussein, showing bright smiles.

Li An nodded slightly.

"It's true. It's really amazing to be a super finder. If you don't lead the way, we wouldn't be able to find this Jiang Yan in this wild and swampy land. Since Jiang Yan cannot be found, naturally it won't. It may be possible to find Jiang Wei, and they will not find these two survivors. It seems that this super-hunting app is really quite magical, but this belief point is quite difficult to obtain. "

"Where and where, I just have better luck."

Cheng Yiping laughed lightly, and Pi Xiaorou said without a smile.

He is also quite frightened of Li An. After all, he found that Li An was not a simple generation through contact during this journey.

"Okay, okay, no matter how Cheng Yiping found this Jiang Yan, but at least for us, there are now two survivors, Jiang Wei and Jiang Yan. After the two of them have finished resting, we can They know where the one-eyed temple is, and they can also know what happened in the one-eyed temple. "

The charming white manager was pale at this moment, after all, he had not yet entered the one-eyed temple, and had witnessed the death of two people with his own eyes. This was definitely a creepy thing. Taking a deep breath, the teeth were slightly Snoring.

"But this one-eyed temple is really too dangerous. Someone has died before we found it. Wu Wei was swallowed up by our brain in front of us. This A. elegans is too scary."

"No need to worry, no need to worry about Manager Bai, the most terrifying thing in the world is unknown, but as long as you can know things and weaknesses, it is not considered to be horrible. This line is indeed very dangerous, but as long as you cannot enter Into the body, after all, it's just a bug "

Li An had quite a confidence, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a cold look.

Obviously for Li An, the little bug A. elegans simply couldn't let Li An back down, took a deep breath

"Let them rest well, and bring them over when they are full and drink, and I think we should be able to get important information from their mouths."

As soon as Li An turned around and returned to the jeep, it was clear to him that the jeep was the safest place.

Even the tree hole in front of this big tree is full of danger. After all, no one can guarantee that there will be no nematodes or other poisons in the tree hole. After watching Li An got on the jeep, the charming and charming Manager Bai took a long sigh of relief, turned his head to look at Cheng Yiping, and was slightly sorry.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Cheng got you involved in this incident. I didn't expect this one-eyed temple to be so dangerous. I haven't found the one-eyed temple. Now such a thing has happened. If I had known this, I would have You should n’t be asked to come over. "

Obviously, Manager Bai has regretted it now

"It's okay, okay. Manager Bai is honest. This one-eyed temple is quite strange, but even if you don't come to me, I will find this one-eyed temple. After all, this one-eyed temple has what I want to find. thing."

Cheng Yiping shook his head with a slight smile, and the manager Bai Bai looked hesitant, opened his mouth, and just needed to ask, Cheng Yiping clapped his hands.

"Let ’s go, Manager Bai. It looks like Jiang Wei and Jiang Yan have finished eating. Li An is completely correct in saying that we must get the correct position of the one-eyed temple from them and what happened in this one-eyed temple. What's wrong, I think Jiang Wei and Jiang Yan should be able to give us the answer. "

The sun in the sky still shines in this wild swamp. The sound of crackling bubbles in the surrounding swamps. The smell of the swamps around it makes everyone feel a little sick. But in this wild swamp, everyone They were not too surprised and disgusted by the smell, but gathered together, and their faces became a little dignified.

Jiang Wei and Jiang Yan, who were surrounded by the crowd, were extremely pale, but after drinking water and eating food, their complexions were slightly better.

Cheng Yiping raised his head. Watching Jiang Wei and Jiang Yan hesitated and said

"Two people, now that you have enough to eat and drink, then I will make a long story short and go straight. I hope you can tell me where the one-eyed temple is and what happened to you in the one-eyed temple?

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