Super Finding App

Chapter 1773: Three floors

On the third floor of the dim one-eyed temple, the road is not clear at all. Only white lights in the hands of people can illuminate the road ahead.

Everyone walked cautiously.

These three floors are more like a residential area, one room after another is towering, connected by well-developed roads in the middle.

Cheng Yiping walked cautiously and pushed open a door from time to time. He could see that there were some simple objects, a stone bed and some furniture. Of course, these furniture are already damaged in the long run.

However, it was previously conceivable that these furniture were quite gorgeous at that time, and most of the furniture that can be preserved to this day are made of stone.

It is definitely not a simple task to make furniture from stones.

But the ancients have done it, which shows that the wisdom of the ancients really can not be underestimated.

"Strange, it ’s really getting weird. Originally, this should be a one-eyed temple. In my impression, it should be a temple. It is now four floors underground, and it is also called an underground mausoleum. But now it seems like this It ’s not an underground mausoleum. There are rooms one after another. It looks like somewhere has been inhabited. "

Manager Bai pushed open a wooden door, and the door was pushed gently, turning into an ashes instantly.

Within a few years, the wooden door was already overwhelmed, and instantly turned into ashes under the influence of external forces.

Manager Bai walked in cautiously. It was full of history. Under the light of white light, he suddenly stepped back and his pupils shrank sharply.

There was a bone in this stone bed amidst the light.

It was a bone that was almost weathered.

"Frightened me. I didn't expect that there was a bone here. Is he also an adventure treasure hunter like the Explorer Club? How did he lie here?"

Zhou Guoqiang approached the stone bed carefully, squatted down, and looked at the bones lying on the bed in front of his eyes, which was creepy and slightly frowned.

"No, this is not the adventurer who explores the club. If so, he should have this clothes or other items on it. I just looked around. There are no modern items in the entire room, and according to the bones, Weathering, it seems that this should have been dead for hundreds of years, you can imagine that he belongs to this one-eyed temple, that is, the ancients hundreds of years ago. "

Fu Yongan carefully looked around the room, and once again fell his eyes on the weathered bones on the bed and said, there was light in his eyes.

"This bone is also quite valuable. It belongs to hundreds of years ago. If it can be saved and taken out, it can also sell a lot of money."

"No, don't you say that even the bones of dead people have been collected this year?"

Cheng Yiping was on the side, and his whole body was shocked. He felt a chill, and lowered his head, looking at the bones on the bed.

It can be imagined that if you are in your own home, it is estimated that you will have nightmares in the middle of the night.

Is this dead bones able to sell money?

"Oh, Cheng Yiping, you do n’t know, we do n’t understand the ideas of rich people, and some rich people like these old things, especially some ghosts and things, for these "Everything costs a lot."

"Of course, they are generally so-called collectors. For us ordinary people, these things are really creepy. After all, no one likes to put a corpse at home, does it?"

I don't know if it is because he wants to be leveled up in the future. Fu Yongan's attitude changed 360 degrees, and he became quite kind and explained.

"Okay, okay, don't look at these things here again, what I want is to go to the fourth floor, to go to the fourth floor of this one-eyed temple, to be level, where is the entrance? You won't take us in Hanging around here, I have looked around almost all ordinary rooms, and I haven't found a road at all. What are you delaying here? "

Li An has some impatience.

"Mr. Li An, the Super Hidden Object App can take us directly to find the item we are looking for, but we still do n’t know anything about this one-eyed temple. I think we can check the situation of this one-eyed temple while keeping it safe. Being able to gather more clues is a must, at least so that we can also have room to escape when we are in danger, not like headless flies. "

Now is not the time to turn your face.

Cheng Yiping carefully persuaded, inexplicable brilliance flashing in his eyes.

Compared to his explanation to Mr. Li An, the most important thing for Cheng Yiping is that he can slowly search to see if he can find the fragments of the beliefs of the super-hunting app.

He believes that this fragment will definitely be in this one-eyed temple!

Of course, Cheng Yiping would not tell Li An at all, Manager Bai and Zhou Guoqiang and Fu Yongan raised their heads and said

"The main thing is that you don't think this one-eyed temple is really very strange? Why did you build such a one-eyed temple hundreds of years ago? It should be a temple by name, but now it seems It ’s more like a mausoleum, but when we enter it, we find that this is not a mausoleum at all, because there is a residential area in it, and I do n’t think anyone likes to live in the grave. ”

"This one-eyed temple is too strange. What did people want to build this one-eyed temple hundreds of years ago?"

Cheng Yiping felt more and more wrong the more he thought about it, he could feel the weirdness of this one-eyed temple growing.

A temple is not like a temple, and a mausoleum is not like a mausoleum. What use is this Duyan temple?

"It's true. It's really weird. And if you look at this bone, it's clear that the people in this one-eyed temple died here. What is the reason why they would rather die here than here? The most important thing to go outside is that the second layer not only has A. nematodes, but also the existence of bloodthirsty vines. All this seems to be preventing others from entering. This is indeed a very unusual thing. "

"If it is a mausoleum, this is still extenuating, but if it is not a mausoleum, it is enough to show that this was done by the ancient one-eyed tribe of the ancients hundreds of years ago in order to close the one-eyed temple. Is there any important secret in this one-eyed temple? "

Zhou Guoqiang looked at Bai analysis on the white bed, and the author's inexplicable Guanghua flashed in his eyes. He became more and more curious.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to worry about whether there is any problem in the construction of this one-eyed temple. Cheng Yiping has only one thing I want to do, and that is to get what I want to get out of here. As for this one-eyed It doesn't matter if there is a treasure in the temple. If there is a treasure found, you will be divided equally. I only need what I want. "

Li An seemed to have some haste. Wearing protective clothing, he was holding a lamp and looking around the third floor, he always felt an ominous feeling.

"I see, I see, Mr. Li An, please don't worry, we will go now, we will go now."

Cheng Yiping nodded. He had already looked around in this room, and even took some items in his hands. He didn't find any fragments of the beliefs of the Super Find App ...

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