Super Finding App

Chapter 1841: acquaintance

Zhu Wanjun carefully walked in the jungle within the taboo mountains.

Looking up, I looked around. This taboo mountain seemed very dangerous to the villagers. It can be said that Zhu Wanjun never entered it.

But now in this taboo mountain, I find that this taboo mountain looks quite beautiful.

The spring water in the creek is very clear, and the surrounding jungle is quite dense, and it has a very fresh feeling.

Zhu Wanjun looked around carefully, he was looking for the way down the mountain.

After all, a child is really very dangerous in this jungle.

Suddenly, when he was at a loss, a sound of gurgle came in front of him, startled him, and looked up sharply, but he saw his head behind the tree in front of him, Watching him quietly.

When he saw Zhu Wanjun looking at her, he was frightened and said that the cow was over, and turned around and ran to the side.

"Are you calling me? Do you want me to follow?"

Zhu Wanjun has some hesitations. It is indeed a very strange thing to follow an inexplicable young girl in this wilderness, and this young girl appears to be a witch in the village. She will be very unlucky if she meets her, and she will be terribly cursed.

The thought of Zhu Wanjun here was a little scared, with a flustered look on his face wearing a peaked cap


Zhu Lijun's voice came again in the surrounding jungle, which scared Zhu Wanjun.

Now in this taboo mountain, his eyes are obscured, and he does not know the road at all. If he runs around, if he meets the wolf tiger and leopard again, he can't die anymore.

In contrast, although I don't know exactly what this witch is in front of her, at least she saved her life and did not want to harm herself. Anyway, she can still survive.

Zhu Wanjun thought that he was biting his teeth lightly, and he quickly followed them with a bite.

as expected

As expected by Zhu Wanjun, the girl in front of her seemed to be giving directions to Zhu Wanjun. When Zhu Wanjun couldn't see it, or walked too slowly, the girl stopped. Waiting for the arrival of Zhu Wanjun.

After a while, Zhu Wanjun followed, and she continued to move forward.

Zhu Wanjun did not know how long he had walked. When he reached the hillside, he suddenly felt a bright light in front of him, and his own town appeared in front of him.

He finally came out of this taboo mountain.

Looking back, the girl not far away had fallen behind him, looked at him daringly, and then turned and fell into the jungle.

"Come out, come out, I came out of the taboo mountains, I really came out of the taboo mountains, it was really a blessing and a great fate"

Zhu Wanjun yelled ecstatically. He, wearing a peaked cap, quickly saw several playmates not far below the taboo mountain peaks, and he quickly ran over:

After running out of the taboo mountain peaks, he stopped, turned his head, and looked at the taboo mountain peaks again.

"Zhu Wanjun, Zhu Wanjun, where have you been? We have been looking here for a long time and haven't found you. You won't really run into the taboo mountain?"

A few children were playing back and forth under the taboo mountain peaks. When they saw Zhu Wanjun, they immediately expressed their surprise and asked.

Some children still do not believe

"You won't really run into the taboo mountain, it is simply impossible, you must run to other places, and then trick us into the taboo mountain"

"That is, Zhu Wanjun, what kind of place did you hide in? We all searched here for a long time, and we didn't find you. Where did you hide?"

In the face of your companions, the voice of your conversation, Zhu Wanjun instantly felt a sense of pride, proudly looked up and said

"Of course I was among the taboo mountains. Not only that, I also saw the witch."

Zhu Wanjun patted his wet clothes while talking

"I saw it. The reason why I was so wet was because I met a jackal in a taboo mountain. I jumped off the cliff in a panic and ended up in the stream. I was rescued by the witch and I told You guys, I'm very brave, I will be your boss in the future. "

Zhu Wanjun proudly said

As a child, I still have my own pride.

Nothing is more important to a child than face.

"Impossible, impossible, this is simply impossible, you must be lying, I see that you must not know where to go, jumped into the river yourself, and then tricked us into the taboo mountains"

"That is, it is impossible. The family said that if they really met a witch, it would be very unlucky."

"How is this possible? It is simply impossible."

"Zhu Wanjun, Zhu Wanjun, lying is not a good thing. Zhu Wanjun is lying ashamed."

"That is, that is, we do not believe it, we do not believe that Zhu Wanjun entered the taboo mountain, which is simply impossible."

Zhu Wanjun's playmates, you said to me, no one believes that Zhu Wanjun will really enter the taboo mountain and meet the witch, this is simply impossible.

Zhu Wanjun said angrily

"What I said was true, what I said was true, I really entered the taboo mountain, and I really saw the witch"

Zhu Wanjin said angrily.

I managed to escape from the taboo mountain, but now my companion doesn't believe it anymore.

But no matter what Zhu Wanjun said, none of his companions believed it, and he chatted, and then hesitated.

Zhu Wanjun looked at the cowardly companion who was desperate, but there was no other way, he realized that no one believed the truth.

Raising his eyes, watching the children ran towards the village, Zhu Wanjun hesitated, turned, and looked at the forbidden mountain behind him as if something was beginning to break apart.

After entering the taboo mountain peaks, it will be unlucky, and it will have such bad luck to meet the witch, but is this really the case?

Is that witch really unlucky? Zhu Wanjun was puzzled, but from today she has become extremely curious about the taboo mountains and the witch.

Every three minutes, he would enter the taboo mountains to find the witch, and over time he became a good friend with the witch.

He found that the witch was not exactly what the people in the village said. It was very evil. When she met, she would be unlucky. On the contrary, the witch was a very naive little girl, even shy in her innocence.

It is totally different from the children in the village.

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